Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Library Board CEO Controversy

There may be a question about the validity of the Indianapolis-Marion Co. Library Board's vote last week to choose Laura Bramble over Councilor Jackie Nytes for the Library's CEO position. The Board voted 4-2 in favor of Bramble over Nytes. Before the Board took a vote, Marion County Assessor Greg Bowes, on behalf of the County Commissioners, requested that the Commissioners' appointee to the Board, Peter Pizarro, be replaced by Elsa Kramer. Bowes maintained that Pizarro's appointment expired on November 7, and that Kramer had been chosen by the Commissioners to take Pizarro's place on the Board. Board chairman Louis Mahern claimed Pizarro's term didn't expire until this past Tuesday, and an attempt to seat Kramer at the Board meeting died for a lack of a second on a motion made by Jesse Lynch. When the Board voted on the CEO position, Mahern, Pizarro, Greg Jordan and Gary Meyer voted for Bramble, while Mary Lou Rothe and Jesse Lynch voted for Nytes.

A source tells Advance Indiana that Pete Pizarro resigned his position as co-manager of FC Tucker's Carmel office earlier this year and moved to Ohio to accept a new job there. Upon further investigation, the source says Pizarro's term on the Board actually expired in August regardless of whether he maintained a residence in Indianapolis. Observers believe Kramer would have cast a vote for Nytes if she had been seated at the meeting, which would have resulted in a 3-3 tie vote. Some observers believe Mahern and other board members had to know about Pizarro moving to Ohio, or at least that his term on the Board had officially expired. The source says Mahern was determined to make sure Nytes didn't get the CEO position, and he knew that outcome would be uncertain if he allowed the Commissioners to replace Pizarro on the Board with Kramer.


  1. Gary,

    Can you provide any background as to why this would be the desired choice? Seems something fishy is going on, but why? Personal animus towards Jackie? Just curious as to what the end goal is here.


  2. I don't know, Erin. I assumed before the vote Mahern would support Nytes because of their Democratic Party ties.

  3. Kinda like Gary Welsh supports Jim Bopp because of their Republican Party ties?

  4. Anonymous1:54 PM GMT-5

    I hope people remember this Mahern power grab when Dane Mahern runs for the 97th house of rep seat. NO more Maherns especially ones who arent very smart.

  5. Anonymous8:07 PM GMT-5

    It was too obvious that Louis manuvered the takeover just so Mr. Peter Pizarro would support his vote for Laura Bramble. What it all boils down to is that Mr. Peter Pizarro should have not been seated especially if he has moved out of city, county and state. And especially since the new board member was sworn in and ready to begin her service. If the board was aware of his residency change I would say unseat those especially Mr. Louis Mahern, and nullify any votes Mr. Pizarro was involved with up to his term expiring or his lack of Marion County residency.

  6. Anonymous8:15 PM GMT-5

    Its obvious Mr. Mahern was aware of the possibility JN could get the position, that is why he made certain Mr. Pizarro showed up to the meeting; especially since he missed the last two or three. Ohio isn't that far!

  7. Mr. Mahern probably insisited Mr. Pizarro show up that evening to affect the outcome of the CEO vote, especially since Mr. Pizarro missed at least the last two meetings. Ohio isn't that far.

  8. Anonymous4:00 PM GMT-5

    1:54 is absolutely right. Enough Mahern already.

    I'm kidna glad, for Jackie's case, she didn't get this job. It's a mess over there.

    Not sure it can be fixed. But Mahern's action was incorrect. So what else is new? A Mahern tries a shortcut.

  9. Anonymous5:43 PM GMT-5

    " Advance Indiana said...

    I don't know, Erin. I assumed before the vote Mahern would support Nytes because of their Democratic Party ties."

    Louie thought (thinks) JN was supporting Scott Keller in his bid for District 16 seat (over LM offspring Brian Mahern) because of SK's support for various positions. He wanted to make sure she was "controlled" and without influence during the election.

    Sometimes personal gain is more important than political parties.

  10. Anonymous9:44 AM GMT-5

    Hogwash. Jackie Nytes was four square behind Brian Mahern. Ask anybody. Some Demos were betting against Brian, but Jackie wasn't one of them. You are right about her influence. Brian's huge margin of victory was due in part to her considerable sway in that district.
