Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Bobby Knight Endorsing Trump At Indianapolis Rally Today

Former IU basketball coach Bobby Knight speaking at Donald Trump's packed rally at the state fair coliseum in Indianapolis this evening. Trump told his supporters today that Knight contacted him last year before he made his decision to run for president, urging him to run and telling him that he would endorse him if he ran. Trump called in the favor. Knight declared that Trump was the "most prepared man in history" to be president.


  1. Anonymous8:18 PM GMT-5

    Donald Trump played this one well. Mike Pence ? Who cares ? Bobby Knight is a much more meaningful endorsement.

  2. Bobby Knight even went far enough to tell Trump supporters attending the rally that they/we should be proud and consider ourselves as standing with the brave founders of the USA. Loud applause for the Governor, Indiana State Fair staff, and all security personnel for the excellent service they provided all of us. A great historic day in Indianapolis!

  3. Anonymous5:24 PM GMT-5

    Trump knew how to get Indiana's attention. Well played, Donald.
    Then Cruz with Fiorina - lol - good luck with that, Ted.

  4. Anonymous9:39 PM GMT-5

    Throw another old white man into the mix. Besides the A Bomb not being dropped in 1944, it would not have been numerically possible to save billions of American lives. No Bobby Knight history lesson to be learned here other than there is a difference between guts and nuts. Should the Zionist Cruz be in the WH, the Bomb would be dropped sooner, with Trump the location presents a problem.
