Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Rev. Baily: Carson Knew She Had Cancer A Year Ago

A WRTV report about all the well wishes pouring in for U.S. Rep. Julia Carson after she disclosed over the weekend she has terminal lung cancer contains a quote from Carson's minister, which is seemingly being ignored by all the media. WRTV attributes the following to the Rev. Jonathan Baily, Carson's personal minister:

The Rev. Jonathan Baily said he was with Carson when doctors told her she had cancer about a year ago. He said the doctor finally told her that she had just days to live recently. "She asked the doctor, 'How long have I got?'" Baily said. He said, 'It's not our thing to tell you how long, just make you comfortable.'"

According to Rev. Baily, Carson's doctors informed her that she had cancer about a year ago and that he was present when she learned this news. Now contrast what Baily told WRTV to the statement her congressional office released over the weekend:

In the late summer of 2007, Congress granted me a leave of absence because of my leg infection. My wonderful doctor cured the leg, and I went into rehabilitation, planning to be back in Washington shortly. Then the second shoe fell -- heavily. My doctor discovered lung cancer. It had gone into remission years before, but it was back with a terminal vengeance.

The statement claims she didn't learn about the lung cancer until after she had been treated successfully for her "leg infection" in September, not a year ago as claimed by Rev. Baily. Who is telling the truth? Rev. Baily or Carson's congressional office? You might recall a quote in the Star the other day from Ann DeLaney observing the noticeable decline people had observed in Carson's health over the past year. And during her interview with Amos Brown the day before the election earlier this month Carson attributed her coughing to a case of bronchitis. She also complained about having bronchitis at one point during her re-election campaign last year against Eric Dickerson.

This is just a continuation of the pattern of deception practiced by Carson's congressional staff and the close advisors who surround her, including former U.S. Rep. Andy Jacobs (D). Given the fact that the local news media is completely unwilling to ask the tough questions of them, I guess they figure they can get by telling as many lies as they want. The media is too busy bestowing sainthood on Rep. Carson to bother with any of the facts. The savvy Carson supporters know all the media attention on Carson will only enhance the candidacy of her grandson, Andre, to fill her seat. Carson's supporters are planning a prayer vigil outside her home Friday night led by Andy Jacobs. You have to hand it to Rep. Carson, even in dying she knows how to play the local media like a fiddle.


  1. Anonymous9:45 PM GMT-5

    She travelled to Holland two years ago to receive alternative treatment for her cancer. None of this is a surprise to Carson and her close advisors. This has been strategized for some time now to maximize the occasion of her passing to Andre's benefit. It appears the plan is working wonderfully.

  2. Anonymous9:51 PM GMT-5

    Of course you're right.

    And she sought treatment in a secret location during the 2006 primary. She flat-out disappeared for about 12 days, aided in the deceit by her staff.

    Tully and his boss, Mr. Mary Milz, and the rest of the lap-dog media in this town also saw her suffer a mental breakdown on TV last fall. And asked not one question about it.

    If journalistic laziness were a crime these folks would all be on death row.

    Without blogs, we'd be left to accept these politicians' lame staff excuses and news releases. We'v been doing it for a long time, since the old news hounds, like Ed Ziegner, left.

    Ed would've barbecued Julia's staff the last three months. Publicly. He'd have tested the veracity of the "leg infection" claims and sought out medical experts to explain the condition.

    But that would've required work. Tully and crew would rather whip out a column or a news report at the last minute, without breaking a sweat.

    Here's a reality check: the vice president suffered yet another heart incident today--proving that he really does have a heart, which is constantly in doubt. His entire condition, including treating doctors' Q&A in front of reporters, was televised.

    Now, a member of COngress isn't the same as a Vice President. For one, she is against the stupid war, and he's for its corporate largesse.

    But health-wise, they've both had challenges. Anything you don't know about the Veep?

    I'll get out of the way for the Wilson swipe now.

  3. Anonymous9:56 PM GMT-5

    When will the Julia bashing stop? NOw she is timing her death for the politically best time for her grandson. What next? I dont know when she knew she had cancer but it is her PRIVATE business and all of the name calling, conspiracy accusations and prying into her private health matters is unbecoming even for the people from the Indy Undercover Blog.

  4. Julia brought this on herself. She has lied for a long time about her health. She made the issue by putting politics first. If she wanted to be left alone she should not have run last year and just did the right thing. As it is, we now know that she lied to us. The biggest problem is that her koolaid drinking followers don't want to hear the truth. The truth is the democrats want power and she was the pawn to keep it. She loves the attention and that is why she kept up the lying. She has claimed for a long time to not be in failing health. Was that a lie? Let the woman ride off into the sunset and lets put her in the past and move on to the future. Sorry she is leaving this way but she brought it on herself. She will not be missed in politics.

  5. I disagree with 9:56. Sure, the details are private, but we are not talking about the person in the next cubical. You don't have a right to know details about the health of people you work.

    Julia Carson is not our coworker, she is our employee. Therein lies the distinction. The employer has a right to know why an employee does not show up for work and whether that employee's duties should be transferred to someone else so the employee can recuperate or enter hospice care until the end comes.

    We are talking about a person who is supposed to be representing us in Congress. We are talking about someone who stood up, said 'Elect me and I'll represent you', got elected, took an OATH to represent us and has since disappeared from sight for long periods of time more than once - with no explanation at all.

    Slice it anyway you want, but that's just wrong.

    Anon 9:51 is right on the mark. The 'old days' of the Star-News had people who'd dig out the answers, not accept the pap handed to them.

    That's why we have politicians who walk all over us these days. They can hide from or lie to the people about anything, anytime, anywhere and they have no concern about being called out for it. They have no accountability.

  6. "Here's a reality check: the vice president suffered yet another heart incident today--proving that he really does have a heart, which is constantly in doubt. His entire condition, including treating doctors' Q&A in front of reporters, was televised."

    When the President farts or even goes so far as to have a camera stuck up his bum they're putting a bulletin on the ticker on cable news. GHWB yaks up his dinner and it makes international news.

  7. Damn, I can see it already. This has all the makings of another Paul Wellstone funeral. Remember when the Democrats turned his funeral into a campaign rally to elect Walter Mondale, who they got released from some place of convalescence to run for Wellstone's seat two weeks before the election. Even Bill Clinton showed up. The funeral will take place in Conseco Fieldhouse and Joe "The Popper King" Miller will pick up the tab. I'm sure he can arrange another Clinton visit since the Clinton's have such close ties to people engaged in such underworld like activities.

  8. Anonymous5:54 AM GMT-5

    Even knowing that she is on her "death bed", Julia lied to the people.
    Maybe she had a leg infection, but she knew what the real problem is..

    Well put , sir hailstone.
    It shows that the MSM is a "jucking foke" in this country!

  9. Anonymous6:37 AM GMT-5

    Venom! Hate! Lies! What a wonderful city we have. A city that is filled with caring, concerned and compassionate people.

  10. Anonymous8:04 AM GMT-5

    9:56 it is not prying into private health matters that is going on, it is the public having a right to know if their elected public official can fulfill the responsibilities of the office to which she was elected....and the electorate has a right to know that much!

  11. Anonymous8:45 AM GMT-5

    Abdul is talking about it on his radio show this morning. Anyone want to take bets on how long it takes Carson's people to force Rev. Baily to go in front of reporters and say he misspoke?

  12. Anonymous8:54 AM GMT-5

    Yes, deceiving tax payers is never a good thing. It pissed me off when they did it for Reagan too.

  13. anon 8:54, Reagan was not diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease until five years after he left the White House. He did not die for another 10 years. Many people forget that Reagan suffered a very serious head injury one year after he left office when he was thrown from a horse while on a trip to Mexico. The head injury required brain surgery at the Mayo Clinic. His doctors believe that may have triggered the onset of the brain disease. If anyone still has any doubts, they should simply take a look at the daily diary entries Reagan wrote while in office. Clearly, he had his alert faculties about him throughout his presidency--clearly more so than the much younger Bill Clinton who simply couldn't control his sexual addiction.

  14. Gary - Didn't President Reagan also get criticized a lot for "taking afternoon naps" during the last couple of years of his 2nd term?

  15. Reagan took afternoon naps from the start of his presidency. He also rose and started work in the morning long before most people.

  16. Anonymous3:57 PM GMT-5

    Venom! Hate! Lies! What a wonderful city we have. A city that is filled with caring, concerned and compassionate people.

    Get rid of the democrats and all that will go away!

    AI and Sir..
    I still take afternoon napszzzzzz!

  17. Anonymous4:35 PM GMT-5

    It was a poorly-thought premise, that Reagan was losing his mind during his presdidency, Gary.

    He never lost his mind during his terms. He spent us into oblivion all the while claiming to be a conservative fiscal politician. And he fired the air traffic controllers in complete control of his faculties. And to our detriment, damn it.

    No one wishes illness, Alzheimer's or cancer, on anyone. The earlier point was, few politicians conceal this kind of information over this long a period of time.

    Deception is the right word, if Rev. Bailey's comments are to be believed. He is an honorable and trustworthy man of God, perhaps naive politically. He doesn't see the damage his quote has. Because he had no political motive--his only motive was the truth.

  18. Anonymous5:52 PM GMT-5

    I simply cannot understand why, in the last two years, she purposely deceived the people she represents in my district.

    This deception clearly speaks volumes about her innerself. As we get older, particularly close to death, you would think we would have figured out life basics like honor, integrity, and honesty as foundations for our lives...particularly if our lives are spent in service to others.

    I just don't get how that important life lesson escaped her.

  19. Anonymous6:58 PM GMT-5

    Maybe she wanted to keep the buzzards from circleing like they are now. God, you people are twisted.

  20. Anonymous7:26 PM GMT-5

    anon 8:54, Reagan was not diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease until five years after he left the White House. He did not die for another 10 years. Many people forget that Reagan suffered a very serious head injury one year after he left office when he was thrown from a horse while on a trip to Mexico. The head injury required brain surgery at the Mayo Clinic. His doctors believe that may have triggered the onset of the brain disease. If anyone still has any doubts, they should simply take a look at the daily diary entries Reagan wrote while in office. Clearly, he had his alert faculties about him throughout his presidency--clearly more so than the much younger Bill Clinton who simply couldn't control his sexual addiction.

    Reagan suffered a mild subdural hematoma that went asymptomatic for months. The injury did not require surgery at the Mayo Clinc; the surgeries (there were two separate clots) were performed at St. Mary's Hospital in LA.

    Reagan's Alzheimer's was more attributable to his genetics than to any head injury. His mother had been "senile" for several years until her death.

    You seem to forget Reagan not knowing such an easily-remembered item as the name of his Joint Chiefs chair under questioning about Iran Contra years before his Alzheimer's diagnosis.

    I'm not really sure why you mentioned Bill Clinton, but it's amusing that what you said about him is the same thing that many people say about gay men.

  21. The subdural hematoma was obviously a severe injury, Marc. It's the only type which requires surgery on the patient. Remembering people's names was not one of Reagan's greatest strengths. He also mistook his HUD Secretary for a mayor at one speaking event early in his administration. Reagan was a colon cancer survivor, in addition to the near-death experience he had early in his presidency when Hinkley tried to assassinate him. Many a younger men have not survived similar gunshot wounds. My aunt died from Alzheimer's. She was diagnosed at an earlier age than Reagan and lasted only about 3years. Your comment about gay men just demonstrates your bigotry.

  22. Anonymous8:17 PM GMT-5

    I think if you look at the glee published in several of the local blogs, the wingnut neocons are treating this like a superbowl victory....why wouldn't she want to avoid this as long as possible?

  23. Anonymous9:39 PM GMT-5

    Many people live much longer than your aunt did with Alzheimer's and have some symptoms but are still functioning long before they are ever diagnosed.

  24. Anonymous9:42 PM GMT-5

    Sympathy votes onece again for Julia. One of her best politcal tricks. Her supporters plan to drag this thing out as long as possible along with Jacobs and hood wink black voters once again.

    If we are going to discuss her poltical career, let's talk about all of it unedited.

    Oh, by the way Julia Carson ran for the nomination of Secretary of State at the 1982 Democrat State Convention and lost to New Albany Prosecutor Stephen Beardsley, fact.

    The truth is Julia Carson has sufferred with a brain tumor for years while in the Indiana Senate.
    The cancer has spread to her brain.

    The truth will finally come out in the end. Shame on Andy Jacobs for lying to the public as well. All the Democrats care about is controlling the congressional seat. If the truth be known they really don't care about Carson.

    The Party will have to search long and hard to find another black female as crooked as Carson who can steal votes for them on election day and not worry about going to jail. Jacobs has protected her during her entire politcal career. She obviously has the goods on him and twist his balls when she needs a favor.

    Carson has lied and cheated her way to the top in politics and now even on her death bed she continues to lie about her health.

    Andre Carson will not be the next representative in the district. Bet!

    The bottom line is, the voters in the 7th congressional district need a healthy and working person in the US Congress who can be present and voting. Everyone in the 7th district does not love Carson, nor do they believe she is a saint. If she really cared for her consituents she would resign to allow the seat to filled quickly and the new Rep would be ready to serve when Congress reconvenes after the first of the year in 2008.

  25. Anonymous2:54 PM GMT-5

    "Don't confuse me with the truth."(Julia)

  26. Anonymous2:57 PM GMT-5

    It is the same concept if someone from the 7th district had elected who was on house arrest.Then lied about it.

  27. "I think if you look at the glee published in several of the local blogs, the wingnut neocons are treating this like a superbowl victory....why wouldn't she want to avoid this as long as possible?"

    Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

    Double BDS points for combining "wingnut" and "neocon" into the same sentence.

    GLEE??? You won't see any of the local GOP bloggers dancing on Julia's grave. That's disgusting and frankly disrespectful of Ms. Carson as a person. Unlike the moonbats from DailyKos or Democratic Underground that as I type are having a big ol' party over the passing of former IL Congressman Harry Hyde.
