Saturday, February 10, 2007

Marion County GOP Has A New Chairman, No Mayoral Candidate

The Marion County GOP chose attorney Tom John to replace Mike Murphy as its county chairman at a slating convention this morning. That's the good news. The bad news is the party is still without a candidate for mayor. The Star's Brendan O'Shaughnessy has the latest:

Marion County Republicans elected Thomas John as their new party chairman this morning in a slating convention that did not endorse a candidate for mayor.

The party has until the Feb. 23 filing deadline to decide on a mayoral
candidate to challenge incumbent Bart Peterson. Peterson's campaign manager, Mike O'Connor, said the inability to field a candidate at this point shows that the community thinks Peterson has done a good job as mayor.

John said the party has good candidates in the wings to challenge Peterson's record on crime and economic development, but they would rather wait for the right person than choose the wrong one today. He said former Marion County Coroner John McGoff is considering entering the race.

John, an attorney for John Lewis and Wilkins LLP, said the party can win
back positions it has recently lost in Marion County if it makes candidate recruitment and party organization top commitments.

The GOP lost a majority on the City-County Council and all the countywide elections except prosecutor in the last two elections after decades of dominance in Marion County.

This is really sad. Mayor Peterson so deserves a strong opponent as he seeks a third term. A strong, two-party system is critical to good government. Without it, the people have little say over who is elected. Instead, we're stuck with the best the party in power can offer from its backroom deals. In the case of the Democratic Party, that' s been a pretty pathetic lot as of late. The GOP might be kicking itself later this year for failing to produce a strong ticket if a rumored federal investigation into corrupt local pols breaks out into the open later this year.


  1. Was Tom John really Ike "The Snake" Randolph's campaign manager in 2003? That was the campaign where Ike promised LGBT voters the moon and the stars while campaigning but then flip-flopped and voted against us twice. So Tom John was the mastermind of that egregious pandering?

  2. Anonymous2:54 PM GMT-5

    Why do you care Wilson? You'll bad mouth anybody from the GOP regardless. Serioulsy, does today's decision on a new GOP chair affect your closed-minded, backwards logic? NO, it really doesn't.

  3. M.Reeves - let's focus on politics, not other commenters, OK? Dont sidetrack informed political discussions with personality and appearance frou-frou...

  4. Anonymous3:31 PM GMT-5

    YOU called Ike Randolph a "snake". How sidetracked is that from the real issues. What a hypocrite.

  5. Yup - I called Ike Randolph a snake for being a deceitful, pandering politician - he promised to be the LGBT voters best friend but he turned around and bit the community TWICE by voting against that simple Human Rights Ordinance. Is Tom John the mastermind behind Ike's answering that LGBT voters questionnaire so positively? If so, great! Too bad he couldnt get his candidate to live up to his campaign promises. A lying snake.

    I'd call any politician a hypocrite for promising one thing and then voting against it later! Besides, I'm just a commenter here observing the gyrations of the GOP. The Marion County Republicans are the issue, not Wilson46201, OK?

  6. Anonymous3:48 PM GMT-5

    Funny you should mention that, Wilson.

    In my opinion, it is precisely because Tom John is becoming chair that Randolph had to give up his ambitions in Indianapolis.

    Randolph betrayed not only us, but the campaign manager upon whose history and integrity we had relied when glbt Republicans met with Randolph, raised money for him, and communicated his positions to the community. That campaign manager was Tom John, who apologized deeply to those of us who ourselves vested reputation in Randolph.

    I have a high opinion of Tom John as his leadership relates to our community. In his case, he has led more than followed. In my opinion, Wilson, while you can attack Tom John for plenty of issues important to you as a Democrat, his support for progress for the glbt community has generally exceeded most Democrats in Indiana. Indeed, he is among those moderate Republicans who have been responsible for setting precedents that Democratic leadership has been content merely to follow.

  7. Anonymous3:50 PM GMT-5

    (You'll note, Wilson, that I am not contesting ALL over your statements in this thread, only those relating to Tom John!)

  8. Funny that Chris Douglas would pop up here. I just read his excellent posting at Bilerico and was going to post the link:

    Read it. It's good.

  9. Anonymous4:22 PM GMT-5

    This is the day to wish Mr. John well in his new job.

    There are ample days left to criticize his party or the candidates of his party.

    I'll take Mr. Douglas at his word on Mr. John's integrity, but I've known Ike Randolph for 16 years. He was a snake the first time I met him, and nothing changed. He was and is an opportunistic Mr. John could ever have worked for him, and not seen that, is a mystery.

    I'll forgive Mr. John his indiscretion when working with Ike. He may even be a good chairman for the GOP.

    But they're not gonna win much this fall, whoever is their chairman. That's for two reasons:

    1. Although I sometimes want to strangle him, Bart is doing a good job. Seventy-one percent agree with that, according to the latest polls. You can't beat that with no candidate, let alone a good candidate.

    2. The far-right whack jobs have taken over his party. Evidence the departure of good men like Dr. Borst. The wingnuts havbe worn them out.

    America, or our city, are not ready for the far left or far right to govern. They're shrill and loud, and you can't hear good dialogue over their volume.

    Governance today occurs in the vast middle, among good peoplpe of both parties.

    Here's hoping Mr. John is one of them. We'll be better for it if he is.

  10. So the GOP flamed out on the Mayor candidate - who did they slate for the 4 at-large Council seats? They'll be the countywide races of importance...

  11. Anonymous4:48 PM GMT-5

    Anon 4:22, I think I can shed light on how it was that John came to assist Randolph. He was asked to by people senior in the Party. Having successfully managed Rokita's campaign, it was thought that John could be of similar assistance to Randolph. He was. But he also learned a painful lesson, as did I. I'll repeat that lesson for all so that others will not have such a painful learning experience:

    Don't vest trust in someone you haven't gotten to know.

  12. Anonymous4:56 PM GMT-5

    Of the four at large candidates, there is at least one that has a future, no matter the outcome in the fall.

    I am aware of rumors of at least two individuals considering runs for Mayor in the primary. One has a well known history; the other is not well known, but is potentially credible.

    Recruiting high quality candidates will be a focus of the new leadership. It will be difficult for that influence to be felt with any strength this year.

  13. Chris: a confession: I helped and advised Sherron Franklin in running. She sounded gay-friendly and is personally. Once elected, she went her own wayward way...

  14. Anonymous5:18 PM GMT-5

    Thank you for that confession, Wilson. We do our best.

  15. Anonymous5:21 PM GMT-5

    One more thing, 422, the wingnuts do not appear to be in control even at the precinct level, and do appear demoralized, as well they should. The voters spoke loudly in November. It is as a result that we are seeing so many decide not to run again for the city county council. They have neither the influence of the majority nor the affection of the majority of their districts.

  16. Anonymous5:39 PM GMT-5

    Who has the future, Chris?

  17. Chris, you don't mention the names of the four candidates slated for the at-large CCC positions. Can you name them?

  18. Anonymous7:43 PM GMT-5

    Wilson is a dumpster diver, just ignore him. Better yet, why doesn't he get his own blog where he can spew his hate monging ideas.

    It is sad, but the truth is, until the Republicans get there act together they have nothing to offer. EVERYONE is sick of Peterson and all, but it is an uphill battle and until they put up, they will have to shut up. Speaking of shutting up....

  19. The far-right whack jobs have taken over his party. Evidence the departure of good men like Dr. Borst. The wingnuts havbe worn them out.

    Far right whack jobs?

    Marion County GOP hardly has a far right wing. It's moderates and "big tent" Republicans. Any far right winger would have moved out of Marion County long ago!

  20. So we can safely assume that hailstone does not live in Marion County - Martinsville is more congenial to his sort!

  21. Anonymous8:07 PM GMT-5

    Yes, with 4 at-large candidates Wilson doesn't have a moment to lose! So many dumpsters, so little time!

  22. Wilson, Bart is a snake as well. Let us please focus on the POSITIVE things that each candidate can do for this city.
    What am I thinking? Bart can't do anything positive for this city, only himslef and his political cronies on the CCC.

    We need to get the CCC back in Republican control.Bart is useless with his buddy Monroe!
    Am I to understand that Wilson and Chris are both gay? Or are they just very open minded and tolerant of things that other people do?

    Sorry to burst you bubble, Wilson. Sir HAilstone DOES live in Marion County!

  23. If the candidates dont have a nasty "paper trail", why should the GOP worry? With the Internet so many public records are easily available to any citizen at home. Some deranged deadbeats call it dumpster diving - others call it free speech and public disclosure.

    Also: sorry for the side-sniping at hailstone - his remarks were too bizarre not to comment upon.

    I'm not sure if Chris Douglas is gay but his boyfriend is. As am I.

  24. I guess Chris can't tell us the names of the 4 CCC at-large candidates. I'm sure I will be disappointed in the selections.

  25. Anonymous8:39 PM GMT-5

    Bob Croddy for Mayor!

  26. thanks for clearing that up, Wilson.
    Not ALL records are available on the internet.
    I had to request some, in writing, and I'm still waiting.
    City Atty. called and sent me a letter stating , I'd get them soon.
    I think they may be wondering what I have to contradict their records!

  27. Anonymous8:42 PM GMT-5

    Wilson Allen for Mayor!

  28. Anonymous9:02 PM GMT-5

    Who ever this Wilson character is appears to be a bigger snake if he dumpster dives. I wonder what is in his background to dig up.

  29. Lots to dig up in Wilsons past. Some of it is rumored, some fact.
    He used to work for Julia Carson, he thinks Bart is a great mayor.
    Admitted homosexual.

    BTW Wilson, I called JC's office, got the same response as in the past. The same response i got from Dan Burtons office when he was my rep. "You need to call....." When I called, I got, " You need to contact your congressional rep"
    Vicious cycle, isn't it. Thanks for trying to help, anyway.
    (I mean that with sincerity)
    I guess Washington has a bunch of do-nothings from both parties.

  30. Anonymous9:25 PM GMT-5

    Did the republicans in Lawrence select someone to run for Mayor?

  31. The old-fashioned phrase is "self-avowed homosexual" - for what it's worth, the proprietor of this Blog is kinda light in the loafers his own bad self...

    But let's not get sidetracked off into personality discussions of individual commenters - the mudslingers so enjoy the diversion ... defending the GOP locally is a very heavy load indeed to haul!

  32. Anonymous9:27 PM GMT-5

    I don't know much, but Wilson must never do anything but surf the web. Which is okay, I guess, but gee, get off the high horse once in a while. It wears a fellow down after a while. The oppostition isn't all that sinister. We mean well (from time to time).

  33. "Yup - I called Ike Randolph a snake for being a deceitful, pandering politician"

    The same can be said for your old girl Wilson. Carson fits this definition like a glove.

    However the real snake here is you. Wilson the snake, the kind that slitters on the ground. Kinda gives reptiles a bad name.

  34. That was the perfect example of an anonymous nobody spouting insults and vituperation with no verifiable facts. It was an avoidance of the real issues of the changes of the Marion County GOP and just was to namecall other commenters here. Such hatefilled comments demonstrate so well the pitiful state of some GOP activists and the disastrous effects on their party.

  35. Anonymous8:57 AM GMT-5

    It just kills some folks that our mayor enjoys a 70-71% popularity rating. As in, "good job."

    He saw wasteful government, and has tried to consolidate and reduce it.

    He saw the jail overcrowding problem, long ignored by the GOP in fear of a dred "tax increase." Plans are underway there, too.

    He saw the Combined Sewer Overflow problem, a billion-dollar EPA citation-in-the-making. Ignored by most GOPers, except the ones with a conscience like Beulah Coughenor, since at least 1979.

    He's sometimes off base. But anyone who thinks he's in-cahoots with the CCC just ins't paying attention. He has virtually no influence with the current president, or some of the other Democratic CCC members. They openly mock him.

    Snakes, alas, know no party boundary.

    Wilson, your Sherron Franklin admission is accepted. With regret. But you're a lousy judge of character. She's been known as a closed-minded homophobe by her close friends for over two decades. And lazy, to boot.

  36. He saw wasteful government, and has tried to consolidate and reduce it.

    He has? All I see is a shell game, and money spent with nil results.

    Under Goldsmith, Indygo was contracted out. Not anymore. Gotta protect the transit union.

    The jail overcrowding - was playing politics. A perfectly legitimate way short-term solve the problem was put forth. It was gutted by the Public Safety committee (headed by MMA). So right now Jail II (operated by CCA) is holding those inmates on a year to year lease. How about doing something about this? Wanting to spend $85 million for "public safety" but no additional new Metro PD officers?

    Something else too changing subject here ... if the glbt community is concerned about their views being known in government why don't some openly gay people put their name in the hat and run? Just asking.........

  37. Wondering how many LOE's put there names in that hat. Are any running for Mayor. One fireman is.

  38. Anonymous1:10 PM GMT-5

    (By the way, Gary W, the 4 at-large weren't so much selected as ratified. The seems to have had a hard time finding any. Virtually anybody could have stepped forward. That few did I think indicates what a brutal race it will be for at-large positions, given the mayor's race.

    Garyj, in answer to your question your are correct in your understanding that I am gay.)

  39. Chris, so why not mention their names. It is so odd that nobody is willing to say who these 4 at-large candidates are. It's not a state secret. These people's names will appear on a ballot. I'm only asking if you know what their names are, not your endorsement of them.

  40. Anonymous4:33 PM GMT-5

    Gary, I actually don't know their names. I didn't see them on any paper while I was there and didn't write them down. You're right; it's no state secret. I'll bet you manage to track them down before I do!

  41. Times have changed, Chris. I used to attend those conventions back in the 90s as a committeeman . At least 1,500 were on hand, and they made sure everyone knew who the 4-at-large candidates were. It was quite the big-to-do. The paper said only a few hundred showed up. That's bad.

  42. Anonymous4:52 PM GMT-5


    The 4 Republican candidates for At-large Council seats are:

    Mr. Edward Coleman
    Mr. Michael Hegg
    Mr. Michael Jezierski
    Mr. Kent Smith

    Feel free to email me at if you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them there or in an open manner on your blog, which I read from time to time and think is great. I was alerted to this particular thread, and felt the need to inform.

    I DO hope I won't disappoint you,(8:39PM comment), however as a matter of fact, I feel I share your views on many topics. Ask away! I'll answer any question you may have.

    Finally, Mr. Chris Douglas, a reason the GOP may have had a hard time fielding candidates for the At-large positions is that the information regarding declaring ones' candidacy was ommitted from the Indygov website dealing with the Clerks' Office. This is not an indictment of Ms. White or her staff, who have been very helpful and pleasant to work with..but it IS the truth, and was pointed out on this blog if I remember correctly.


    Michael Hegg

  43. Michael, Thank you very much for posting that information. Today's Star didn't mention any of the council candidates either so we've been completely in the dark. Feel free to share information about yourself and your candidacy here.

  44. Anonymous7:08 PM GMT-5

    You Bet,Gary! With all the tremendous work the local GOP staffers have, and the attention on the Chairman election and lack [thus far] of a Mayoral candidate, it's an honest ommission, but as it is soon to be a matter of pulic record, isn't a military secret, the At-Large seats.

    First off, I do have a website, the afore-mentioned A lot of my goals as a candidate are posted there. As some local bloggers have stated, for the most part, I and my fellow candidates ARE "non-entities". Myself, I don't take that as a pejorative attack, far from it. I have only held the title of 'voter' up until now. I think, though that when one is troubled by the way local government is handled, then one has two options: Gripe, get an ulcer, or post angry remarks...or roll up ones' sleeves and try and make a difference. I have chosen the latter, after really having been awakened by the various dealings downtown which I believe are detrimental to the city and county communities.

    Politically/historically, I am from a Democrat family. However, I have been registered as a Republican since 1984. I would call myself a Moderate Republican..I think that in this day and age, people from both major parties should have a lot of moderates in their ranks, so as to balance any extrememists..or as Ferris bueller stated, "I don't like -isms. -Isms are bad in my opinion." [grin]

    I was directed to Chris Douglas's blog Bilerico through this blog..and he had a very objective, well-worded commentary on yesterday's convention. I asked him what were important political goals/needs of the GLBT community. [Although I have several friends and co-workers of that community, I profess to an ignorance of those goals/needs, as up until now as a voter, I've kept my own opinions of sex, religion, and politics out of most conversations. That reticience also goes with my straight friends, by the way].

    In a few words, here it is: MY opinion on the needs of the goals/needs of the GLBT community is...[drum-roll] that they deserve the respect that any group deserves..which is to say, that the GLBT Com [carpal tunnel, my abbreviation from here on in if thats OK] are taxpayers like you and I.

    Any discussion of discrimination based upon sexual orientation is absurd, period. Although SJR-7 is being legislated on the State level, I am against it. I applauded the passage of the HRO from our City County Council and would have voted for it had I been a sitting member of the Council.

    As Chris Douglas pointed out in his response to me, another goal of the GLBT Com is to be treated with decency and respect.

    I don't think thats a whole lot to ask for, not only for a potential political representative, but for anybody .

    Bottom line: Although I am happily heterosexual [for the information of any homophobes who want to start a policy of personal destruction], the thing that as long as any member of the GLBT Com or any other group lives their lives as a good neighbor with me and my community, then that's it, period. I will not block their legal attempts to peacefully petition the government for redress of grievances, as is the right of ANY group/voter in Marion County.

    A bit wordy, but again, its a matter of looking at a situation or issue logically and objectively, which I do in my job daily, not from an emotional standpoint. Call me the Vulcan candidate, I guess.


    Michael Hegg
    (R) At-Large City COunty Council candidate

  45. Anonymous7:51 PM GMT-5

    Businessman Bob Parker will have the funds and support of rank and file Republicans for mayor. Rumor has it that Mayor Peterson will not seek reelection if Parker files for mayor.

    Mayor Peterson and his Department of Metropolitan Development used eminent domain to acquire land for less than the market value owned by Parker on the eastside of Center Township for an industrial park at 25th and Keystone.
    Parker battled them in Judge Hanley's courtroom over the purchase of his property. He is the only Republican candidate with name recognition and the means to run an effective campaign and win in November. A candidate for mayor in 1999 and 2003, Bob still has supporters throughout the Republican and Democrat Party asking him to run against Peterson.

    Rumor also has it that certain attorneys and business owners having contracts with the city of Indianapolis want Dr. McGoff, but he can't raise the money to have a viable campaign and the voters do not identify with him. McGoff will be a hard sell to voters for this job and can not win against Peterson in the fall.

  46. Anonymous7:54 PM GMT-5

    Goodness, Michael... welcome to the fray! (Sounds like you are a worthy candidate... ) Hope you'll take a moment to review the First Republicans website... and if you wish and feel yourself aligned, I offer you the ability to advance your ideas through the First Republicans blog.

  47. Anonymous8:08 PM GMT-5

    I appreciate your offer, Chris, and I will take you up on it. The campaign I plan to run will mostly be oriented towards a grass-roots effort, knocking on doors, passing out campaign cards, taking advantage of the many opportunities our GOP party has, and attempt to get my word out in areas of our city and county that may not have had balanced representation from candidates of the Republican party.

    But I do plan to also offer up my ideas in the webblog arena as well. Thank you again, also for your kind words.

  48. Michael, Thanks for sharing your views with us. It is certainly refreshing for folks in the party like Chris and I to hear that coming from one of our local GOP candidates. There are many progressives within the party like ourselves who have deliberately been shunned by the Murphy crowd. By all appearance, Tom John is going to take an entirely different approach than Murphy, which he must do if he has any hope of getting Republicans back in office in Marion County. The Democrats are giving independent voters and progressive Republicans who've had problems with the local party a reason to vote Republican this year. The message must be one of inclusion, and I'm glad to hear you share that message.

  49. Anonymous9:11 PM GMT-5

    You're welcome, Gary.

    I must tell you though, that as a new-comer to politics, I personally have never had any of those problems that you mentioned with Mr. Murphy as the former chair of the GOP.

    I guess its simply that "inclusion" is a good word, in that as a candidate for an At-Large seat, I would represent ALL of Marion County. I appreciate the need for all communities to be heard other words, at the risk of offending, I dont see myself as 'THE' GLBT candidate, but rather, their representative as well as any other group. Thank you for your kind words as well, Gary.


    Michael Hegg
    (R) At-Large City County Council candidate

  50. I'm glad to hear that at least one GOP at-large candidate is halfway decent on LGBT issues. A teensy step forward!

    Then there are the delusional partisans that imagine the mere filing by Parker would scare Bart out of the race. Lest it be forgotten, Parker was the political genius who put up Ron Franklin to run for Congress...

  51. Anonymous2:20 AM GMT-5

    The Democrat Party gave this city the corrupt office holders in the Ghetto Mafia Carson, Howard, Crawdord, Gray, Gibson, Drummer, Duncan and Mayor Peterson is afraid to buck them.

  52. Word on the street is that Michael Jerzierski is Sir Hailstone. Can you confirm Sir Hailstone?

  53. 7:51, what exactly was in your breakfast cereal? LSD? Have the minions at IndyU so warped your sense of reality, that you actually believe what you type?

    Bob Parker is going to scare Bart away from running? Hilarious!

    The Republican at-large candidate sounds interesting. But all four of them are going down in flames.

  54. Anonymous6:18 PM GMT-5

    The voters in Marion County will decide who burns this November.
