Thursday, January 28, 2016

Days After "Sky Is Falling" Report Visit Indy Admits Record Hotel Bookings

If the people of this state haven't figured out by now that they're being played like a fiddle by dishonest leaders and their parrots in the media, they are beyond helping. On Monday, Visit Indy officials proclaimed dire economic harm had been inflicted on Indianapolis and state tourism because of the passage of a religious freedom law last year. We lost 12 conventions with an economic impact of more than $60 million they declared. The media reported the claims without an ounce of discernment. Four days later, the story is a 180-degree reversal.

The overly-paid CEO of Visit Indy, Leonard Hoops, now concedes Indianapolis experienced a record number of future hotel bookings last year of 904,717 rooms, up from 880,552 room nights in 2014. Hoops says the figures are "unbelievable given what we went through last year." Hoops tried to explain away the stark difference between the fiction reported and the truth of the matter by claiming the uptick in bookings occurred entirely during the first quarter of the year before the RFRA blow-up manufactured by the media, city leaders and gay rights organizations.

Here's the most telling admission by Hoops regarding the claim that Indiana's laws regarding LGBT rights deviate from the norm in other states. "At some point, we think planners started to think we were the only state without these (LGBT) protections," Hoops said. "There are 28 of them." And that's not the half of it. Most Indiana residents live within communities that offer legal protection under local human rights ordinances to the LGBT community from discrimination, including Indianapolis, which has had such a law for a decade now. What's also missing from these news reports singing the blues about how bad it is here in Indiana is the fact that the federal Civil Rights Act provides no protection against discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. That's the law that covers the majority of businesses and employees in this country and state,


  1. Conspicuously absent from 'LGBT' is 'S', or 'Straight'. Thus any law addressing LGBT is inherently unconstitutional on the basis of discrimination.

  2. DI: Can't believe we passed those barricades of your logic- brilliant. Straight is after all, a long understood term of preference.

  3. The protections against sex and race work both ways. I don't see why sexual orientation discrimination shouldn't work both ways. Gays are just as capable of discriminating against straights as straights are of discriminating against gays. Some of the worst race discrimination cases I've seen are blacks against whites.

  4. Fidget Indy has a credibility problem; whereby they can't substantiate pronoun who called wolf claims...

  5. Anonymous6:08 AM GMT-5

    Gays screech at incredible volume but still represent a small minority of the general population. I think it's safe to say at this point that VisitIndy and Chamber leadership have an obsession with the gay lifestyle, probably because there's a gay strain to leadership in these organizations. I don't have anything at all against gay people, but my patience with this nonsense is wearing very thin. RFRA hasn't hurt Indiana in the slightest, nor would it. Religious freedom is enshrined in the Constitution. It is a core value, like it i or not. The vast majority of Americans support it. What they don't do is screech online and hijack every message thread. The proof is in the numbers. Ironically, it is the political correct nonsense of the left that is fueling the meteoric rise of non-traditional candidates. It's deliciously ironic that gay hysteria is ushering in a new class of political operatives who couldn't care less about them. They've done it to themselves. What goes around, comes around.

  6. Anonymous7:45 AM GMT-5

    Gary (@ 8:19) you electronically proclaim the truth Left Liberal Statists do not want uttered.

    Very many persons know it to be true, very many persons have experienced "reverse race discrimination", but very few of us have the courage to say it.

    Thank you.

  7. Anonymous9:50 AM GMT-5

    The issue is more do to with the wailing of agitated Bible thumpers who like to politicize whatever strikes them as contrary to their personal beliefs and then cannot deal with the pushback that ensues. If you can't find a religion out of the 4,200 that exist on this planet, that practices equality, then don't bother me with your feel good diatribes.

  8. Anon 9:50: One's unilateral definition of "equality" is another's inequity.

  9. Anonymous3:10 PM GMT-5

    Do I have to be a racist, sexist, white homophobe to say that I do not want men in the ladies room and showers?

    Why is it that when I disagree with someone on those issues I am branded as intolerant? Sheesh!

  10. Anonymous4:29 PM GMT-5

    Silly bible thumpers. Your Republican, Manhattanite candidate for President likes gay people very much. Always has. Always will. But contrary to the image he is courting in Iowa this week, he doesn't actually care much for evangelical nut jobs, who, in his opinion, marry multiple wives, usually young wives, in Utah and talk in tongues and handle snakes in the bible belt. We may prefer Hillary, but we get along just fine with Trump who, I promise you, completely supports the gay community.

  11. Anonymous4:36 PM GMT-5

    And as for 3:10. You are intolerant. Also stupid and hateful and probably a devout Christian. You will probably never be lucky enough to meet a person so brave as a child strong enough to recognize his or her own gender is wrong, with the will and fortitude to see themselves through to a better place. I have known a couple well, and they were extraordinary people, something I doubt anyone will ever say about you. I can see you now, the person in the room who sniffs in disapproval as a transgender person, who desperately needs the bathroom, must endure your vicious looks just to relieve herself when trapped away from home in hostile territory. Don't confuse what you believe with anything that Jesus would approve of. He doesn't even look upon people with your kind of horrid attitudes toward your fellow man. Don't go away mad, sister. Just go away. The world is full of people with open hearts, something no one will ever think of you.

  12. Wow- full on asinine, Anon 4:29 & 4:36; complete misinterpretation of Christian tolerance (4:29) & self defeating pronoun assumption of 3:10's gender. Your pretense of faux-peness is pure sophistry; ranting of a per-joraty, expressed in the tyrannic tongue of PC. Downtown Indy decisively won this RFRA round & tournament- with their leadoff comment. Rights belong to all, not an acronymic select few.

  13. Why lump the RFRA with laws passed in other states where the intent was different?
