Sunday, October 29, 2006

Indianapolis Recorder: Carson-Dickerson Race Down To Wire

The Indianapolis Recorder, which one would assume is heavily biased in favor of Rep. Julia Carson (D) because of its owner, businessman Bill Mays, actually has a reasonably balanced story on the Carson-Dickerson race. Brandon Perry's look at the race is actually better than any news story I've read in the Indianapolis Star to date for this race. To read Perry's look at the race, click here.

I can't say as much for Amos Brown though. His column this week explains why the 7th District representative is only supposed to represent the interests of blacks and how Eric Dickerson isn't talking to the black community because he hadn't appeared on Brown's radio talk show--that is until last week. Brown writes:

From his heavenly residence, Rev. Mozel Sanders got Eric Dickerson to do what he hadn't done this entire fall campaign--come speak to our black community via its Black media.

Dickerson came, uninvited, to WTLC's "Afternoons with Amos" Mozel Sanders Thanksgiving Dinner fundraising luncheon Monday. For the first time since the primary, Dickerson spoke to our black community, through its Black media; after publicly saying he wouldn't.

Brown goes on to complain about biased polls and to trash Dickerson's campaign, which he refers to as "Black-hating blacks." He says, "I'd like to tell you where Eric Dickerson stands on the issues, but I can't because until Monday he refused to speak to Black folks via Black media." "Preferring to communicate through right-wing radio talk shows and racist, hatemongering websites," he adds. Dickerson's greatest sin, if Brown is to be believed, is being both black and Republican. Apparently, Brown would have us believe that the only way to communicate to Indianapolis' African-American community is through him. Brown might want to read and listen to his own words before he accuses others of being "racist" and "hatemongering."


  1. Anonymous9:20 PM GMT-5

    As if Indianapoplis blacks can ONLY get thier news and info through Amos.

    Vanity is a sin, Amos.

  2. Anonymous9:35 PM GMT-5

    Better than I expected.

    But what is this about ?

    Both Carson and Dickerson have ideas about addressing what they view as the root cause of rising crime in the city.

    Carson will introduce legislation to limit the amount of lead-based paint and chemicals used in houses and apartment buildings, which some experts believe is a factor in making exposed children more prone to acts of violence.

    We have to make sure that a lead-based environment does not perpetuate violence and other medical problems, she said.


    She makes it sound like we are STILL using lead based paint ?

    The first major lead-based paint legislation was passed in 1971, the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act (LBPPPA). The Act was amended in 1973. The LBPPPA primarily addressed lead-based paint in federally-funded housing and established definitions for lead-based paint and lead poisoning.

    In 1978 the Consumer Product Safety Commission banned the residential use of lead-based paint.

    In 1987-1988 the LBPPPA was significantly amended. Among the changes was an extensive research and demonstration program and changes to include intact paint in the definition of an immediate hazard.

    In 1992 Title X was passed.

    Title X

    Title X represented a new strategy to reduce lead-based paint hazards that affect all HUD and other Federal housing programs. Some of the key elements of Title X include:

    * Emphasis on preventing lead-based paint hazards
    * Focus on controlling lead-based paint hazards, using new technology to evaluate and reduce hazards
    * Address lead-contaminated dust and soil


    She wants to make this her TOP issue when Congress has already done the above ?

    Does she still think we are stil selling and using lead base paint ?

  3. While at the Recorder, checkout Mr. Brown's Op-Ed commentary ... it'll infuriate the ED idolaters !

    The Perry story is pretty good ... thanks for pointing it out - the vast majority of the ED coterie has rarely read that paper.

  4. Anonymous9:49 PM GMT-5

    I read it . . . Amos is VERY WORRIED

    Despite the fact that Americans seem poised to punish Republicans for their years in the majority, some Indianapolis voters, mainly white Republicans and independents, but some Blacks too, seem ready to punish Julia Carson, even though she's been right on the issues of importance to our community.

    It would be a bitter irony if Democrats win control of the House of Representatives, including taking two to three from Indiana Republicans, but lose the Democratic congressional seat in Indianapolis.


    Amos does not explain how Julia has gone from a 20 pt lead to 5 point lead in 7 weeks using the results from the SAME Polling company in 2 different polls.

    Poor Eric did no advertising during that time frame and her lead dropped.

    Why ? the democrats must be asking themsevles ?

  5. Poor Amos. He only has an audience when he can continue to divide individuals based on their color. It is sad that Amos wants to keep the African Americans poor and dependent on government support, rather than help themselves better their lives and the lives of the their children.

  6. From the EPA website:
    Since the 1980's, EPA and its federal partners have phased out lead in gasoline, reduced lead in drinking water, reduced lead in industrial air pollution, and banned or limited lead used in consumer products, including residential paint.

    Julia shows she is out of touch again.

  7. Brown is so blind...he thinks being called a hate monger and a a badge of honor. I've listened to his program...he could do so much more for the African American Community and for all races if he would just lose the hate.

  8. Anonymous4:29 AM GMT-5

    You Shouldn’t Judge Someone Until You Get to Know Them

    Dear Amos:

    After reading your article "Our member of Congress must represent our interests-my view", I was disappointed in your slant of Eric Dickerson. Your characterization of Mr. Dickerson reminded me of one who uses race baiting tactics to persuade the public rather than a journalist who identifies the facts on issues. Your rhetoric promotes the Black hating Blacks that you speak of and add to the reality of crabs in a barrell.

    I am an African American Democrat who loves Julia Carson. She has represented our district well. I think you do her a disservice when you trash another African American candidate to influence votes for Ms. Carson. I also don't think we as voters are so concerned about her health but rather her ability to continue making a difference in our community. One could question her voting record or for that matter the last time you could find staff in her DC office.

    Julia is a wonderful person but it's time for a change. It doesn't matter if you are democrat or republican. It's more important what are you going to do for the community that you represent.

    I had a conversation with Mr. Dickerson and he spoke about health care, employment, and security issues that affect Indianapolis and our country. He spoke of a plan of action that would positively affect young African Americans. Bishop T Garret Benjamin made the comment “You shouldn’t judge someone until you get to know them”. I think you should take his advice and get to know Mr. Dickerson.


    Mark Bryant
    Voting Citizen of 7th District

    The Bryant Group
    617 Indiana Avenue, Suite 205
    Indianapolis, IN. 46202

    cc: Carolene Mays, Publisher
    Indianapolis Recorder

  9. Anonymous5:22 AM GMT-5

    Amos Brown, you do not represent my views! People may be tuning in to your show, but you are dropping in their personal poll.

    All you have done lately is tried to brainwash black people. The Democrats have taken our votes for granted. When you and other African Americans are in the know are going to admit it to the public? We are not as dumb as you may believe. Are you being paid for your support?

    Amos Brown is originally from Chicago. He wouldn’t have been noticed in the big city so he moved to Indianapolis. He landed his first gig here when Dr. Frank Lloyd owned WTLC. His Napoleonic complex drives him to exercise his limited influence upon the rest of us. He has become stale to many African Americans and others. The dialog on his show includes many uniformed citizens who are in need of a hand out.

    Very few home-grown, educated or self-employed African Americans entertain themselves by listening to his rhetoric. Involved on the fringes of politics, he lacks the guts to place his name on the ballot. It is easier to shoot at other successful African American males when you lack the guts yourself to step up to the plate and run. If he were not so afraid of having his personal life exposed, I believe he would try to run for an office. Unfortunately, his tenure in radio and writing for the paper has garnered more enemies for him than supporters who would readily oppose his nomination for any public office? Yes, he has sunk to an all time low. Hanging out with Julia Carson and the other members of The Ghetto Mafia has corrupted his thinking. His editorials have become extremely biased and are race baiting. The damage he and others like him in the Democrat Party are doing to set back race relations in this city is shameful.

    In case they haven't noticed lately, Indianapolis is fast becoming a melting pot. The 1960s "race card" has played out. The “crabs in the barrel syndrome” are practiced by this group. Who is recognized as a "black leader" or “who speaks for the black community? These ego maniacs do not consult with the broader community prior to sitting down in closed door meetings and deciding what is best for the rest of us. Often, the majority of African Americans are the last to be informed of decisions being made for us by them. If you are not a member of their clique, you are excluded.

    It is clear that Eric Dickerson for congress is not a member of their clique, the reason he has my support and vote on November 7th.

  10. Anonymous6:46 AM GMT-5

    Has anyone noticed that most of the African Americans [at-large Rozelle Boyd, King Ro Conely, Ron Gibson, Districts: President Monroe Gray, Vernon Brown, Paul Bateman, Patrice Abdullah] elected to the city-county council in the Democrat Party have failed to address the number of murders in the black community since they began?

    Sharron Franklin an IPD officer and Isaac Randolph, a Republican are the only two who have addressed this issue publicly.

    State Representatives: Bill Crawford, Vanessa Summers, Greg Porter, Carolyn Mays, Mae Dickerson. State Senators Billie Breaux and Glenn Howard.

    Congresswoman Julia Carson in the 7th District. Carl Drummer, Tony Duncan and all of the other black elected officials are silent. Why? And they want us to vote a straight Democrat ticket and re-elect them. Where is our voice in government? While our children are being destroyed and murdered, they are sitting back networking for themselves!

    Most have occurred in their respective districts. Not one of them has held a news conference denouncing the violence, the shootings or the sale of illegal drugs. Yet, they can hold a news conference in support of Ron Gibson, one of their councilors who was indicted for assaulting a deputy sheriff while drunk and support an illegal bar restaurant in the Julia Carson government Building.

    Evidently their priorities have been missing directed. The black community is without representation on key issues and concerns.

  11. That "free thinking black voter" AnonyMouse was obviously Jocelyn Tandy in another disguise peddling her usual misinformation under a new assumed name. The AnonyMouse following her was likely an overly politically active attorney who has to conceal her name to avoid censure and reprimand.

    Dickerson supporters are so ashamed of what they have to say against Congresswoman Julia Carson - they take a variety of fake names and post lies and calumny without having to take personal responsibility for their tricks and deceit. Pitiful!

  12. Anonymous7:38 AM GMT-5

    Dumb Insecure Wilson;

    Wrong again!
    I stand behind each of my comments on these blogs. My name is on them. You are so stupid to believe that only 2 of Dickerson's supporters are logging in. You are the pathetic one. Get a life other than Julias's. You have turned off so many people and don't have enough sense to realize it. Where is your pride? Oh, I forget you don't have any.

  13. Anonymous7:40 AM GMT-5

    And it takes an old, has-been, alcoholic precinct committeeman and Julia machine mechanic to shill for Julia?

    In 1978 the Consumer Product Safety Commission banned the residential use of lead-based paint.

    And she still thinks we use the stuff? Oh yes it's a conspiracy by landlords. She better check her own rental homes for LBP. A song is coming to my mind - Bowling for Soup - "She's still pre-occupied with 1985"

    Her words "The Indianapolis 500 will run on pure ethanol in 3 years" said at Robin Run and Crooked Creek.

    Actually it's next year. 2007. But thanks for trying. IMS doesn't sit in Center Twp. so we don't expect her to give a rat's a$$ about it.

    Mark Bryant, thanks for your enlighting letter of opinion.

    Tokyo Rose Wilson, your Goebbels style propaganda is still not working.

  14. Damn, I just re-read Mark Bryant's letter...he has guts, and he signed his name.

    Mark...the City-County Building is at the corner of Delaware and Market. That's where you go to get a restraining order filed. They may have pre-printed documents there, and you just fill in the blanks:

    Drummer, Duncan, Wilson Allen, are the first ones I'd put on the line.

    There are more. Gray, Gibson, Mr. Conley (his wife's no anyone), every member of Drummer's security force, every deputy Center constable including Drummer.

    You get the drift...

  15. Anonymous2:43 PM GMT-5

    I just heard a radio ad on WTLC's Amos Brown Show for State Senator Billie Breaux [D] running for Marion County Auditor.

    Dumb Wilson Allen happens to be treasurer of her campaign committee and has been knocking Eric Dickerson in support of the Ghetto Mafia Queen Julia Carson all over these blogsites. He has not been campaigning for Sen. Breaux on these blogs. I wonder how Sen. Breaux feels about him not campaigning for her?

  16. Anonymous4:55 PM GMT-5

    I now Billie Breaux. She's going to win the auditor's race, and she's a delightful and smart individual.

    But Wilson Allen as her treasurer---that sorta stings. Not very smart.

    And most Dems would agree with that.

  17. It's so peculiar that the ED folk accuse others of being alcoholics - very odd - I think it shows "projection" onto others of problems one has oneself. I havent had an alcoholic drink for so long I cant remember when - not even a beer. Booze isnt a part of my life.

    I am on blogs not to flack for anybody but to defend Congresswoman Julia Carson against the incessant attacks from the ED supporters who are NOT conducting a clean campaign. This blog and IndyU are almost pathological in unadulterated hatred of a popular and successful Black woman elected official. Should the shit shoveled here so gleefully by the GOP go unanswered? I think not!

    Ignorant Jocelyn has a writing style easily detectable by informed readers - she chooses to use a variety of aliases here and in real life to spew her vitriol. She is more to be pitied than scorned...

  18. Anonymous7:21 PM GMT-5

    Is Amos on their payroll?

    Answer - Absolutely.

    He is on Bill Mays payroll. So how can anyone expect him to give Eric a fair shake. Even after being blown away by hearing him.

    Amos sounds crazy because it is so obvious he is wrong. What his audience does not know is that he is on their payroll.

    What would his listeners think if they found out? Many already know and support Dickerson. The rest will know by election day.

    Look forward to a new day in Washington on Nov. 7th.

    Elect Eric Dickerson!!!

  19. Anonymous9:36 PM GMT-5

    My Response to Stupid Insecure Wilson 46201: 6:29 PM

    You are the one spewing hatred all over these blogs. The Democrats talk about equal rights for everyone, yet they oppress the rights of individuals who do not support their views. You are too negative to influence any voters on these blogs. In fact, you have turned off more people than you realize who are looking for answers to the problems in this community. Instead of discussing issues and promoting positive ideas, you have turned this blogsite into a personal vindictive medium for your mudslinging. Get a life; you are the one to be pitied.

    This campaign is not about you are me, but it is about electing candidates who will serve this community. Personal attacks are a distraction from the real issues facing this city. No one really cares what you or I may personally think about each other.

    Since you have shown everyone that you have a personal problem with me, I would suggest that we settle this once and for all. Over the next week leading into the election, I will be commenting on issues relevant to my community, and the candidates I think will best serve the people. You may continue to spread your vicious rumors and innuendos about Dickerson and his supporters, but it will not change the minds of any voters here. Going negative is typical for Democrats. When you don't have a plan or an agenda for the community, mudslinging becomes the order of the day.

    Wilson, you need to find someone else to attack, because you are not in any position to limit my ability to garner support for the candidates of my choosing. Enough said about your idiotic behavior. You are not that important; harassment and intimidation does not work here! You are a white bigot and a racist, crawl back into the hole that you came out of.

    I will deal with you personally after the election.

  20. Anonymous8:00 AM GMT-5

    Vote Republican for a Change,
    get the vote out on November 7th!

    Richard Lugar for U.S. Senate
    Eric Dickerson for 7th District Congress
    Todd Rokita for Secretary of State
    Tim Berry for State Auditor
    Richard Mourdock for State Treasurer

    Carl Brizzi for County Prosecutor
    Angela Cypress for County Recorder
    Donna Edgar for County Clerk
    Jennifer Ping for County Auditor
    Janis Wilson for County Assessor
    Steve Davis for County Sheriff

    Gary Loveless for Center Township Assessor
    Kent Smith for Center Township Constable
    Linda Ivey for Center Township Trustee
    Atty. Darla Williams for Center Township Small Claims Court

    Voter ID protects your right to vote!

  21. Anonymous8:21 AM GMT-5

    Vote Republican for a Change,
    get the vote out on November 7th!

    Richard Lugar for U.S. Senate
    Eric Dickerson for 7th District Congress
    Todd Rokita for Secretary of State
    Tim Berry for State Auditor
    Richard Mourdock for State Treasurer

    Carl Brizzi for County Prosecutor
    Angela Cypress for County Recorder
    Donna Edgar for County Clerk
    Jennifer Ping for County Auditor
    Janis Wilson for County Assessor
    Steve Davis for County Sheriff

    Gary Loveless for Center Township Assessor
    Kent Smith for Center Township Constable
    Linda Ivey for Center Township Trustee
    Atty. Darla Williams for Center Township Small Claims Court

    Voter ID protects your right to vote!

  22. Lead based paint is still a very real threat, particularly in lower income housing complexes.. which is where a lot of crime is taking place. The Mozel Sanders, Phoenix Apartments and Timber Ridge (all formerly the Meadows) were sent informational booklets on lead based paint just this past year.

  23. I cannot come to the point where I vote for a man who has a domestic violence charge on his record. A man who beats a woman doesn't deserve the man title, let alone a Congressman representing the people. I choose Julie Carson.

  24. Karen,

    Julia Said "Carson will introduce legislation to limit the amount of lead-based paint and chemicals used in houses and apartment buildings, which some experts believe is a factor in making exposed children more prone to acts of violence."

    I read that as if she believes "lead-based paint and chemicals" are still being used TODAY being applied as fresh coats of paint in houses and apartments.

    If she was concerened about EXISITING Lead based paint she would be looking to REMOVE it from houses - not limit its use.

    Karen, you can come to any decesion you want as to who you can and can not vote for.

    I can not vote for a person so far out of touch with reality when she makes statesments like those in the recorder.

  25. Karen W: 11:52

    Give me a break, all charges were dropped 15 years ago, and hus wife has stated that she is not an abused woman. Is this the smoking gun to be used against Dickerson?
    You were going to vote for Carsons anyway Wilson.

    Find her 2 ex-husbands and lets see they will talk. Ask Julia Carson how many times did she fight her second husband in the middle of Park Avenue with neighbors watching when he left her for a younger woman. She physically attacked him while he was moving his belongings out of the house. Some people would accuse her of spousal abuse.

  26. Anonymous9:28 AM GMT-5

    Who was Julia Carson's second husband and what is he doing now? Anyone know?
