Friday, January 12, 2007

Randolph Takes Himself Out of Mayor's Race

Abdul Hakim Shabazz is reporting at Indiana Barrister that Indianapolis City-County Councilor Isaac "Ike" Randolph (R) has decided against running for Indianapolis mayor this year due to family and personal reasons. I told you I wasn't good at political predictions. You may recall I predicted Randolph would seek and win the Republican nomination for mayor, but he would lose to Mayor Peterson for lack of money and organizational support from the party. Abdul doesn't mention whether Randolph will seek re-election to his council seat. He won the Pike Township district by the narrowest of margins four years ago, and the district has been trending Democratic. We're just a few weeks away from the GOP's slating convention, and there's yet to be a serious GOP mayoral candidate emerge.


  1. Anonymous9:12 PM GMT-5

    AI- do you know when the MCRP deadline for filing for slating is? I would assume it would be before the 23rd so they could block people from filing directly for the Primary (thinking that the Party didn't have a candidate). Of course, you can rescind your filing, but, still. Just so I'm clear- as far as you know, no one has filed for slating as a mayoral candidate? I confess to not knowing exactly how the R's do their slating, but, assume it is like the D's. Filing for slating should be coming up fairly soon (they do have to print the ballots and get the machines ready for slating in advance).

  2. If the slating convention is on Feb. 10, it has to before then. The Marion County GOP website has no information on the process.

  3. Anonymous9:35 PM GMT-5

    Shades of the D statewides last time around? Starting to sound like it..

  4. Anonymous6:35 AM GMT-5

    The GOP will have a compotent and qualified candidate for Mayor.

  5. Anonymous6:40 AM GMT-5

    I, for one, will miss seeing Ike's egomaniacal personna knocked down a size or two.

    The Democrats have an outstanding candidate for his council seat. Who will likely win this fall.

  6. Anonymous6:51 AM GMT-5

    The Marion County GOP website has no information on the process.

    There's no updates to anything since December. No township meetings or anything. I hope there's not "smoky room" deals going on .. or worse the GOP pisses away the City in order to "concentrate efforts" on 2008 and getting Gov. Daniels re-elected and taking back the House.

  7. Anonymous9:49 AM GMT-5

    Any conservative/republican/right leaning person still living in Marion Co. should have their head checked. Marion Co. is become a welfare cesspool of layabouts and bums. These people will continue to vote for the party which advocates stealing more of my money and giving it to them.

    Outside of cops with take home cars, why any conservative person lives in the People's Republic of Marion Co. is beyond me.

  8. Never doubt that the perfectly positioned candidate to run against hizzoner is right there in the shadow next to us all along.

    Bart created a vacuum to be filled by a statesman of great worth. Have faith.

  9. MCRP is changing chairmans just like the Dems, right? I wonder if that is adding to the delay.

  10. I assume one of the full-time staffers is responsible for the website. I don't think the change in chairman should be any excuse for not updating the site.

  11. The white-flight from Indianapolis has been going on for many many years now. The looming specter of Dr. M. L. King caused some nervous-nellies to run to Martinville back in the 60s. Dick Lugar invoked the threat of Gary and Cleveland with their new Black mayors to justify his Quasi-Gov takeover. The fraidy-cats are still trembling in their sandals about Bart Peterson. What crybabies!

  12. e was me- forgot to hit enter. I meant in terms of having a mayoral candidate. Just wondering if the change in chairman isn't perhaps causing a power struggle amongst those who had the former chairman's ear and who the incoming might be trying to recruit. All just speculation, but, as MCRP will be (I assume) heavily involved with the Mayor's race, I'd think they'd want to be involved in the decision.

    As to the website, absolutely, that isn't an excuse.

  13. Wilson46201 said...
    "The white-flight from Indianapolis has been going on for many many years now. The looming specter of Dr. M. L. King caused some nervous-nellies to run to Martinville back in the 60s. Dick Lugar invoked the threat of Gary and Cleveland with their new Black mayors to justify his Quasi-Gov takeover. The fraidy-cats are still trembling in their sandals about Bart Peterson. What crybabies"

    Wilson, I just want him to do something about crime other than trying to make it a State issue.
    We are on track for 152 murders again this has to stop.

  14. Speaking of chairman switching, what if Mike Murphy stepped down to run?

  15. Speaking of chairman switching, what if Mike Murphy stepped down to run?

    Ehhhhh.... let me consult my political consultant *gazing into Magic 8-Ball*


  16. Wilson says 'What crybabies!

    This, after fretting so sincerely about the namecalling that takes place in blog comments...

    How dreadful!


  17. The Marion County Republican party is dead. Mike Murphy is the reason why.
