Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Kiser Wrap-Up

The Indiana Daily Insight does a wrap-up of Kris Kiser's long-awaited final FEC reports for his unsuccessful primary bid to unseat Rep. Julia Carson (D) in this past May's Indiana primary. The IDI writes:

After the general election, the long-awaited (and gossiped-about) federal campaign finance reports of unsuccessful CD 07 challenger Kris Kiser (D) show up at the Federal Election Commission. Lots of folks locally have been wondering why the pre-primary reports were the last reports available, but the FEC reports his July quarterly, October quarterly, and termination reports were all finally filed on November 7. The final numbers show that he raised $212,240 and spent $141,518 in his primary contest against U.S. Rep. Julia Carson (D), while she had raised $143,704 and spent $155,091 for the cycle through the pre-primary report. Kiser's termination report shows that he ended with a debt of $182,700 owed to himself for loans during the campaign.

In contrast to Kiser's personal debt of $182,700 after his congressional bid, Carson's GOP opponent, Eric Dickerson, refrained from spending any of his personal wealth on this fall's campaign. Dickerson spent about a third of what Kiser spent for his campaign, and he still managed to do better than any of her previous opponents, capturing slightly more than 46% of the vote. It just goes to show that money isn't always everything in a political campaign.


  1. In 2002 Brose McVey spent about $1,000,000 on his campaign and got almost exactly the same number of votes as Dickerson just did. It was insufficient. Both lost.

  2. Anonymous3:41 AM GMT-5

    It's not the money that counts, its the candidate that counts.

  3. I quite agree! Julia Carson consistently bests whoever the GOP throws against her with whatever campaign budget. Indianapolis voters repeatedly demonstrate their continued satisfaction with the outstanding representation by their Congresslady Julia Carson.

  4. Anonymous7:53 AM GMT-5

    Julia wins by having her people intimidate the voters. Real nice. Too bad, she doesn't do anything. She is an embarrassment to the state.

    I am sure this will have Wilson-mice trashing me, that's ok, I am used to it.

    Julia will be beaten, mark your calendar.

  5. Anonymous7:54 AM GMT-5

    What she represents is anything but outstanding. She's a left-winged freak and panderer to the gays, illegals, etc.

    She's a RUBBER STAMP for the upcoming failures in socialist leadership in Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

    Gus Hall and Josef Stalin would be proud of Julia Carson.

  6. Anonymous8:08 AM GMT-5

    Somebody whizzed in Hail's oatmeal again.

  7. Anonymous8:21 AM GMT-5

    Okay, let's get the facts straight. Julia wins because of two factors. Her race and her party. She may have provided a service to her core constituency in the past, but, she is way past her prime. Any one with a pulse could better serve the 7th district. As it is, she's an embarrassement and a tribute to gerrymandered disricts, where an incumbant can not be defeated. BTW, I think she's a very nice person, she sucks a congressman/lady.

  8. Hail hasnt been the same since Botha of South Africa died recently. Freepers have all the sublety of a Nuremberg Partei Rally...

  9. What’s up Wilson. You haven't tried to spoon feed us the lies about Carson putting HER money into the campaign....and Dickerson didn't.
    Tired of hearing yourself cry?

    And Carson is not Gay friendly...she uses them... ask Wilson...he's still doing her dirty work.

  10. Tokyo Rose hasn't been the same since Paul Martin was caught being the corrupt SOB he is up in Canuckistan. MoveOn and DailyKos people have all the subtlety of a Fidel Castro rally...

    Speaking of Fidel that's one "leader" Julia has something in common. Both are left-wingnut whackjobs. Both are old, decrepit "has beens" and they are being propped up and carried around by handlers like something out of the movie Weekend At Bernie's. Even if something unfortunate would happen to Julia we'd not know about it for several months. One nobody would notice by her voting record. Two, the idea of a special election doesn't sit well with Rats.

  11. AI, this took a wicked turn...Hail might have to sit in the corner.

  12. Agreed. You're digging yourself in pretty deep there, Sir Hailstone.

  13. Anonymous3:09 PM GMT-5

    It's amazing how the "Julia-Haters" populate this blog. Gary, you blew a great chance you had to show all of us that you could be a decent human being and moderate a blog that was civil and polite in its tone, as facual as you could keep it, and of the hightest integrity.

    Instead, you have forever set in stone your hard heart and negitive approach to life, had have revealed yourself as being a Democrat-hating zealot who allowed your blog to become a magnet for the hate-mongers, zealots and right-wing nuts that your very own gay community fights against every day of their lives.

    It is dissapointing, because when you began your blog, you had such promise. Oh how you've dissapointed so many.

    This is not "Wilson46201". Just a concerned LGBT citizen.

  14. I haven't blown anything. With each passing day, more and more people visit this blog because they know I address the issues in an honest and straight forward manner without respect to political party. The Democrats love me when I'm criticizing Republicans and hate me when I'm criticizing Democrats, and vice versa. The truth is more than some people can bear so the only way they know how to respond is to launch personal attacks against me. I see the site meter stats and I know I must be doing something right or so many people wouldn't be coming to this site to read it on a daily basis.

  15. Anonymous6:14 AM GMT-5

    3:09, what happened specifically to turn you off to this site?

    It's one of my first-reads daily. I don't always agree with the Blogmaster, or the posters.

    But consistently, this blog, and TDW, come up with new stories or ideas that I hadn't seen elsewhere. I filter them, read what I can elsewhere, and form opinions.

    Blogs are, generally, less responsible than traditional news. They often resort to the "I post it, you read it" defense. And they almmost always cite readership levels as primary defense for anything they post. That alone separates them from traditional news.

    But the mainstream media is getting lazier by the week, and blogs are a nice adjunct to the overall news picture.

    You just have to filter a little more, apply your BS meter, and move on.

    Among local blogs, this one consistently has different stories and focus. He checks facts more than any other local blog.

    I give him a B. And I'd guess we agree maybe half the time.

    Lighten up. Don't let Wilson and Jocelyn define your blog experience. They're nuts.

  16. I agree with 6:14. Gary's blog posts are interesting. I agree with some and not with others. Like other blogs, it is the comments good blogs sometimes draw in wingnuts from both the right and left. AI and TDW get some of the same wingnuts. Just skip the comments if they bother you.
