Wednesday, February 21, 2007

McGoff Flunks First GLBT Test

Dr. John McGoff is being interviewed by Abdul Hakim-Shabazz as we speak on WXNT. Abdul threw a question out to McGoff about his position on SJR-7. He first said it was a state and not a federal issue, although we know the FMA has been an issue in Congress as well. McGoff then said he was born and raised a Catholic, and he believes marriages can only be between one man and one woman. He ended his comment right there, not adding anything like, "but I don't believe a person should be discriminated against because they're gay." I can't say I'm surprised. It seems Dr. McGoff's unenlightened views of gays and lesbians is what I recalled from several years ago when I first came to know him. In the case of a medical doctor, his intolerance bothers me even more because the American Medical Association has long since concluded that being gay is not a psychological disorder, but rather a natural phenomenon. As a medical professional, he should know better. So would McGoff support ENDA, the federal non-discrimination legislation, or oppose it just as Burton has all these years? The early signs aren't very promising.


  1. Anonymous9:36 AM GMT-5

    I heard the interview, too, Gary...if I weren't stopped in fog traffic I'd have driven off the road.

    Be patient. He's new at this level of politics. I heard much in his interview which gives me reason for hope.

    He needs some federal political polishing, but...if there's no primary fight that needs my vote on the D side, I'd cross over and vote for him in a heartbeat.

    Although it wouldn't be much fun to NOT have Danny to kick arond any more.

    Speaking of itnerviews, did you ehar on Abdul's show, minutes earlier, Woody Burton? Is there only a peabrain for all the Burton family to share?

  2. So is the race for Burton's seat going to come down to who has the best golf handicap? Kinda disappointing. It looks like the GOP is simply trying to find somebody less disreputable to vote the same gawdawful way as "Golfin' Dan". More war? More deficits? More peripheral wedge issues?

  3. It always bothers me whenever a politician throws his religion in your face as if that is relevant to public service. That's the first thing McGoff did.

  4. I commend the doctor for standing behind his beliefs, rather than swaying to the wishes or demands of political opposition.

    His Catholic faith teaches that marriage and it's fruit (family)- is between a man and a woman, leaving McGoff with only two choices - abandon his faith or side with supporting a very small segment of the population.

    So his choice is obvious. Would you rather have someone who tests the wind each time he makes a decision? Not me - I want someone with convictions. If you don't agree with them, then don't vote for him.

    At least he's honest enough to give an honest answer, rather than dodge and weave like most who manage to inneptly remain in Washington.

  5. So will McGoff come out strongly against the death penalty which the Holy Roman Catholic Church espouses? (Kudos to our Indianapolis Archbishop for excellent work in this area!) His Holiness the Pope was firmly opposed to the U.S. War on Iraq - can we assume oh-so devout Catholic McGoff will campaign on a peace-now platform? We all know Catholics are supposed to be against contraception - will Congressman McGoff introduce bills to outlaw condoms, birth-control pills and other such obstacles to God's own plan for procreation?

    Just askin' ...

  6. DAMN I hate it when Wilson's right, but on this one, he's 100% correct.

    Religion in politics is not an issue-by-issue situation. You're either all in or all out, or you're inconsistent. That's why many politicians choose to omit religion from their public debates. It's just simpler.

    McGoff brought up his religion. Consistency demands that the church to which he clung so fervently on the SJR7 issue (federal or state, makes no difference) is the same religion he must steadfastly support on other issues. Wilson hit this one out of the park.

    Before you start hyperventilating, relax. He isn't likely to hit another one out of the park soon.

  7. Anonymous3:50 PM GMT-5

    Religion in politics is not an issue-by-issue situation. You're either all in or all out

    I gotta disagree... Religion for most people is not an all-in or all-out proposition, so I don't see why we should hold our public officials to that standard. These are human beings - imperfect.

    And I'm an athiest... I just believe that calling someone a hypocrite (or similar) for not scoring 100% on some religious litmus test is unfair... Politicians aren't any more or any less special than you or I.

  8. Too bad that Burtons following is just as loyal as Carsons. No matter the past, no matter the voting record, no matter the mudslinging. Burton will win. His followers are too loyal to him. If he loses in the primary, he could easily win as an independent.

  9. Anonymous6:00 AM GMT-5

    Wow, as an independent?

    Please name me one instance in Indiana politics, especially recently, when disciplined Republican operatives, like those that occupy leadership positions in this district, cross party lines and vote for an independent?

    These folks thought Bush was too liberal.

    Just to refresh your memory, here are some of the political geniuses that reside in that district: Brainard, Noe, I need to go on? Political troglodytes who would rather eat their young than go asgainst their party. Their motto?

    "We know what's best for you. Annex it, own it, control it."

    If McGoff can get to enough of those operatives, he'll win. If he doesn't, he won't.

    Democrats may cross over in a primay to get rid of Burton, tho. If there are no substantive Dem races on the May 08 primary ballot, they may indeed cross over.

    But, on the other hand, having Burton around is predictable: stupid things come out of his mouth regularly, and if he lost we wouldn't have him to kick around any more.

  10. I don't live in the 5th District, but if he had to choose between Burton and McGoff, there is no question I would vote in a primary for McGoff over Burton simply because Burton has become extremely arrogant and out of touch with the voters of his district. But at the same time, I'm going to be very honest with folks on this blog about the candidates' positions so folks who live in his district can decide for themselves whether to support Burton or McGoff. Someone last night told me that McGoff had to position himself to make it through the primary in that district. If people expect me to understand that means it is necessary for him to bash gays along the way, then sorry, it won't get my blessings.
