Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Candidates Want To End Legislative Perks

A troika of Marion Co. Democratic legislative candidates are proposing changes to end legislative perks. If they hope to be successful, they will need to find another leader for their House caucus. The House Democratic leader, Pat Bauer, has been a double-dipper (i.e., he's been on two government payrolls) for four decades, and he has distinguished himself as four-square against progress and reform and all things for the status quo.

The candidates, Senate District 31 candidate Russell Brown and House candidates John Barnes (District 89) and Susan Fuldauer (District 88) want to end the controversial four-to-one match legislators currently receive from the state for their pension plans. It makes a lot of sense. How many private sector employees get a $4 contribution from their employer for every $1 they contribute of their own money to their 401(k) plan? Speaking on his challenger Rep. Larry Buell (R), Barnes said, "My opponent is a retired CPA and a pension expert." "As a member of a part-time, citizen legislature, I am confused how he can believe that it it is fair for a part-time legislator to get better job benefits than full-time state employees." "It's an elitist system that makes absolutely no sense," Barnes concluded.

Brown, Barnes and Fuldauer have a good idea. Their problem is going to be in convincing their own leadership to go along with their plan. Pat Bauer didnt' even want to give up the life-time health insurance benefits House Speaker Brian Bosma ended after feeling the public backlash that cost at least two powerful lawmakers their jobs, former Senate Finance Committee Chairman Larry Borst and Senate President Pro Tem Robert Garton. Bauer even hinted to Star political columnist Matt Tully that he might resurrect the benefit if he becomes Speaker again.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:57 PM GMT-5

    Bauer is turning into the bad lader we feared...see Bilerico's post today.

    The Yiddish word is Hauser. Pig.

    I thought legislative leadership came with a mandatory Ivy Tech job.

    It sure has seemed to. And why doesn't the legislature see how ridiculously bad this looks?

    Harrison Ullman was right.

    He called it America's worst state legislature. "Full of Damned Democrats and Rat's Ass Republicans." In addition to having too many ethics-challenged members, there isn't exactly a plethera of geniuses there.
