Thursday, November 02, 2006

Star Loses Further Credibility In 7th District Race

It would strain credibility to say the Star's coverage of the 7th District race to date has been either competent or informative, but to just confirm how really bad they are, the Star's editors decided to bury the story everyone in town is discussing about the 7th District race. That, of course, is the blatantly racist flyer the DCCC dropped in 7th District voters mailboxes yesterday to scare white voters away from voting for Republican Eric Dickerson, an African-American. For those of you just tuning in, the mailer, showing a grainy photo of Dickerson, asked voters: "What's worse? A candidate for Congress who beats his wife, bites his kid, gets arrested and goes to jail ... or a candidate who lies about it?"

Why would the Star decide this flyer just wasn't important enough to cover? Afterall, this issue first arose in its own editorial board meeting with Rep. Carson who blurted out to them: "He beat up his wife to a pulp." A volunteer for her campaign staff then produced a 15-year-old, unproven allegation of domestic abuse, even Dickerson's wife denies, and a charge which former Marion County Prosecutor Jeff Modisett (D) chose not to prosecute. And then the state party's communications director posted a copy of the unproven charge on the Internet, replete with Dickerson's and his wife's social security numbers and a grainy, black and white mug shot photo. The answer is very simple. Any discussion of the content of this ad and how and why it arrived in 7th District voters looks bad for Carson--real bad. And the Star has decided for us, that even though she should have never run for Congress again because of her declining health, and that she "rambles" and her answers to questions are "disjointed", it thinks it best they we be stuck with a person representing us for the next two years who simply is no longer physically up to the challenges of the job.

You see, if the Star had decided to do a real news story about, what is perhaps the most controversial political advertising issue in the 2006 election cycle in the entire nation, it would have had to point out the origins of this whole issue. It would have had to ask how Carson can express outrage and attempt to divorce herself from an issue she, and noone else, interjected into this campaign. And it would have had to look at this in light of circumstances where recent polls showing Carson in a statistical dead heat with Dickerson, and those same polls showing Carson running far behind Dickerson among white voters. To whom was the message of this ad directed? A grainy photo of a black man describing him going all wild and crazy and winding up in jail. No, the Star didn't want to tackle those issues. But four years ago, they were more than willing to give big play to Carson crying racism when local Republicans attacked her record using a grainy black and white photo of her. Once again, my friends, the Star resumes its role as Carson's enabler. Carson represents us in Congress because the Star selectively decides what voters should or should not hear about the real Carson record.

So just what are the Star's priorities today? It's all about a front-page story on the beautiful, multi-million dollar home Governor Daniels and his wife are building in Carmel. And TDW says today: "The house had been on hold -- TDW pulled the permits and plans earlier this year to make sure -- but it looks like Geist just wasn't cutting it. Kudos to Mary Beth Schneider for this get". Hmmm. This is information I really needed to know.

UPDATE: Bill Burton with the DCCC, who was responsible for the mailer, tells Amos Brown this afternoon that the DCCC consulted with people in the Democratic Party here in Indiana to guage "voter's sensibility" before launching this negative attack against Dickerson. Burton also hinted that another mailer may drop in Indianapolis mailboxes before election day. He completely skirted the question Brown asked him as to whether certain voters were targeted with this mailing. He indicated that the group of voters sent the mailer were "likely voters" and were based on zip codes. He would not answer the question directly as to whether the mailer was sent district-wide. That's very telling.


  1. Anonymous8:07 AM GMT-5

    Look at the bright side Mr. Welsh, it'll blow over quicker.

    If you saw the Ch. 13 bit last night at 11 PM, they had about 4 or 5 folks on camera and all of them said it did not set well with them, one said something to the effect of "I had my opinions of Julia before, this confirms it". All were white as I recall.

  2. Anonymous8:16 AM GMT-5

    Hey Gary - riddle me this - why would a church pastor be on a TV campaign advertisement for Julia Carson and the graphic reads with the pastor's name and "Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church"??

    So to me that is the church via its leader - endorsing a candidate.

    Also, under the campaign finance laws isn't the "tagline" set in stone as to its wording and verbiage? Julia says "I gladly approve this message".

  3. To Julia Carson,
    Racism will never die the death it deserves, until both Blacks and Whites let it.
    The American Children of all Color.

  4. Well Well, Wilson46201 is alive and well and hiding at TDW.

  5. I had the same reaction sir hailstone, but why should we be surprised. Eastern Star held a partisan GOTV effort for the Democrats earlier this week at which Carson spoke and approved of an out-of-town minister standing in the pulpit declaring in the name of Jesus Christ that President Bush was going to hell.

  6. By the way--would someone over at the Indiana Republican Party wake up. Do you actually do anything over there Robert Vane? Or do you just send photos of yourself over to Jen Wagner at Taking Down Words so people can talk about your good looks? Your response to these issues on behalf of the Republican Party this week have been nothing short of total incompetence.

  7. Anonymous9:24 AM GMT-5

    After the debacle of an endorsement by the Star for Julia I cancelled my subscription.

    My father-in-law worked for the Indy News part of the paper back in the 70's and 80's and I am sure he is rolling in his grave as we speak.

  8. This was sent to me,
    “Julia Carson is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America's Congressional Caucus. Two years ago their website had a page just listing who the Rats in this seditious caucus were. They have since buried the list. I think now they call themselves the Progressive or Democratic Progressive Caucus to be more stealthy. Nevertheless Carson is a bona fide Socialist and proud of it“.

  9. Anonymous9:49 AM GMT-5

    Progressive, Socialist ... same thing.

  10. · Radical caucus of more than 50 members of the House of Representatives
    · Until 1999, worked in open partnership with Democratic Socialists of America

    The Progressive Caucus is an organization of Members of Congress founded in 1991 by newly-elected Representative Bernie Sanders (Independent-Vermont), the former socialist mayor of Burlington and a member of the "" (DSA), which describes itself as "the principal U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International."

    The Progressive Caucus today includes Sanders and more than 60 other members of the House of Representatives, all of them leftist Democrats and almost all in districts heavily gerrymandered to guarantee the re-election of any Democratic Party incumbent, no matter how extreme.

    On November 11, 1999, the Progressive Caucus drafted its Position Paper on economic inequality. It reads, in part, as follows: "Economic inequality is the result of two and a half decades of government policies and rules governing the economy being tilted in favor of large asset owners at the expense of wage earners. Tax policy, trade policy, monetary policy, government regulations and other rules have reflected this pro-investor bias. We propose the introduction or reintroduction of a package of legislative initiatives that will close America's economic divide and address both income and wealth disparities. … The concentration of wealth is a problem because it distorts our democracy, destabilizes the economy and erodes our social and cultural fabric."

    In order "to bring new life to the progressive voice in U.S. politics," the Progressive Caucus has worked closely with Progressive Challenge, a project of the "". Progressive Challenge is a coalition through which the activities and talking points of leftist groups are synchronized and harmonized with one another, producing coordinated, mutually-reinforcing propaganda from some 200 seemingly-unconnected groups.

    The Progressive Caucus recently crafted its """" document, which advocates socialized medicine; radical environmentalism; the redistribution of wealth; the elimination of numerous provisions of the Patriot Act; dramatic reductions in the government's intelligence-gathering capabilities, debt relief for poor countries; and the quick withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. These measures, says the Progressive Caucus, would help "re-build U.S. alliances around the world, restore international respect for American power and influence, and reaffirm our nation's constructive engagement in the United Nations and other multilateral organizations."

    Until 1999 the Progressive Caucus worked in open partnership with Democratic Socialists of America. After the press reported on this link, the connections suddenly vanished from both organizations' websites.

    As of June 2006, Julia Carson is the 6th name listed as a member.

  11. "what is perhaps the most controversial political advertising issue in the 2006 election cycle in the entire nation"

    Gary, I know you are hot on this race. But, this type of hyperbole makes you look over the top. Have you forgotten the Michael J. Fox ad?

    Was this ad in bad taste? Yes. Is it the "most controversial" ad in the nation? No. It might not even be the most controversial in Indianapolis (see HD 86 mailers).

    Tone it down, restore some credibility to your blog. Your over-the-top nature on this race has turned off this moderate who truly enjoys your different viewpoint.

  12. It isn't the worst piece of ad nonsense in America this cycle, but it's in the Top Ten.

    I think Eric Dickerson's response, in a reasoned, calm voice, is wonderful. In my office this morning, people who have heard it, who never, ever discuss politics, are all saying ther same thing:

    "This guy sounds good."

    Sometimes, outrageous behavior or items, only beget more ridiculous behavior. This time, Julia's double standard for behavior is the issue.

    Thank God this will be her last ace, one way or another. I can't imagine the Democratic Party putting up with this drag on their ticket in 2008.

  13. 11:22 I don't think Julia Carson will live long enough for another term. She sounds like she has congestive heart failure with her constant "wet" gurgling coughs.

    Eric is healthy, gets out daily, talks to people for over an hour at a time, can outwalk most of his volunteers some of whom are half Eric's age. Eric Dickerson WILL get the job done. No doubt about it.

  14. FYI
    In the tv commercial, Rev. Jonathan Bailey is her pastor, Tabernacle Baptist church is her church.

  15. Anonymous1:23 PM GMT-5

    Where's Wilson? He is strangely quiet. He knows there is something else in the works. He always goes underground before something comes out. Maybe more DCCC mail?

  16. Anonymous1:31 PM GMT-5

    Lighten up on the Rev...he's entitled to endorse her...he's a nice man. I'm pretty sure most large denominations would forbid their pastors from doing this, at least while using their church as an identifying moniker.

    But he pastors a smaller denomination, I think...

    IndyErnie's 8:17 post oughta be a t-shirt.

  17. Anonymous1:47 PM GMT-5

    I was right! More mail in the mailbox!!! Where's Wilson???

    Dickerson Wins!

  18. Anonymous2:05 PM GMT-5

    May I ask what's in the mail now?

  19. Anonymous2:35 PM GMT-5

    Lighten up on the Rev...he's entitled to endorse her...he's a nice man.

    Nice man or not he's NOT entitled to endorse her as the leader of his church without violating the IRS tax code. If he was on TV as just himself, Julia support and constituent I would have no problem with it. But the ad stated "Pastor of Tabernacle Church" [Gary just to be fair I'm not in favor of Eric Miller's group having a 501(c)(3) status either. If he wants to partake in politics, let him form a PAC and pay taxes like the rest]

    I'm pretty sure most large denominations would forbid their pastors from doing this, at least while using their church as an identifying moniker.

    But he pastors a smaller denomination, I think...

    Smaller denomination or not - the IRS doesn't care if you have 100,000 people or 10 people in your church. If you're 501(c)(3) organization you cannot partake in political endorsements.

  20. Anonymous2:50 PM GMT-5

    More of the same. I have them saved as PDF's but they have the name and address on it, and unlike the Dems, I don't post people's information on the world wide web.

    Oh Wilson...come out come out wherever you are! He knew this was coming.


  21. Anonymous2:57 PM GMT-5

    anonymouse 1 - can you email that to sirhailstone [at] gmail [dot] com? I have the software I can edit and black out the address.

  22. Anonymous2:58 PM GMT-5

    pigugly - according to an update from Gary, the DCCC targeted specific zip codes with addresses of "likely voters".

  23. Anonymous3:11 PM GMT-5

    Sir Hailstone, they are on there way. I guess we better watch or Jen will tell us we can't do this.


  24. First of all, I received one of the mailers today and I do not live in a white, nor black neighborhood. I live in a nice diverse area... so saying it was directed toward white voters is a bit misguided and apparently misinformed.

    Secondly, what kills me is that no one seems to be concentrating on the FACTS, as usual. Did Mrs. Dickerson lie? Did she run in and put one some blue and purple makeup and whip out the ketchup to make herself look beaten? Did his teenage daughter lie when she called the police in hysterics thinking her father was going to kill her mother? Did she bite herself? Did the police file a false report? Did the Indianapolis Star and Associated Press lie? I'm thinking NO.

    Thirdly, read your statistics on domestic violence reports. Too many times the arrest is made and the victim is sweet-talked into not pressing charges with a promise that things will get better. "Oh, I'm sorry baby, it won't happen again. I love you". The next time you hear about it, it's a murder rather than just a domestic violence charge.

    We ought to be considering the facts in the issue rather than to be so quick to shoot the messenger. I, for one, and glad I know about this now. It makes my choice much easier.

  25. Anonymous5:37 PM GMT-5

    Karen W:

    Julia said that she wouldn't go negative. Told Eric TO HIS FACE and not only did she personally hand the Star a police report, she slandered the man when she did it.

    A few days before the mailers, and no doubt there are more on the way, she said to Eric that "We're not going to go negative are we?" while all along she knew what was going to hit the streets.

    Her little minion Wilson always keeps a low profile just before something is going to come out, and this is no different. It is clear, Julia and her entire camp knew this was going to happen.

    Karen W, have you ever spoke to Mr. Dickerson? Have you ever looked in his eye and listened to an answer to your question? He has been out and about the entire summer. Where has Julia been???

    She rarely came out, and when she did she made sure she was surrounded by a bunch of people who shelter her from the public, with the only one allowed to get close the select few and that crazy photographer, Wilson.

    She has personally attacked Eric, as late as the Crooked Creek Neighborhood Association.

    This isn't news from 15 years ago this is right here, right now.

    Am I surprised she did this? No. She is scared, she is desperate. Too bad she will see it all blow up in her face when she looses her seat on November 7.

    I simply don't understand how anyone can support such an individual like Julia.

    Dickerson has never gone negative, never will. Dickerson wins the race in honesty, integrity and on November 7.


  27. Anonymous5:56 PM GMT-5

    I also live in a diverse neighborhood and know my neighbors very well. I just chatted with three african-american female neighbors and one latino male neighbor and I (white woman) am the ONLY one on our block that got it. How did that happen by chance?

  28. Where has Julia been???

    She rarely came out, and when she did she made sure she was surrounded by a bunch of people who shelter her from the public, with the only one allowed to get close the select few and that crazy photographer, Wilson.

    I see her all the time, actually. Even in non-election years I see her out having lunch, I see her walking down the streets of Indianapolis. She always stops to speak and has always been pleasant. Most recently, I saw her walking in the Circle City Classic parade. She didn't appear sickly to me. She was out there walking along with the college kids, shaking hands and being visible.

    I've never met Mr. Dickerson. I've only seen him on TV ads for his Buick dealership and of course, more recently on TV in his role as Congressional candidate. I can only go by the detailed police reports, the information in the Star and the information from the Associated Press.

    I'm not going to rely on solely on a little flyer I received in the mail to make my decision. There's quite a bit more proof of the domestic violence accusations than that. I deal with facts. The facts tell me that Eric Dickerson is NOT the caliber of man I want representing me in Washington.

  29. Anonymous6:01 PM GMT-5

    Julia walking down the street?
    sorry, I had to get some tissue I was laughing so hard I was crying!!!

  30. I guess Karen doesn't care about innocent until proven guilty like all those city county councilors did when they rallied to support Ron Gibson after he was charged with assaulting a police officer.

  31. Anonymous6:14 PM GMT-5

    Thank you Karen w. My personal many experences with Congresswomen Carson have been the same. I expect this to continue after Tuesday. Eric can sell cars Reeeaalll good.

  32. Yep... Julia walking down the street. Walked the entire Circle City parade route. I watched the coverage on WISH TV.

    Sorry you missed it.

  33. Anonymous6:16 PM GMT-5

    Karen W.
    If that is your real name. Give me a break! I do know Julia for what she really is.
    "And she is as vicious as a king corbra. You always smears her opponents and if you know her you know this to.

    If you are so hot on domestic violence, why don't you ask Julia Carson about fighting her second husband in the middle of Park Avenue in front of her neighbors before he divorced her. She attacked him because he left her for a younger woman. Ask her.

    That is alot you don't know about her past if you really want to make a comparison. This is not mudslinging, it is fact!

    She is a liar and she has other people lying for her to.

  34. Anonymous6:21 PM GMT-5

    Karen W.

    Julia and Melina conspired together on the domestic violence issue after the Primary. Check it out. What you see now is not a coincidence.

    Melina atacking Carl Brizzi on the same issue. Playing to the women's vote. Thes are two sorry "bitches" together!

  35. "I guess Karen doesn't care about innocent until proven guilty like all those city county councilors did when they rallied to support Ron Gibson after he was charged with assaulting a police officer."

    Oh please! I'll use the O.J. Simpson trial as a prime example. Do you think he killed his wife? Was he convicted? No, he wasn't.

    Now who's being naive?

    Perhaps if Nicole Brown Simpson had filed a domestic violence complaint and seen it through to conviction she'd be alive today. Without the victim following through, domestic violence cases often fail to be prosecuted. History has shown us that. That doesn't mean it didn't happen, just that there was no follow-through on the part of the victim.

  36. That's my real name. Unlike some, I stand by what I say. I don't need a cute nickname or an anonymous nametag to hide behind.

  37. As for Julia attacking her man for leaving her for a younger woman... I have to giggle. I'd bet you'd find quite a few ladies in Indiana who would do the same.

  38. That's hardly a fair comparison, Karen. Everyone pretty much agrees that it was jury nullification at work; ignore the overwhelming evidence because of race card Cochran played throughout the trial. He was, as you know, found by a jury of his peers to be liable for Nicole's death, notwithstanding the criminal outcome.

  39. Anonymous6:31 PM GMT-5

    Karen W
    "The facts tell me that Eric Dickerson is NOT the caliber of man I want representing me in Washington."
    What part of innocent until proven guilty don't you understand?

    You must be one of the koolaid drinkers. You actually want someone of Julia's "caliber" representing you in Washington?

  40. Anonymous6:37 PM GMT-5

    Karen W, do you know domestic violence? Do you?

    I'm shaking right now because you have me so upset. I can tell you I have been beaten so bad I prayed I would die. I prayed it would stop, but if I died who would take care of my kids? Have you hid in a closet afraid of someone? Have you? Tell me. I can tell you I have. I have talked with other women who have been in my shoes, sat in the closet with me and I'll tell you now, Dickerson is getting my vote.

    I talked to him about my past and told him my concerns about what was said. I looked in his eyes and that man was honest.

    I am disgusted with Julia's antics. She should be ashamed of what she has done, she has done more damage to women like myself than help.

    I have to get off of this page now. My blood pressure is up and I don't want to hear anymore silliness of yours.

    I love my kids and they are strong people, we have talked about this race and all of them that live in this district will cast a vote for Eric.

  41. That's hardly a fair comparison, Karen. Everyone pretty much agrees that it was jury nullification at work; ignore the overwhelming evidence because of race card Cochran played throughout the trial.

    It is indeed a good comparison... specifically due to the fact that there were numerous domestic violence accusations and arrests prior to the murder that were not acted on. He wasn't convicted of the smaller domestic violence cases because Nicole chose to drop the charges.

    As for why Mr. Simpson was acquitted, I don't blame the "race card" put forth by Cochran. I blame shoddy police work, racially motivated manipulation of the evidence by the police involved, and a timeline presented by the prosecution that was humanly impossible. There was certainly enough doubt.

  42. Karen W, do you know domestic violence? Do you?

    I most certainly do, both personally and also through numerous volunteer efforts working with domestic violence victims. Some of these victims let the first few episodes pass rather than pursuing prosecution because they loved their husband/boyfriend and wanted to believe it would stop. Too often it wasn't until the violence escalated or was directed toward the children that the ladies gathered enough courage to get out of the situation.

    I am in no way condoning domestic violence, in fact quite the opposite. I think it is a terrible tragedy and wish no one ever had to suffer such horror.

    My point is simply that Dickerson was actually arrested for this crime. A detailed police report was taken. The Dickerson's daughter was the one who called the police. How can I ignore that?

    If you can, that's your business and you should vote how you feel. I have the right to do the same.

  43. Anonymous7:21 PM GMT-5

    I just got home and found two (2) of these very negative mailings in my mailbox. They made me so mad that I am going to go out and get some Eric Dickerson yard signs. I can't believe that those mailings are legal. It is definitely unethical.

  44. One Who Knows said...
    Did someone say Bi-sexual females?
    The rumor has it that Julia likes women too! Would you know anything about that Karen W.?

    I can certainly see that you have stopped being an adult and have reduced yourself to being an immature moron. You must not have anything of value to add so are making a weak attempt at humor.

    It wasn't funny. Grow up.

    And not to dignify your insensitive comment with an answer, but I am a mother of two and heterosexual. Not that it matters one way or the other. My views remain the same.

  45. Anonymous7:39 PM GMT-5

    Why is everyone except Julia talking in these commercials? Can she speak for herself for once. Or does she have speech problems. I think everyone knows the answer.

    Karen W., aka Wilson's new fake email address. Sure you are who you say. OK. Practicing your newest writing style will not hide you. You are not that clever. Go ahead and slip up and say one of your giveaway sayings. "pitiful, just pitiful".

    It's so hypocrytical that Julia raised all hell about McVey, Snyder and others, who sent out a
    grainy photo of Julia and swore up and down that because of those mailers, the whole Republican party were racist. I even fell for the hype in 02 and gave Julia the vote. Then she turns around when she thinks everyone forgot and does the exact same thing. AMAZING.

    That is a vote I now sincerely regret. What a hypocrit. You are doing the same thing that you said the evil, racist republicans did to you. What a disaster your campaign has become.

    By the way Karen Wilson. You said,

    "Oh, I'm sorry baby, it won't happen again. I love you". The next time you hear about it, it's a murder rather than just a domestic violence charge."

    Well it has been 15 years now. No other arrests, no murders, nothing. Mrs. Dickerson wrote a heartfelt letter to the Democratic prosecutor at the time. She has maintained the same stance for 15 years. And your Democrat prosecutor dropped the charges.

    Since you do so much research to make your decisions for congress people then why not contact Dickerson yourself. He gave out his cell number on WXNT. That is pretty accessable. Go to his website and do a little more research.

    Or will your voice hurt too much trying to sound like a girl?

    Get real Wilson.

  46. Anonymous7:44 PM GMT-5

    Elect Eric Dickerson!!!

  47. Wilson go back to sleep and take Karen W with you. Old Girl was side lined by Dickerson on Brown's show today. Was kinda funny.

  48. Karen W., aka Wilson's new fake email address. Sure you are who you say.

    If you'd take 5 minutes to close your mouth and click on my name to read the information in my blog, you would see that I'm no Wilson. That explains the silliness in your recent posts.

    Everyone is not Wilson just because they might share some of his views. I'm a single mother of two and have my own views.

    By the way, the W. doesn't stand for Wilson. Sorry to disappoint you.

  49. Anonymous9:34 PM GMT-5

    Julia Carson is not Congressional material, never was, never will be. She was Andy Jacobs whore and he promoted her through the ranks and continued to maintain control over all the offices she has held.

    In return, they agreed to allow her to control the Center Township offices, therefore the constable, trustee and small claims offices have always been under her control and they've used these office to steal from the poor, build and maintain a real estate/rental property business and illegally evict tenants.

    The gig is up though!!!!

  50. Anonymous9:37 PM GMT-5

    Is that the only point you felt you needed to respond to? The emotional one. Why not the substantive ones? You know the other 6 that were posed. Why pick the easy one? Or is that the one that is most and only important in your mind? Is your ego that big?

    So what if your'e Wilson or not. It doesn't really matter. What DOES matter is who represents the 7th district.

    Would you mind responding to the other points?

    Not only that but, do we want someone representing us who will bring back positive results from Washington, or someone who has been ineffective, as of late?

    Karen, do you care if your representative introduces bills for the betterment of our district, or is that not of concern? Why could Lugar, and Jacobs spronsor the same amount of bills in one year as Julia did in 10?

    Does that bother you? Or, is your decision for who will represent you in Washington D.C. as our congressperson based soley on a 15 year old incident that his whole family denies and wants put behind them?

    He was not convicted and it was 15 years ago.

    Why do you insist to base your decision on this sole issue?

    Please let me know what else Julia has accomplished lately. Not in the 90's. In 2006. It's almost 2007. I can write pages of things that I have accomplished at my job since last January and I am not in a remotely close position of power. How much can you write about Julia? What has she done in 06 in Washington for the 7th district?

    I can tell you many things that Eric Dickerson has done.

    Can you please respond to that?

    This election will not be taken as lightly by the voters of the 7th as it has with mud slinging supporters. We will not be distracted by the mud. We will clean ourselves off and march forward. We will reclaim our district this time. The voters see through the deception.

  51. Read your own post dear. You presented no fact, you simply attacked me as if I were someone else... called it my campaign. Said I was against the racist republican's, which simply isn't true. Actually, I'm an independent voter, if you should want to know. I vote for the person, not for the party.

    Julia Carson has done much for this district. To say her hands were more tied under the latest Republican administration is an understatement. She was against the war in Iraq... a definite plus in my book.

    You seem to have clouded the issue at hand. The issue was the effect of the flyer sent out by the DCCC and whether or not Congresswoman Carson had anything to do with it. I stated my opinion, and that remains the same. Regardless of Julia's accomplishments this past year I would not vote for Mr. Dickerson. America is a beautiful place, you vote for who you believe in.

    Mr. Dickerson is a car salesman who was arrested for domestic violence 15 years ago. That speaks volumes to me.

    Julia Carson has done a lot for her district, starting with being in state government from 1972-1990 and then Center Township Trustee from 1991-1996 where she was in a position to see the plight of the people in her district first hand. Once in a position where she was able to really do something about it, she has done so repeatedly over the years. I've done my research. Do yours!

  52. I checked you out and now I know. You are taking out your frustrations over losing your job on all republicans.

    You can't say one thing about any of Eric's views because you have not researched them.

    Eric had nothing to do with you getting fired, so why take it out on him? Since you are not party bound, then what do you know about Eric and where he stands on any issue?

    Which specific issue do you disagree with Eric about?

    "Julia Carson has done a lot for her district, starting with being in state government from 1972-1990 and then Center Township Trustee from 1991-1996 where she was in a position to see the plight of the people in her district first hand. Once in a position where she was able to really do something about it, she has done so repeatedly over the years. I've done my research. Do yours!"

    Getting elected is the beginning format on which you will base your accomplishments. I have not seen in the above quote by you any accomplishments at all.

    What exactly did she accomplish while she was, " in a position to see the plight of the people in her district first hand."

    You sound ridiculous. Can't Julia, with her huge warchest that she won't spend, afford to hire someone to defend her that can tell us at least one accomplishment that she has to her credit in 2006.

    Or is there just noone alive who can name one, because there isn't one?

  53. By the way, Eric says on his site that he was against the war too, so is that a "a definite plus in my book." for Eric too?

    What exactly do you disagree with Eric on?

  54. "Mr. Dickerson is a car salesman who was arrested for domestic violence 15 years ago."

    Excuse me, but Mr. Dickerson was a car dealer, not a car salesman, of one the most successful Buick dealerships in the United States, according to General Motors. Big difference. Mr. Dickerson was a Vice President of Rolls Royce. Mr. Dickerson was a captain in our US Marine Corp, who flew Cobras in an attack squadron. Mr. Dickerson was the first African American man in the United States who graduated with an aviation engineering degree.

    Do not try and degrade this very respected African American man, who made his american dream come true. Dickerson started with nothing and has many more accomplishments to his credit. The above are only the tip of the iceberg.

    Again, what do you disagree with Eric on?

    Why is the only thing you harp on 15 years old?

    Are you on Julia's payroll? I can understand your point of view if you are. You need your checks to keep coming in.

  55. Elect Eric Dickerson!!!

  56. Wow! Dickerson was on Steve Simpson's show on WIBC tonight and it was fantastic! He addressed the garbage the DNC put out the way I thought he would, saying he will not go negative and would denounce it if someone did something like that against Julia.

    Steve asked him about ISSUES!!! Yes, finally, someone is paying attention to what this is all about, and Dickerson addressed it all.

    Dickerson wins this race. Goodnight Julia.

  57. I checked you out and now I know. You are taking out your frustrations over losing your job on all republicans.

    You don't know me or anything about me other than the information you saw on my blog. You don't know how I vote or who I vote for. I told you I was an independent voter... so apparently you only read what you want to read. I don't vote along party lines, I vote for the person. HELLO... am I coming through?

    There was another story on Advance Indiana about John McCain. Him, I like. Bush, I didn't like. I'm very supportive of Lugar. I like Todd Rokita. There are quite a few Republican views I agree with. I'm not liberal, nor conservative. I'm somewhere in the middle. I don't vote along party lines. Pay attention!

    My gripe with Dickerson is the information presented to me within the past week. In addition, he is not for immediately pulling out of Iraq. He's more along the lines of staying to get the job done. HAH, we should have stayed and got the job done in Desert Storm back when the first Bush was in office.

    We shouldn't be in Iraq at all. We got into this war under false pretences by a misguided President relying on horribly misguided data. Now we're paying for it with the blood of our soldiers (God Bless them all).

    I didn't necessarily like John Kerry, but I did like Edwards. Had McCain been the Republican candidate, I would have voted for him. 2004 was, admittedly, a pick between the lesser of two evils for me. I bet there's a whole lot of voters who would love to go back to 2004 and change their vote!

    It's obvious that you have your opinion on the 7th district race, and I have mine. That's the cool thing about blogs, you can have a friendly, informative debate on the issues. That's DEBATE, not ARGUMENT. Consider the difference.

    See you next week at the polls!

  58. Do not try and degrade this very respected African American man, who made his american dream come true.

    I'm not degrading Mr. Dickerson. In my estimation, and in my eyes, he has done that himself.

    Have a good evening.

  59. Again, no response and a good night. Anyone reading anything you have to say will say to themselves that "this lady is very uninformed and cannot stand up effectively for the candidate that she endorses".

    I can respect someone for having a different opinion. However, you must have at least done your research.

    One more time. What do you disagree with Dickerson on?

    Which issue do you not see eye to eye with him on?

    Bonus question, to redeem yourself.

    Which issues do you agree with Julia on?

    You don't even know why you "love Julia". Who told you that you should? Maybe the socialist lawyer you plan on hiring to sue the state?

  60. Your explanation of Eric's view on the war is severely tainted. Again, you can hear him on the radio daily. You can visit his web site. It is
    Please read and don't butcher his views afterwards.

  61. Do you people ever get tired of pontificating in this echo chamber?
    All of you, those who support Eric Dickerson and those who support Julia Carson, just keep going around and around, chasing your own tails. No minds are being changed. Why are you wasting your time here? All I read are rumors, half-truths, half-baked crap and slanderous accusations. It's boring. Please, its time to put an end to all this. The election is Tuesday. Here's my suggestion:
    1. Push away the keyboards.
    2. Go get some rest.
    3. Wake up in morning and work to get out the vote for the candidiate you support. Try and change some minds that aren't made up. Anything else is just a waste of time and, frankly, a disservice to the candidate you support.
    4. May the best candidate win on Tuesday.

  62. HEY EVERYONE, I would not even entertain this Karen W., she/it is a hired henchman.

    Ignore it and it will go away by Tuesday. (-:

  63. Anonymous6:18 AM GMT-5

    Karen W.

    Is education important you? Ask Julia how many college credit hours she has earned. Check out her resume. Over the years her credntials have changed, but are not varifiable. No one has questioned her about her background. Julia and Andy Jacobs
    together have pimped the community and taxpayers long enough. He was a millioniare, no need to take pay raises, he would have had to pay it all back in taxes. This was a clever strategy for years to get votes from ignorant Democrat voters.

    Compared to Dickerson his credentials are well documented and he is a veteran.

    Julia Carson used employees at the Trustee office to sign and mail in
    over 200 post cards to the Indianapolis Star to be named woman of the year. How credible is that. Not only is she a liar, she is a cheater too! It has always been in her character.

    Julia even forged her second husband's military pension and other documents when he was hospitalized to herself. When he recovered and discovered what she had done, he filed for a divorce. She thought he wasn't going to make it so she was attempting to steal his adult children's inheritance from his first marriage.

    Her own husband could not trust her, why should we?

  64. Speaking of education, young Eric Dickerson started college in 1967 which nicely got him out of VietNam service. After five years he joins the Marines well after Marines stopped significant involvement in VietNam. Two years later, ED finally gets his undergraduate degree in 1974. Seven years to get an undergraduate degree - kinda peculiar...

  65. Anonymous7:31 AM GMT-5


    Where is the accountability here?

    10 years in Congress at $165,000.00 per year salary. Exactly, what have the citizens received in return.

    2004 - The race card was played big time against her opponents, so there was no debate with the candidates in the 7th District. Hands off her health condition that’s taboo. American receive an annual report on the president' and vice president's health on a regular basis, but none on our elected representive to congress.

    2006 - No debate, only Julia's late appearances to a few public forums, in and out, she does not answer questions ask to her.

    On week before the election a distorted picture post cards to voters.

    No mention of her voting record in Congress, even the DCCC does not bother to support her voting record on these mailers.

    She doesn’t think her constituents deserve to have a debate like other congressional districts in the state. That is arrogance!

    "I love Julia" is their slogan. Very self-serving. Could it be that the slogan reveals the truth about her? It is all about her, not the people in the 7th District!

  66. Wilson said: Speaking of education, young Eric Dickerson started college in 1967 which nicely got him out of VietNam service. After five years he joins the Marines well after Marines stopped significant involvement in VietNam. Two years later, ED finally gets his undergraduate degree in 1974. Seven years to get an undergraduate degree - kinda peculiar...

    Spoken like a classical 60s liberal who never served in the military, spit on our soldiers who did serve and spent a career on the public dole. Your motto: "Ask not what I can do for my country, but what my country can do for me."

  67. Anonymous7:46 AM GMT-5


    He came out of hiding! What is your point? Your candidate has pimped the taxpayers with the help of Andy Jacobs for the last 35 years. Where is her earned degree?

    You keep supporting Julia's trumped up resume which cannot be verified purely on her word. No mention of her working as a waitress at the Surfside 7 Bar prior to working for UAW as a secretary.

    Dickerson has documented proof of his education and work experience, does she.

    Public service awards are political too, who gets recognized.

  68. Anonymous7:59 AM GMT-5

    I can't wait until Election Day when Julia puts on a show and shows the world how incompetant she is when she doesn't know how to vote. Obviously not able to represent us in Congress.

    Ba-bye Julia!

  69. Well, there are two key issues I disagree with Eric Dickerson on. The first, immigration... as quoted from his website:

    "We must know who is entering our country. We need that formal introduction. To me, that means non-Americans should go through their embassy and apply for citizenship to our country through their country. We need their country to tell us who these people are and if they'd make good citizens."

    I would love to see someone in Cuba go up to their embassy and tell them they want to go to the United States. They might be shot! All countries are not going to say "well sure, head on over to America then... have a nice life". I think Dickerson is dreaming there. Ahhh, in a perfect world.

    Secondly, abortion. I feel that it is a woman's choice what to do with her body and her pregnancy, not the Governments choice. Let's not go back to the back alley abortion days.

    Another concern is that I feel Dickerson should crawl before he walks. He hasn't been in state Government. He hasn't proven himself to Indiana yet. To go from car dealer to Congressman is just too big of a jump, too soon.

    And lastly, of course is the domestic violence issue. Say what you will, but it doesn't matter to me if it was 15 years ago or only yesterday. It happened. I question the man's moral integrity. I question his values. I shouldn't have those questions.

    Julia Carson supports the development of bio-fuels utilizing corn that would do great things for the Indiana farmer and the Indiana economy.

    She is working to ensure the privacy information of consumers from being leaked out by financial institutions. My business is my business and should be protected.

    She is on numerous committee's aimed toward abolishing homelessness, such as House Financial Services; House Agriculture; House Energy and Commerce; House Education and the Workforce; House Government Reform; House Veterans' Affairs and House Ways and Means committee's. She's a positive voice for those in need.

    She is working hard to educate about HIV and AIDS. This problem needs to be continually addressed to prevent the spread of the disease.

    She is working toward the prevention of events such as those that happened in Rwanda, Mexico and Guyana. Positive help in countries who need it. Really helping instead of starting wars.

    She is working to support the goal of home ownership for all american's, including changes to the fair lending laws and fair housing laws.

    These are just a few of the influential things Congresswoman Carson has done while in office. Things I support wholeheartedly.

    For you to wrongly assume I haven't done my homework is ludicrous. Just because I don't feel like you do, does not make my opinions any less educated. I don't call you a moron or idiot for your views. Don't assume... you know the rest of that statement.

    I have an opinion, and will use it.

  70. Anonymous9:14 AM GMT-5

    Julia Carson has done little to nothing in her 10 years in Congress.

    She introduced 43 bills in her TEN years. Her predecessor Andy Jacobs Jr introduced 50 bills in his final term and that was under GOP control. You know what 2 of those 43 were? To force Indiana onto DST. A few post office renamings, renaming the federal courthouse in Indianapolis in honor of Birch Bayh, other fluff pieces.

    In 2006 she has done NOTHING. She's at least pushed the button to vote, sometimes.

    By your logic of "crawl before walking" Baron Hill should never be in Congress either, he was just a lawyer in Seymour before his election after Lee Hamilton's retirement. I don't see anything about prior experience of Pete Visclosky other than being an attorney prior to his election to Congress. At least these Democrats have some sort of education. Julia Carson was a waitress that got a job as a secretary at a union hall and magically moved her way into politics.

  71. Julia Carson was a waitress that got a job as a secretary at a union hall and magically moved her way into politics.

    Well, seeing as how she was has been in state politics since 1972, I would say she paid her dues long before becoming a Congresswoman. I wouldn't have voted for her if she would have went from waitress to Congress, just as I don't feel comfortable voting in a man who went from car dealer to Congress.

    At least Baron Hill had some law background. You're comparing apples to oranges. Car dealer to Congressman... Lawyer to Congressman c'mon now, work with me.

  72. College Graduate -> Marine Officer and pilot -> Engineer and corporate pilot -> VP of Public Relations -> Businessman -> Congressman

    At least Baron Hill had some law background.

    Yes. Julia has none. Then again some say Julia thinks laws don't apply to her (her rental housing units, her failed clothing store)

  73. Julia Carson was in state government from 1972-1990 and then Center Township Trustee from 1991-1996 all this before running for Congress. I think that is the kind of background I was talking about.

    Businessmen run for Governor, not Congress... heh heh heh.

  74. By your logic Jesse Jackson Jnr. shouldn't be in Congress, neither should Tammy Duckworth.

    Sorry your "crawl before walking" arguement isn't applicable.

  75. It's applicable for ME and my opinions in MY state. I don't try to choose for others, just for myself.... unlike some.

  76. Karen W and Wilson46201 are one in the same.

  77. Anonymous1:01 PM GMT-5


    Wilson finally found a friend.

    Does it feel better now Wilsy Pooh? You have someone else on the payroll to help out.

  78. Anonymous1:26 PM GMT-5

    Karen W.

    The more you write, the crazier you sound. It is not even worth responding to you anymore.

    Anyone who reads what you have to say in your very poor effort to support Ms. Carson would gladly dismiss you.

    Your arguments don't hold any water at all.

    Your response to immigration was down right hilarious.

    Is this the best that Julia can do?

  79. Anonymous1:33 PM GMT-5

    I have a sneaky suspicion that if Karen W. is not Wilson46201, It's Julia defending herself finally.

    How many earned college credits do you have Julia?

    Only Democrats can grow up poor and run for public office according to Karen's scenario. Each of Eric Dickerson's credentials have been disregarded by her. Yet, Julia does not have a strong education background, but was able to get elected with the help of Andy Jacobs. There are quite a few Democrats elected to office in Marion County who did not have a legal or business back ground prior to running for office.

    A successful business background is very relevant to a legislative position. They plan and vote on the budgets for the country, state, city and townships. some people can balance their own check book.

    Karen if you don't support domestic violence, check out your choice of candidate. Ask her.

  80. Anonymous2:47 PM GMT-5

    I have a sneaky suspicion that if Karen W. is not Wilson46201, It's Julia defending herself finally.

    You're giving her way too much credit here. Probably another staffer. Megan? Melissa?

  81. Karen W is Karen Woods, the BMV employee who was allegedly fired for speaking out on the BMV computer problems--unless someone is stealing her identity.

  82. Anonymous4:10 PM GMT-5

    OH REALLY??? So just another Democratic grumbler leftover from the Bayh/O'Bannon/Kernan days.

    On the mark again AI.

  83. AI - why dont you "out" the numerous Jocelyn and Darla anonymous and fake-name slanderous postings on this blog? Protecting those who agree with you down in the gutter? Vile and filthy negative campaigning from the Dickerson Team must be OK with you!

    This used to be a reasoned and sensible political blog - now it is the hangout of the rabid Eric Miller crowd attacking Ms. Carson. Miller did give Dickerson an almost perfect score while giving Julia a goose egg, right? See where you've ended up politically? You're an Alan Keyes Republican now!

  84. Thank you Advance Indiana for finally getting my identity right. It's so nice to be known for myself and not wrongly labeled because of similar views with someone else.

    I'm further convinced of my choice due to the blogging on this website. If this is the kind of rah rah cheering section behind Eric Dickerson, then I know I'm making the right choice.

    Lastly... these people who label themselves as anonymous instead of using their name to stand by their views are quite comical. They have such strong convictions... but they sure aren't going to put their name to their words. That speaks volumes to me.

  85. College Graduate -> Marine Officer and pilot -> Engineer and corporate pilot -> VP of Public Relations -> Businessman ->

    Sorry, but I disagree with you that just being "lawyer" is more qualified for congress than the above. You can be a music or dance major and become a lawyer.

    "They are BOTH potentially qualified" So HUSH.

    But Julia is NOT qualified.

  86. Anonymous2:23 AM GMT-5

    Response to Wilson 9:15:

    You have alot of nerve! You have slandered and smear anyone who was not supporting your candidate aand now you are complaining about the comments others are making against
    The Ghetto Mafia Queen Julia.
    They do not share the same opinion as you do about her. That is obvious. "All is fair in love and War."

    You just don't get it! Voters want a change in the 7th District and we are going to elect him on Tuesday. Start looking for another horse to ride Wilson, cause this one has a broken leg.
