Monday, January 25, 2016

Ball State University's President Abruptly Resigns

It came without warning and less than two years after he was installed as president of Ball State University. The university's board of trustees accepted the "mysterious, sudden and unexpected resignation of President Paul Ferguson" today as The Muncie Star-Press put it. Ferguson earned a base salary of $450,000 according to The Star, and he had a five-year contract. Because of the announcement in the middle of a semester, one can't help but speculate that there is more to Ferguson's resignation than the trustees shared with the media following their closed door, executive meeting accepting his resignation today.


  1. Anonymous6:11 AM GMT-5

    Well, since Indiana is rapidly becoming the kiddie porn, child sexploitation capital of America, I find myself wondering if the Jared cops have been up to Muncie recently.

  2. Anonymous7:58 AM GMT-5

    The last time I attended a Board of Trustees meeting at BSU I was not impressed with their acumen or morality. The subject of their theft at that time managed to tape the session. But, concerted lying and misrepresentation have long been part of the BSU DNA. In the instant matter, I just hope the fellow hasn't discovered some terrible disease giving him not so long to live.

  3. Gary, you should apply to be the next President of BSU. Your #1 platform item could be to revamp the journalism school to teach real investigative reporting.
