Sunday, August 26, 2007

Mayoral Candidates Enter Bishop Benjamin's House Of Worship

Tonight, both Mayor Bart Peterson (D) and Republican Greg Ballard spoke at a property tax forum at the Light of the World Church presided over by Bishop Thomas Garrot Benjamin. You may recall he was one of several local ministers demanding that Mayor Peterson provide money to churches for faith-based initiatives to combat the city's spiraling crime. Some supporters of both Peterson and Ballard may be asking what the two candidates feel about Benjamin's views on homosexuality. As Advance Indiana previously reported on one of his sermons entitled the "High Cost of Low Loving, Benjamin is quoted as saying:

The most dastardly thing about homosexuality is silly silly homosexuals going around trying to convince people that what they're doing is normal. That’s the sin; the abomination. Instead of saying I have a serious problem and I am struggling with it and I know that it is wrong . . . Homosexuality is a spirit of the underworld and you who collaborate with that spirit collaborate with the devil himself. But be careful on who you think is a homosexual and who is not. Everybody that is effeminate is not a homosexual, they just didn’t have the kind of parenting where a father said ‘son take that switch out yo' walk boy, son we don't walk like that, or bend like that either.’ The first time a father sees his son do his wrist like this he needs to take his hand and say Your wrist goes like this. Men don’t talk up here (high). It’s a choice, you can change, you can choose, you can choose. Every effeminate person is not gay and every weight lifter is not straight. He might be the biggest girl in the city.” Uproarious laughter breaks out in the congregation.
Now, if Greg Ballard alone had attended tonight's event, you can bet there would be plenty of Democrats complaining about his appearance at an event sponsored by Benjamin and interpreting it as an endorsement of Benjamin's homobigoted views. What do you want to bet you won't hear any of those same Democrats complaining about Peterson's appearance at Benjamin's church tonight?

UPDATE: The Star's Brendan O'Shaughnessy has a story on the forum today, but it sheds little light on the views of the two mayoral candidates. He writes of the two:

Mayor Bart Peterson echoed the themes of his recent budget and income tax speeches -- that local spending was only part of the reason taxes increased. He said the state legislature should be meeting to fix the tax problem right now, or at least to turn a proposed rebate program into a credit on November bills.

His opponent in November's election, Greg Ballard, also gave his stump speech about why he should replace Peterson and make government more accountable. Ballard also said some people were scared of losing their homes, while others were moving out.

"The current property tax system is beyond repair," he said. "It must go."

I understand the most important information from the two came during the Q&A. If anyone was in attendance and can share what the candidates said in response to specific questions, please share it.


  1. Rev. T. Garrott Benjamin is one of the outstanding Black Republicans of this city!

  2. So tell us, Wilson, why did Mayor Peterson attend tonight's meeting? Is Benjamin going to get any of that money the Mayor has set aside for faith-based initiatives courtesy of his $90 million, 65% increase in the income tax?

  3. Anonymous9:40 PM GMT-5

    Greg Ballard kicked Mayor Peterson's butt tonight.

    Standing ovation for Ballard moans and groans for Peterson.

    Another event will take place in a month at the same church. I'm sure Peterson will stack the room.

  4. Anonymous9:51 PM GMT-5

    "Is Benjamin going to get any of that money the Mayor has set aside for faith-based initiatives courtesy of his $90 million, 65% increase in the income tax?"

    When this subject came up Peterson stated that five million is to be set aside for education, he didn't elaborate much beyond that.

    When questioned Peterson stated that he sees no reason to raise taxes again if he is reelected. Then Peterson stated that taxes were only raised twice during the past eight years. The question referred to the eighteen tax increases is the last eight years.

    Again Peterson lied.

  5. Anonymous4:26 AM GMT-5

    Ugh...this "lie" crap is getting old.

    We get your point. You're wrong, but regardless, one tax inrease was too many.

    Look at it this way, Gary: it was a community forum. The mayor was issued an invitation. He didn't hide.

    Candidates can't always choose their forums.

    The Mayor indicated his support for our community by pushing for and signing the HRO. I know how he feels on the subject. Tom Benjamin is a goof on this issue. He has choir members who're one of us for cryin' out loud, and he knows it.

    Hypocracy, meet Tom. Tom, hypocracy.

    You oughta know each other real well.

    Unity in the Community, indeed.

  6. Anonymous9:08 AM GMT-5

    "Ugh", this lie crap is getting old, Then why don't you tell your boss to stop lying and and take responsibility for the mess he's created? If you want to call names which is a typical M.O. for this administration why dont you back it up with proof? Otherwise go snivel and whine on TDW, I'm sure they'd love to hear you.

  7. Anonymous9:30 AM GMT-5

    I want to know why that meeting ended more than 1/2 hour early with at least 15 taxpayers waiting to talk at the microphones.

    The meeting was clearly not comfortable for Mayor Peterson. The mayor never once accepted responsibility for his part in any of this. His finger pointing continued.

    The published press announcements for the meeting stated it ran from 5pm to 8pm.

    Why did the Bishop call the meeting short? Any theories?

  8. "Ugh...this "lie" crap is getting old."

    Your right.
    Any idea when Peterson will stop lying?

  9. the meeting was set to run from 5pm to 8 pm. It went long not short.

  10. The meeting ended between 7:15 or 7:20. I was there.

    It was supposed to go until 8pm.

  11. Well, for ehat it's worth:

    I'm not always on the Mayor's side, although he is from my party. I think there have bene multiple screw-ups.

    But I have seen no lies.

    And it is getting old to hear that, over and over.

    And no, I don't work for him. The thought of me on the pbulic payroll is hilarious. The inertia in government would drive me nutso.

    You don't agree with him, and that'a fine. In fact, it's great. Intellegent debate makes the city better.

    But "Bart Lies" is not intellegent. By any stretch.

    As for why it ended too early...well, if Tom Benjamin was in charge, it was likely for a buffet break.

  12. Anonymous3:36 PM GMT-5

    From someone that knows, Bart lies. You haven't seen lies because you need a new paradigm. Take off the rose colored sunglasses and take a look...the city is headed in a downward spiral. Bart lies = peterson plan one and lied.

  13. When this subject came up Peterson stated that five million is to be set aside for education, he didn't elaborate much beyond that.

    The ORIGINAL plan was the increase was ALL supposed to go to public safety!!!!
    Guess Bart lied again!!!

    You don't agree with him, and that'a fine. In fact, it's great. Intellegent debate makes the city better.

    But "Bart Lies" is not intellegent. By any stretch.

    As for why it ended too early...well, if Tom Benjamin was in charge, it was likely for a buffet break.

    e mail me and I'll send you the PROOF that Bart lied several times....

  14. that pesky Indiana constitution. something about church-state separation, and forbidding public monies from funding religious based projects. its in there somewhere.
    btw- donate to my F.B.I. and help the poor. namely, me!

  15. Anonymous7:03 PM GMT-5

    Benjamin is not "homobigoted". He preaches exactly what the Bible teaches on the subject (and I'll be willing to bet he preaches about other sins, too.) Just because someone disagrees with your lifestyle does not make them bigoted or afraid of you. Besides, that wasn't the topic of the forum or of this blog.
