Friday, September 14, 2007

Is Tim Durham's Sex Life Newsworthy?

Wealthy businessman and big GOP contributor Tim Durham is the focus of Star political columnist Matt Tully's musings today. It seems Durham longs to live the life of Playboy founder Hugh Hefner. Tully writes:

. . . Durham hosted a more interesting "Fantasy Pajama and Lingerie Party" at his home featuring 2005 Penthouse Pet Martina Warren. The festivities are documented on Durham's R-rated MySpace page . . .

Although he gives most of his campaign cash to Republicans, Durham also has financially supported some Democrats, including Mayor Bart Peterson.

But these days, political insiders are talking about Durham's MySpace page, which highlights the pajama party. One photo shows two naked brunettes making out. Another shows three blondes groping. The site also includes photos of the 45-year-old Durham -- who is divorced -- with D-level celebrities and Playboy Playmates . . .

If the photos were on Durham's fireplace mantel, who would care? Since he put them on MySpace for the world to see, insiders are talking.

"I'm a private citizen," said Durham, who is a member of the governor's re-election Steering Committee. "I am who I am. If someone doesn't want money from me, they don't have to call and ask me for it."

Durham, who lives in Fortville, said he hired 10 off-duty police officers, mostly from Fishers, to make sure no laws were broken at the party.

"I had a party," he said, "and some of the attendees got a little out of control."
Then he posted photos of the action on MySpace. After I called, Durham limited access to his site to his friends.

To me it appears that Durham's close personal friendship with Marion Co. Prosecutor Carl Brizzi is the real reason Tully thinks this story is newsworthy. "For the record, no local politicians are seen in the party photos, Tully writes. "But the Web page does include multiple pictures of Durham and Brizzi at other events, including a Super Bowl party in Miami and another on Durham's yacht. Brizzi said the two are friends and that Durham has been a very good patron of the city."

I should point out that a short time after this year's Super Bowl, a local Democrat sent me a photo of Brizzi and Durham with some former Playboy model and Colts quarterback Peyton Manning, his brother Giants quarterback Eli Manning and their father, Archie Manning, which was taken down in the Bahamas. The photo was accompanied by numerous nude photos of the former Playboy model. If I'm not mistaken, the photo with the Mannings made into the Star's lifestyle pages but referred to the Playboy model as an assistant to Durham. I pondered posting something on it, but in the end chose not to do it. Unless someone can show me something illegal was going on, I still don't think this is newsworthy but maybe there's more to come out.

UPDATE: Taking Down Words has the R-rated version on Durham's MySpace account here.


  1. Kind of goes in the "no big deal" category for me. But, I really wish the GOP would stop playing morality police so that it's even clearer that this isn't really a story.

  2. Anonymous8:43 AM GMT-5

    Wow, that article mentioned absolutely nothing about Tim Durham's sex life! How utterly boring of you.

  3. If he's 45 and single (is that the name of a really bad reality show?) and can get these chicks to hang around with him at a party - more power to him. Of course having a few million in the bank does help.

    Brings up an old joke - guy asks a gal "would you have sex with me for one million dollars?" - gal says "ummm probably" - guy then asks "would you have sex with me for $100?" - gal says "HELL NO! What kind of woman do you think I am?" - guy replies "We already know what you are, its just a matter of negotiating your price."

  4. Anonymous8:53 AM GMT-5

    Tully needs to investigate and write what is wrong with city government instead of browsing Myspace.
    What a waste of newsprint, and he gets paid for this??
    His article is face up on the laundry room floor, so my daughter's new puppy can use it as he sees fit.

  5. Anonymous9:07 AM GMT-5

    I'm convinced that Tully is SEX OBSESSED and is a closeted something or other....probably sub and frustrated he gets no action.

    I'm 45 single AND a bit overweight and I have no trouble getting young guys to hang out and wait on me hand and foot without a million bucks in the bank.

    This is the stupidist story Tully has ever done and that's saying a lot because Tully's column's are more often lame than not.

    When will politics get out of our private homes?

  6. Anonymous9:50 AM GMT-5

    If you want to know who Tully's source for the Durham story was, head on over to Taking Down Words and it all fits together nicely.

  7. who really cares about sex lives of these people. Maybe we should try to go another way. Only the candidates with great and exciting sex lives would be worthy of election. Now that maight be a debate worth watching....

  8. This item is totally blog-worthy, gossip-worthy, and laugh and snicker-worthy, for someone who has made himself into a local political player and who has posted pics or videos on Myspace. Tim Durham has created an imagine and persona for himself, taking it to the naked chicks online level = asking for attention about it.

    Worthy of state's major paper's political column? Not really. This should have a been a Behind Closed Doors item at most.

  9. Actually, tom, you couldn't be further from the truth. I heard about Durham's MySpace page when Tully started making calls about it.

    This is a small town, you know.

    I just had the presence of mind to capture the screenshots.

  10. Oh, melyssa, melyssa, melyssa.... Politics won't get out of our private homes, to name one reason, until the Republican party chooses to stop riding the horse of gay-bashing. If there were enough people with influence and guts in the party to make a stand and withhold their money til they do, maybe they might. But most business interests only care about getting R's elected, and don't have the personal interest and/or balls to say otherwise.

    So, let's see. Durham's girl-on-girl exhibitionism... no problem, bring on the campaign contributions. Committed one man-one man relationship... road to hell, must be constitutionally banned. You can bet Brian Bosma woulda smiled if he coulda viewed this website in the privacy of his own office, he who thought the gay marriage amendment was the biggest legislative priority going, to the exlcusion of lesser issues like tax reform.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. BB,
    I could not agree more. I do wish the gay community should come down on the city with a hammer for the "bull dyke" derogatory remark made about me by IFD Chief Greeson. Afterall, I adamantly support the gay community even as far as purchasing membership in Indy Pride.

    When I made my 10 hour bike ride around Meridian Kessler to get the first tax rally at the Governor's mansion organized, I cited the homo-hatred agenda of the Republicans at every turn. You are so right, they thought that was more of a "family values" issue than keeping roofs over the heads of Indiana's families. What a sham.

    And as far as Eric Miller goes, I personally don't see how you can call yourself a Christian and further hatred of a whole group of people. Christ would never hate fact statistically one of the disciples was probably gay. (I'm going to get flack for that one, I'm sure).

    Miller is quite the opportunist and sprang right into action when he saw Meridian Kessler in a tax uproar.

    As far as politics, I don't care if you call yourself Republican, Democrat, or Libertarian as long as you act in unselfish service in the interest of all of Indiana's citizens and stay out of our private dwellings.

    Also, I thought it was pretty cool that the Republican Governor went to the Indy Pride parade.

    I think it was very uncool that the democratic mayor lied to the public about my home based business and made a big public deal over an alleged zoning violation.

  13. Anonymous1:49 PM GMT-5

    Is Durham the head of GIRFCO now?

  14. Anonymous3:02 PM GMT-5

    Wait for the video to come out on Girls Gone Wild.

  15. ummm ... Melyssa, just when did "the Republican Governor" (Your Man Mitch) ever come to a Gay Pride Parade? - Congresslady Julia Carson has consistently been the highest-ranking elected official to attend (and she' been doing it for years).

    Aside from Scott Keller, has any GOP elected official ever attended a Gay Pride? Don't think so!

  16. Anonymous3:39 PM GMT-5

    Wilson? Why aren't you in an uproar over the Fire Chief referring to me publicly as a "bull dyke"....that doesn't sound like a gay friendly remark coming from a member of Bart's administration.

    Answer to that, please since you are all about gay rights.

  17. Anonymous3:52 PM GMT-5

    Sorry...I meant Daniels publicly SUPPORTED the parade in spite of the fact that it angered other R's. I respect him for that and stepping up to do what is right.

    I wasn't there myself even although I would have like to have gone. That community sure knows how to party!

  18. Melyssa, dont try to hijack the LGBT movement into your current political obsessions. Of course, IF the Chief said it, it was wrong. Everybody would agree to that. So far all we have is the word of one peculiar man who apparently lives in a Post Office Box in Beech Grove. Odd.

  19. Melyssa, that community also knows how to dress well and to do interior decorating superbly. We are also fabulous cooks! Thanks for your compliment though! Party on, girl!

  20. Anonymous5:18 PM GMT-5

    I'd wait on you hand and foot, Melyssa. But I'm not the obedient type. You' get what you need, but I would, too!
    (Thats a nice dinner, a bubble bath, a back rub,.....

    Wilson, I've seen the way you are clothed. You should have stated most dress well.
    If you can cook and design, please come to my house and remodel my kitchn, it isn't very "user friendly" I'll pay you for your time.

  21. Anonymous5:42 PM GMT-5

    "also knows how to dress well and to do interior decorating superbly"

    You must not be a very good gay man then Wilson. You do not dress well, unless you call dressing like a vagrant as "dressing well". Then again you do worship the ground a baglady like Julia Carson walks upon.

    If you're so good at decorating why did you get called into Environmental court over your property being such a mess it was called a health hazard??

  22. Anonymous nobodies dumpster diving? Oh my! The hating goes on and on in here...

  23. Anonymous8:23 PM GMT-5

    Wilson know all about dumpster diving!!!

  24. Anonymous8:31 AM GMT-5

    Tim Durham scares the daylights out of me. He's creepy.
    Married into the SerVaas family and gets rich. My what a success little Timmy became and then came the divorce. There went his dream of being the "richest man in the world".
    Not only would I not let Durham close to my teenage daughter but I wouldn't so much as trust him to run a lemonade stand.
    Durham's a ticking bomb.

  25. That orange hair of Wilson's proves that not all gays know how to do hair.

  26. i was at the party, and it would be a letdown to go to the playboy mansion now...

  27. I had sex with Tim Durham - it sucked! So NO - Tim Durham's Sex Life is Not Newsworthy!

  28. Anonymous3:11 PM GMT-5

    I had sex with Tim Durham...and I'm a DUDE. He sucks! And that's not such a bad thing! ;)
