Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Elrod Hopes To Reach Independents And Moderates

Republican 7th District GOP hopeful Jon Elrod tells Star columnist Matt Tully he hopes to reach independents and moderates in his uphill battle to win the Democratic-leaning congressional district's special election on March 11. He plans to run a congressional district office which provides constituent services like no other. "You hear that type of talk from many candidates every election cycle," Tully writes. "But you have to take everything you hear from Elrod more seriously." "After all, he's built a reputation as a thoughtful, hard-working Republican who can win races in Democratic territories in Indianapolis."

"Congress has a 19 percent approval rating for a reason," Elrod said. "People are tired of the games. They're tired of the wedge issues. They're tired of the fighting." "I'm going to run my campaign on my issues," Elrod said. "I'm more than willing to tell you where I stand on other issues and why I stand for them. Not everyone is going to agree -- not everyone in my party and not everyone who is a Democrat -- but I think they can agree with my priorities. That's what it comes down to: priorities."

Elrod tells Tully that the GOP is energized by his candidacy. He'll visit with national GOP folks later this month about support for his campaign. Sen. Richard Lugar, who never lifted a finger to help out with Greg Ballard's mayoral campaign, will lend a hand to Elrod. He'll be participating in a fundraiser scheduled for next month.

Tully plans a story on Andre Carson next week. Anyone want to bet there won't be any tough questions about the support Carson's campaign has received from the Nation of Islam's Louis Farrakhan or just exactly what qualifies Carson to run for Congress other than the fact that his last name is "Carson" and he's the grandson of the late Julia Carson?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Jon Elrod is mighty peculiar in that he's the very last American not to have a stated opinion about George Bush's interminable wars. For somebody running for the U.S. Congress, you'd think he would let the voters know whether he's for it or against it.

    Actually, if he distances himself from the Republican President, he loses more of his fanatical GOP base. If he's a true warhawk Bushzoid (as on so many other issues) he loses more independents and moderates.

    So tell us, Elrod: what about that damn War in Iraq? Still ducking the important questions?

  3. Anonymous1:39 PM GMT-5

    Damn I hate to admit it, But Wilson has a point.

    But Elrod's support, dear W, will come not only from hard-line Republicans. In that district, as you well know, hardliner Rs are scarce.

    Mr. Elrod will win support, and perhaps an election, be peeling off some Ds. He already has this one. He loses me if he voices one centilla of support for this stupid war.

    He got my support because he's the most-experienced candidate. And his views on most issues mirror mine. Not all, but most.

  4. Anonymous1:44 PM GMT-5

    So, Christian Republican, you have appointed yourself the sole monitor of the correct votes and stances on issues, for all conservative/Republican Christians?

    How lofty of you. And how un-Christian.

    Pray tell how you justify that horrendously pithy and condescending remark? "No Christian Rpeublican would consider supporting him..."

    Reeeealllllly? Betcha I can find five who will, in a New York minute. Which shoots your statement all to heck.

    You're certainly entitled to your vote and your opinions. Until and unless "Christian Republicans" formally organize, and publish their treatises, please refrain from speaking for all of them.

    It makes it so much easier when you have to eat your words later.

    By the by, which candidate for president most closely resembles your narrowness? Surely you have an opinion on that.

    (This oughta be good)

  5. Anonymous2:17 PM GMT-5

    Would anyone of you please tell me what kind of experience Mr.Elrod has. Let me help you out here. You have a freshmen Senator who runs away from the issues. Secondly, you have ounce again another elected official abandoning his seat during a very serious crisis in our city. He has no experience in foreign policy, no community experience to deal with race relation. No history of any sponser legislations, L zero. These public official like Andre, David, Elrod do indeed have alot in common. When the ship is attact meaning our community, they put on their life preserver and yell out not me, I am not going down with the ship, meaning they will do anything to avoid addressing the issue.
    Hey! there Wilson are you still mad at me?

  6. Anonymous2:43 PM GMT-5

    Pinky, honey, it's time for your meds.

    And a fourth grade grammar text.

  7. Anonymous2:58 PM GMT-5

    2:43 Thank you for your compliment.

  8. Anonymous4:00 PM GMT-5

    Elrods quote:" Congress has a 19 percent approval rate...hmmm. Now what would you think the approval rating would be for the State. This past summer the citizens assembled in the streets and the state house demanding, that all incumbents should be voted out of office. None of the elected officials would not show their cowardly faces. And now they want the taxpayers to promote their sorry asses to congress. If you cannot adress the crisis on a state and local level, how then can you address any crisis on a National level? I'm voting for Barb Barker, will the real candidates come on down! You are the next clown to play the price is right.

  9. GOP candidate Jon Elrod is just another generic conservative Republican. Wingnut Freeper "Sir Hailstone" recently posted (approvingly?) the following 10 points (from a Jon Elrod Op-Ed).

    1. Fiscal Conservatism: balanced budgets; spending limited to inflation absent an emergency; funded social security, medicare, and medicaid; end pork barrel spending and earmarks.

    2. Strong Military and Defense: peace through superior firepower; fulfill our promises to our veterans.

    3. Market Based Economy: tariffs and subsidies hurt more businesses than they help.

    4. De-Regulation: less bureaucracy means more small business and entrepreneurship opportunities, which is the surest way to more jobs.

    5. Right-to-Bear Arms: gun control disarms only the law-abiding; vigilance is required to prevent encroachment.

    6. Tax Reform: the tax system must be simplified and more fair; too many tax breaks and loopholes result in corporate welfare; the fair tax and flat tax are possible solutions.

    7. Reduce Entitlements: from terrorism insurance to mortgage fund bail-outs, the government giveaways must stop; personal responsibility must be demanded from its citizens.

    8. Immigration Enforcement: the immigration laws on the books must be enforced; the borders must be secured.

    9. Strict Constructionist Judiciary: if the constitution is silent on an issue, such as abortion, states can regulate and prohibit; judges are not free to legislate from the bench.

    10. Federalism: the federal government should not intervene in state issues, which are those issues enumerated in the Constitution and cannot be addressed adequately by the states.

  10. Anonymous4:45 PM GMT-5

    Wilson said:
    "So tell us, Elrod: what about that damn War in Iraq? Still ducking the important questions?"

    So tell us, Mr. Carson, whether or not you repudiate the words of one of America's greatest anti-Semites or not. Still ducking the important questions?

    What's good for the goose.

    Based on Wilson's logic, if Andre Carson does not repudiate the minister, then he must agree with him. So, which is it? And why is it we hear from Wilson about Andre Carson on this, and not Andre Carson himself?



  11. Has "Angry Republican" ever seen Jon Elrod comment on any blog? Didn't think so!

    And the Republicans certainly seem to want to duck the very real question of Bush's interminable War in Iraq in which real Hoosiers are dying and Hoosier taxpayers are funding massively.

    Why is Jon Elrod ducking the very pertinent question about the War in Iraq? Why are his supporters trying to distract from that major issue?

  12. Anonymous4:56 PM GMT-5

    I notice that Wilson didn't reply to the question posed to him on the previopus post.
    Why not, Wilson? Afraid to let the truth come out?

  13. Anonymous4:59 PM GMT-5

    Wilson wrote:
    "And the Republicans certainly seem to want to duck the very real question of Bush's interminable War in Iraq..."

    Wouldn't it also be Hillary Clinton's war, since she voted for it?

    For the record, no, I've not seen Representative Elrod post on a blog. For that matter, I've never seen Andre Carson -or- Julia Carson post, either. They appear to have their ghost writer, Wilson, do it for them.

    I'm not a supporter of Jon Elrod or Andre Carson. I don't live in the 7th District, so in many ways, this is all academic to me. But Andre Carson must be worried if he has Wilson fighting his battles for him. I presume that's because his sainted grandmother is no longer around to do that for him.

    It is interesting, I think, to note the parallel here. Hillary Clinton can't make it without her husband going to bat for her; seems that Andre Carson can't do it, either. Without Wilson, what would he do?




  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Anonymous5:07 PM GMT-5

    Actually, Wilson, that's a pretty good read. I found it pretty informative, to be honest.

    But, really, why can't Andre just answer the question? And yes, Jon Elrod should answer the question about the war as well, that's only fair.

    My issue with you is that you don't want fairness - you want Elrod to answer, and don't think Andre needs to provide a clear and definitive answer. That makes you a hypocrite.


  16. Sorry, Wilson, but you're not going to post links to "anonymous nobodies" as you like to call them who like to attack people anonymously in Internet posts.

  17. Anonymous5:33 PM GMT-5

    I have a solution to this whole controversy, let the special election run it's course, and allow the two candidate battle it out amongst themselves in open forum, and televised debate.
    It is the fair thing to do, allow the citizens to choose who they would like to see serve the remainder of Julia term. Andre and Elrod are grown men who needs to debate it out. Regardless on how everyone feels about each candidate, remember the primary is amongst us.
    We'll see who will win the debate, both are political virgins when it comes to a debate.

  18. Both André Carson and his campaign treasurer, Erin Rosenberg, answered "The Farrakhan Question" on Ruth Holladay's blog definitively -- I have posted links to that repeatedly. But the GOP smear and noise machine will keep thundering FARRAKHAN until the last vote is counted and Jon Elrod goes back to his Daddy's Southside law office to write boilerplate wills and deeds...

  19. Wilson, you have an email with the question that was pose to you!
    you gonna reply?

  20. Anonymous6:12 PM GMT-5

    To Christian say you can't bring yourself to vote for Elrod. Am I to infer from that statement that you therefore intend to vote for Andre Carson? If so, then how can you possibly believe that voting for Andre will advance your agenda? Or do you simply plan to sit this one out and not vote at all? Don't you realize that not voting at all is in effect a vote for Andre? If you are truly a Republican then you will support the Republican candidate, if for no other reason than to try to keep the seat from falling to a Democrat. Let's face it, unless Andre Carson is stopped now we face the very real possibility that he could be entrenched in that seat for the next 40 years or more. Is that what you want? Perhaps Elrod is not your first choice, but when one must choose between the lesser of two evils then that is what one must do. If you were starving and your two menu choices were something you didn't like my guess is that most people would pick the item they disliked the least. Or would you just simply not eat?

  21. Anonymous7:06 PM GMT-5

    Wilson, Life-long Democrat here and big fan of David O. I and all my Democrat friends will be voting for Jon Elrod on March 11. Under-handedness and deception may have been enough to get Andre Carson over the top in the Democratic caucus but that is as far as it is going to get him. We will make sure he loses on March 11, and we will make sure he loses in the May primary.

  22. Uh - huh. Sure. "Lifelong Democrats"? OK.

    Any why should anybody believe the above posting? No name - just a covert Elrod endorsement. Coupled with lies against André Carson. Seems more like desperate Young Republican dirty-tricksters!

  23. Anonymous7:50 PM GMT-5

    And the backlash begins! Wilson remember this prophecy. What so ever is in the dark must come into the light. Our lord and Savior Jesus Christ made this analogy. His word is the truth.

  24. Anonymous8:00 PM GMT-5

    Wilson - just another anonymous nobody here but I live and vote in the 7th.

    So if I've got this correct from you then Andre is an anti-war, high tax and spend Democrat who is/was a Muslim but has never denied or repudiated Louis Farrakhan or the NOI.

    By the way Wilson, where is our CCC now that the Hovey Street Massacre of women and children has occurred. Is he on the street or in the media calling for a truce from this culturally diverse drug violence. Strangely, he is quiet on this issue along with his stance on the Pea Shake house drug connections.

    And the militant Muslim question cannot be answered by Erin or you about the NOI, Andre and the Louis Farrakhan Connection. Andre needs to talk and walk like a man if he expects voters in the 7th to support him in this or any election.

    We are all breathlessly awaiting that response along with where did the JC monies go?

  25. Wilson wrote, "Jon Elrod is mighty peculiar in that he's the very last American not to have a stated opinion about George Bush's interminable wars. For somebody running for the U.S. Congress, you'd think he would let the voters know whether he's for it or against it."

    That isn't a relevant point, at least not the way you phrased it Wilson.

    Are you asking if he has any opinion of the current strategy? That would be relevent since if elected Elrod would have a vote on the matter. Of course you get into the weird quandary of supporting the war versus supporting the troops. How do you support the troops: get them out or give them all the tools they need to get the job done? A true and accurate answer could be very nuanced and in today's soundbite world anything that isn't a yes or no tends to cause problems for voters, the media, and the candidates.

    If Wilson is asking was Elrod for the Iraq invasion, that doesn't matter. He had no control over that unlike Hilary, McCain, or Edwards to name a few political candidates. Besides any answer is too easily manipulated by after the fact armchair quarterbacking.

  26. André Carson explained well the Farrakhan situation well to Ruth Holladay -- I have repeatedly posted a link to her blog. If you haven't read it and understood it, it's because you do not want the truth to be known so you endlessly and mindlessly repeat "but what about Farrakhan?" André Carson spoke at several Dr. King events but nobody there thought your baiting question worth raising...

    The Julia Carson Committee is in the process of dissolution and the final finance reports will be posted soon on the FEC website.

    When will Eric Dickerson explain what he did with his leftover money? He is still ducking the repeated Federal Election Commission queries ... did he illegally pocket the political donations?

  27. Anonymous9:01 PM GMT-5

    So what is Jon Elrod position on Bush's Iraqi war? Is he ever going to tell us?

  28. Anonymous9:02 PM GMT-5

    Wilson who gives a rats tale, let it go and start prepairing your candidate for debates. I am pretty sure he was in a audience of his peers, namely African Americans. Can he hold his own in a debate? Dr. King was a man of God and follower of Jesus who stood on principle, Just like Malcom X neither one of these martyrs never had a problem on telling people who they follow. If your candidate wants to be great, he needs to learn how to tell the truth, and truly stand up for he believe in. Until he addresses the 7th we the United States will be infidels. The great Satan who he wants to pay his salary.

  29. Anonymous9:04 PM GMT-5

    Does anyone besides me think it is strange that we are only 47 days from the special election and Mayor Ballard has not designated any polling places? There are no contracts for the 440 precincts and this usually takes weeks and weeks to have them written, mailed, signed and returned and then the voters notified where their polling places are located....I hate to be a conspiracy person...but is he up to something.....

  30. Anonymous9:16 PM GMT-5

    Mayor Ballard has not designated any polling places?

    Huh? Since when is the mayor of Indianapolis responsible for organizing a special election in a federal congressional district? I assume that duty falls on our esteemed county clerk, who no doubt relishes yet another opportunity to demonstrate her ability, or perhaps inability, to put together the logistics and manpower to run an election. Considering who is involved and what is at stake it will certainly be interesting to see if the same kind of "gamesmanship" that was reported to have occurred in the Democrat caucus repeats itself in the special election. Can anybody out there verify if the county clerk has this responsibility, or does this duty land in somebody else's lap?

  31. Anonymous9:33 PM GMT-5

    I pray and hope to god that the political machine is not trying to rig another election in favor of Carson. If this were to happen, then Indianapolis is a lost cause. From the potential of being one of the best cities in the United States to being a city like those of Kenya. Democracy will be lost, and Inianapolis will be abandoned. We may have to have stage some boycotts.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. from the last Carson thread...Wilson did not reply.

    Sorry for the re-run Gary.

    Wilson46201 said...
    "BEFORE Julia Carson was Trustee, Center Township did indeed send some of their clients to Ms. Carson's store with vouchers for clothes at a pre-negotiated price. Sadly, her clothing store went under in the late 1980s."

    Wilson you hypocrite.
    Why is it OK for Julia Carson to have failed in business and go on to Congress?
    You rant and rave about other’s attempts within the business world when they try and fail and you call them unqualified.
    You just admitted that county trustee clients were sent to Carson's shop. An honest guy enters the business world, works hard without county handouts and fails and you cry foul and declare him unqualified.
    Carson enters the business world, fails while receiving a county handout and you sing her praises and you tout her qualifications. The businessman is a skilled indivugial with a degree and you chastise and call him unqualified. Carson only skills were political connections (she was a state rep while she had the store) she had a high school diploma and you sing praises about her qualification anywhere someone will listen.
    So please tell me, how can Carson fail and be declared a saint by you but when a well-known local businessman fails you do everything but call him Satan.
    Please if you can, make some since of this.

  35. Wilson, you've already been warned about posting that on here. Do it again and comment moderation comes on. You won't be posting another comment to the blog.

  36. Anonymous9:55 PM GMT-5


    I didn't see the link to Ruth's blog. Could you post it again? If he indeed answers the LF question (not "how did LF get involved with the funeral" but whether or not he repudiates that anti-Semite), I'll post a public apology here.


  37. From Amos Brown's "Telling It Like It Is" column this past week in the Indianapolis Recorder:

    "Many whites are suspicious of Andre’s religion. Andre and his wife are Muslim — regular Muslim, not Nation of Islam. But some white Democrats were nervous and skeptical of Minister Louis Farrakhan’s speaking at Julia Carson’s funeral. Elrod will make Andre’s religion an issue. Andre must address the religion issue and his patriotism and inclusiveness."

  38. When Unigov was adopted in the early 70's it gave the responsbility of selecting polling places to the mayor. The clerk runs the election but she can't do that until Ballard get around to signing 440 contracts for voting places...anon 9:16 read the law....

  39. I would emphasize Amos Brown's comment that "some white Democrats were nervous and skeptical of Minister Louis Farrakhan’s speaking at Julia Carson’s funeral." In other words, Brown is saying that blacks in the 7th District don't care if Farrakhan is a self-avowed racist, anti-Semite and anti-gay bigot. This doesn't surprise me since Amos Brown boasts a photo with him and Farrakhan on his website. Again, the hypocrisy is too much to take. If David Duke made a similar appearance at a white Republican's funeral and endorsed a candidate for public office, there would be protests in the streets from these same quarters.

  40. The link I posted was to a great letter in the Indianapolis Star. It was a signed letter, unlike the tripe you continually allow to be posted here anonymously...

  41. For the umpteenth time:

  42. The link you posted which I deleted was to an anonymous nobody's blog who was personally attacking me. The lying stops here, Wilson. You know who set up the anonymous blog and I'm not giving you the opportunity to promote the useless coward on this site.

  43. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  44. Comment moderation is now turned on, and you, Wilson, will no longer be posting comments on this blog. You were warned.

  45. Dang - is it too late to get a bag of popcorn and watch the fireworks !


  46. I've been away for a bit and just read the post and the entire conversation string in one setting. It's always been clear how silly most of what Wilson says is and how mind-numbingly programed he is, but until reading all of his posts in this conversation at once, it's never been so obvious how petty he is. Calling people names, disparaging, demeaning...I hope, Gary, that your ban is permanent. He just doesn't have anything meaningful to say and we all know the party line babble anyway. Good riddance.

  47. I didn't see Wilson answering the question where the money from Julia's warchest went either?

    Why are you so afraid to answer the question? What are you hiding, Wilson?

    Wilson is one of the reasons I will never vote for Andre. You surround yourself with like people, and deceiving, dumpster-diving individuals looking to suck for the taxpayers teet tell me EXACTLY what kind of elected official Andre would be.
