Thursday, November 29, 2007

Even Mass Avenue Can Be Dangerous

If you're down on Massachusetts Avenue during the after hours, you may want to keep an eye over your shoulder. A patron of one of the many bars along the Avenue learned it the hard way last night. As he returned to his car parked in front of Agio's at about 11:30 p.m., he was approached by two black males, held up at gun point and then struck over the head with the butt of a gun after the assailants made off with his wallet. This is just another example of the escalating crime problem in our city. Even the places we think are safe can be dangerous.


  1. Anonymous7:27 PM GMT-5

    Who in their right mind would consider Mass Ave a "safe" area in the first place? Yes, it's no 34th and Illinois, but I wouldn't characterize it as "safe" by any stretch of the imagination.

  2. I've lived downtown for 17 years. I have considered Mass Avenue downtown quite safe for at least the past decade.

  3. Anonymous8:27 PM GMT-5

    I once believed I could lay down arms forever. That was a hope that I once held for the future.

    We have MANY, FINE LEOs in Indy but, they CANNOT be everywhere at once.

    Now, as a private citizen who has finally "Forgiven" himself for pulling in the reins too hard about ownership, my only advice is:

    1. Be alert.

    2. Be instructed.

    3. Be aware that it is better to be armed and not need it, than the other way around...

  4. Anonymous9:29 PM GMT-5

    I have lived downtown just off Mass Ave for 15 years and feel very safe...there is infrequent vandalism usually by drunken Hamilton County residents who have come downtown to raise hell.

  5. Anonymous9:49 PM GMT-5

    All of downtown is dangerous to me. If and when I go downtown I don't let my guard down for one moment.

  6. I've been a police officer downtown during the period you've lived there. I wouldn't consider Mass Ave "safe" at night at any point in the last decade. Then again, you seemed shocked when one of your neighbors had his GPS unit stolen out of his on-street parked car.

  7. Theft has been a persistent problem, but hold-ups at gun point have not been the norm in the area by a long shot.
