Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Hillary Is Barking Like A Dog and Jeb Thinks He's A Democrat

Hillary Clinton was barking like a dog on the campaign trail yesterday, while Jeb Bush raised his hand when Sen. Lindsay Graham asked for a show of hands from Democrats in the room. And I'm the one who is supposed to be insane. God help us.


  1. That dialect somehow fits her... Jeb doesn't know he's a statist; statism being establish-meant.


  3. All dogs bark at what they do not understand. Included in all dogs are bitches.

  4. Goldman Sachs must have said, Speak $hilary, Speak. Good $hillary here are your Speaking Fees.

  5. Anonymous4:36 PM GMT-5

    Hillary Rodham Clinton is now a caricature of herself. She is a clown, a joke, an accomplished liar in my opinion. Like the aged Madeline Albright, who never met a dictator she couldn't do enough for, HRC is so out of step with the times it is frightening.

    Hillary now says she is behind in the polls, or neck and neck with a 74 year old man only slightly older than herself. Geez, what a crew the extreme left liberal Democrats have.

    No wonder "liberalism" is described as a mental disorder!

  6. Graham and Bush are greeking each other no doubt.
