Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Steele Resigns After Council Debacle

In a major blow to Mayor Bart Peterson (D), former Indianapolis city controller Jim Steele, who was brought on board to help the Peterson administration fix its fiscal mess, turned in his resignation after Monday night's meeting according to Abdul Hakim-Shabazz. "Steele says he was appalled when Council President Monroe Gray tried to force Councilmember Ike Randolph to vote. Randolph abstained because he felt he had a conflict of interest because he would be voting on his pay raise as a firefighter," Shabazz writes. "Steele also quit because Gray cut off debate without allowing amendments. Steele was controller for former Republican Mayor Steve Goldmsith. So much for bi-partisan solutions."

For those who had the opportunity to hear Steele's presentation to the Administration and Finance Committee, you quickly figured out he was the only adult in the room who had a clue what he was talking about. Without Steele on board helping craft his fiscal policy, Mayor Peterson is going to have a difficult time convincing opinion leaders his policies are headed in the right direction.


  1. What a shame.

    But he's not the only one who's got it figured out. There are others. Not Gray, Not Conley, not Vern brown or Sherron Franklin, but there are several in the administration who know the finances back-and-forward.

    None of the options is pretty.

  2. My congratulations and my condolences go out to Steel. I'd love to hear his assessment of the fiscal situation, along with some personal insight to the process that brought us to our current crisis.

    I will say that his resignation speaks louder than words with regards to fiscal policy, but I'd like to hear it straight from his mouth.

  3. Why did Randolf take the position if he knew he would be needed to vote on matters that were conflicting. No conflict in accepting the paycheck, just voting.....hmmmmm.

  4. Flip-flop Ike voted on issues affecting his city job for years and cashed those Council paychecks as well. As he is leaving office he suddenly "gets religion" and oh-so courageously refuses to vote citing conflicts and possible Class D felonies.


    Will Carl Brizzi put down the Martini-shaker and investigate possible criminal voting by Ike for years now? Doubtful!

  5. Wilson,
    Nice crack on Carl. Since you think he's too incompetant, maybe you wouldnt mind the Feds coming in and investigating Monroe for all of his unethical and illegal contracts that he had with the city. Remember his concrete company? Better yet how about the fact that he too has an interest in a bar. His wife is a partner at 300 East and its illegal for someone in law enforcement to have ownership in a alcohol related business. In Indiana marriage is 50/50. A CCC member is part of law enforcement, they do enact laws and Steve Talley even told a member of the press once that he was law enforcement when he was the CCC president. I'm sure since your all for law and order you wouldnt mind an investigation into Conley and his wife who sits on the zoning board. Remember they allowed their friends to build the bar without any permits?? Glad to see you got religion Wilson.

  6. I'm sure Wilson wouldn't mind the Feds coming in and busting the NEGRO ILLEGAL NUMBERS RACKET in this city before the election either.
    Just so you all know, every single one of the numbers houses (pea shakes)that have been raided are all back in operation with the exception oF the place on Roache and it moved.
    I wouldn't be too harsh on Brizzi Wilson, he's the one keeping the illegal numbers racket operators in business.
    I wonder who is the Policy Queen of the Indianapolis numbers racket Wilson?
    Maybe we'll all know before November.
    Maybe Mr. Steele might provide some insight now.

  7. Wilson, you're an idiot. Look at at what Kerry did during the last presidentail election. He agreed with both sides of every issue. Talk about flip-flop!
    Monroe Gray should WELCOME any investigation. He should encourage it! since he is "oh-so-f'ing-innocent", right Wilson? Gray would NEVER break the law!

  8. U.S. Attorney Susan Brooks is a "loyal Bushie" and is likely following the new Justice Dept policy of trying to use the Federal Government to criminalize local Democratic political activity. Give the lady time to return all the indictments around November 1st. Don't you have faith in your "Great Decider" George W Bush?

  9. Anonymous2:18 PM GMT-5

    Wilson....Please get a life and quit defending all of your friends in the Democrat Party....As a strong republican I oppose some things that they do and call them on it when it is within reason...why can't you call on your party when it is wrong. Can't we agree that some things both parties have done are good and some are bad across the board. If the Republicans did it I would call them on it. Think about it and see how you react

  10. Anonymous2:23 PM GMT-5

    Polispolitics is reporting that several people have asked to see the 2007 city budget and no one can produce it.

    We need to form a coalition of attorneys to help The People right away.

    If we work together, we can put every one of these crooks behind bars.

  11. Anonymous2:41 PM GMT-5

    If you think it's hard to get the city's 2007 budget then try to get the Capital Improvement Board's budget and spending numbers.

  12. The budget passed in 2006 for the year 2007 is easily found on the website. Enter "2006 indianapolis budget" in the search box and the first item in the list is the ultra-detailed city budget.

    The proposed budget for next year (2008) hasn't been finalized, proposed, presented or voted. It doesnt exist yet. Last year, Mayor Peterson released it on August 8th - it'll probably come out about the same time again. It's still being worked on - it's not due to be voted on until September...

  13. Capital Improvement Board budget? EASY!!!

    Just Google: "Capital Improvement Board Indianapolis budget" the 2nd item on the list is the approved budget for the year 2007.


  14. Anonymous2:51 PM GMT-5

    If Organized Crime is involved in the Marion County Democrat machine then the U.S. Attorney Susan Brooks can have it as far as I'm concerned. And illegal numbers racketeering IS Organized Crime.

    Has anyone ever wondered where Mays got his startup capital for his so-called "chemical business"?

    What kind of rake is Lacy getting off the airport operation.

    How can the Policy Queen Julia only claim a measly $17,000 in assets on her income statement?

    Why are all the shake house closed in Indianapolis on election day just like they were in Chicago when Sam Giancana was running the black numbers racket?

    This administration is rotten to the core.

  15. Anonymous3:46 PM GMT-5

    Wilson you never answered my question yet or responded? Why?

  16. Mark: on blogs where political discussion begins with BART LIES and goes downhill from there, why should I join those baying dogs? It's helpful to provide other points of view and to provide information to refute the anonymous nobodies who shrilly shriek their fabricated fables...

  17. Anonymous6:31 PM GMT-5

    Wilson must've slept with a Thesarus.

    Illiteration is not always desired, pal.

    It does sometimes detract from BS tho.

  18. Anonymous7:02 PM GMT-5

    "shrilly shriek"?

    One mark off for "stylishly lamentable" writing (it's in quotes because I borrowed it).

    "fabricated fables"?

    Your "real" name isn't Bulwer-Lytton by chance? Whew.

  19. Nah - I just enjoy using alliteration -- I leave the illiteration to pseudo-intellectuals that can't spell well ...

    I've never used a thesaurus - I consider it a form of cheating when writing.

  20. Anonymous7:52 PM GMT-5

    "where political discussion begins with BART LIES and goes downhill from there"

    No need to go beyond "BART LIES!", that says it all.

    "why should I join those baying dogs?"

    Yesterday it was "cat-calls", today its "baying dogs". Wilson's interest in bestiality is freighting. Is there a need to contact Animal Control?

  21. Anonymous5:52 AM GMT-5

    Does he know Michael Vick ?

  22. Anonymous5:54 AM GMT-5

    Wow. Somebody who can spell.

    I guess I'm just not as smart as you, because I will use dictionaries, a thesaurus and/or Google when I'm writing.

    It's only cheating if you blatantly plagiarize, IMO.

  23. Wilson? Have you been a pompous ass your whole life or just since you became a blind-eyed socialist?

  24. Some folk seem to be more concerned about me than about high property taxes. Don't get distracted so easily by my brilliant writing and cogent arguments, Melyssa.

    Save your rude invective for popularly elected officials! Your naiveness still has a certain charm...

  25. Anonymous2:11 PM GMT-5

    Wow. Modest too. LOL.

  26. Modesty is one of my best attributes...

    [ Please don't throw the Churchill/Atlee quip back at me! Sir Winston Churchill once described a political opponent, Clement Atlee, "as a modest man, with much to be modest about." ]

  27. Anonymous3:04 PM GMT-5

    Ah, you fell into my witty trap.

    How about "Modesty may make a fool seem a man of sense", Jonathan Swift?

    Oh, and I Googled it, too.

    Thanks! ;)
