Monday, November 16, 2015

Pence Blocks Syrian Refugee Resettlement In Response To Paris Terrorist Attacks

Gov. Mike Pence moved quickly to halt the resettlement of Syrian refugees into Indiana following this past weekend's terrorist attacks in Paris, France. Terrorist groups associated with ISIS have claimed credit for the multi-front attacks in Paris late Friday night that left nearly 130 dead and hundreds more injured. It is believed as least one of those involved in the deadly terrorist attack was a recent immigrant from Syria who entered Europe as a refugee.

Governors from the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Michigan and Texas had already publicly stated their states would not be accepting any Syrian refugees. The Obama administration has started to admit the first of what are expected to be at least 10,000 refugees brought to the U.S. for resettlement over the next year. Obama today rejected calls to halt further resettlement of Syrians following the latest terrorist attacks. "Slamming the door in their faces would be a betrayal of our values," he said. "Our nations can welcome refugees who are desperately seeking safety and ensure our own security. We can and must do both."

Gov. Pence defended his decision because of concerns refugees are not being properly screened by the federal government. "Indiana has a long tradition of opening our arms and homes to refugees from around the world but, as governor, my first responsibility is to ensure the safety and security of all Hoosiers," Pence said in a statement.

UPDATE: Add Illinois to that list. Gov. Bruce Rauner has also halted the flow of Syrian refugees into his state. "Our nation and our state have a shared history of providing safe haven for those displaced by conflict, but the news surrounding the Paris terror attacks reminds us of the all-too-real security threats facing America," Rauner said in a statement. "We must find a way to balance our tradition as a state welcoming of refugees while ensuring the safety and security of our citizens."

I'm betting if push comes to shove the states won't be able to block Obama from sending refugees wherever he chooses to send them. I still remember President Jimmy Carter sending more than 25,000 Cuban refugees to Fort Chafee in Arkansas back in late 1970s during the Mariel boatlift where Fidel Castro flooded our country with refugees by emptying the worst criminal offenders held in his country's jails and putting them on boats to Florida. When the refugees began rioting and setting buildings on fire, Bill Clinton's Republican opponent in the gubernatorial race successfully used the issue to defeat Clinton in his re-election bid in 1980, the only general election he ever lost. They say Clinton never forgave Carter for that mess.

UPDATE II: The CIA's newspaper of record, Gannett, confirms governors can do little to stop refugee resettlement.

UPDATE III: The list of governors calling for a halt on refugees has grown to 25, all of whom are Republicans except for New Hampshire's Gov. Maggie Hassan.


  1. Anonymous4:30 PM GMT-5

    O Bozo says he thinks 100,000 would be our quota.

  2. Anonymous5:24 PM GMT-5

    We are all being played yet again. It blows my mind how this happens and how everyone acts exactly according to script. Just saying...

  3. Eric Morris6:12 PM GMT-5

    So a guy that voted for the Iraq War and supports every intervention in the Middle East doesn't want people fleeing the terror he helped foster to be able to live in relative peace here. Gary, I think the Syrian "refugee" was just a Frenchman using that as a cover to be able to get back into his own country after going to Syria. Either way, it's all a mess and these westerners are just going to go down the same road of more war. Which begets more terror blowback. It's like these people want trouble.

  4. Anonymous6:32 PM GMT-5

    First I think, for what it's worth, good for the governors doing what the lazy Prez won't.

    Second, I don't think the terrorists need a Chicago, LA, or New York to make a statement. A really nice Colt's game, Mall of America, any large gathering place in a metropolitan area will make a better point. "You" middle or small town America think you are safe but they want to kill us.

    Wake up people. We are not safe. Just imagine if one person in Paris had a gun and took out one of those bastards before he could kill more people. They might not have saved everyone but maybe some of those innocents.

    Just saying folks....

  5. Anonymous6:55 PM GMT-5

    It appears once again, some people will let an enemy build a fort/mosque in their backyard and then wonder what the hell went wrong. Brigette Gabrielle has warned the world. It's, "Because They Hate".

  6. Anonymous7:47 PM GMT-5

    Depopulating Syria so Greater Israel can move in.

    Look out, Jordan.

  7. 750,000 regugees have been resettled in the US since 9/11.
    Not one has been arrested on domestic terrorism charges.
    SOURCE: The Economist

  8. Anonymous9:42 AM GMT-5

    If paranoid Pence wants to screen people let him park his butt at the next 'gun show'. Here in Indianapolis gun violence, by our local terrorists, is just a way of life that we are getting used to.

  9. Anonymous9:51 AM GMT-5

    Unrestrained Arab immigration has resulted in Paris' population growing to 20%. And Marseille has neighborhoods that are so completely Arab that police will not enter them and crime is rampant. Even if they aren't terrorists. They have definitely changed the fabric of life in France, and the French complain bitterly that they don't assimilate, don't want to work, and add greatly to crime. These realities are being experienced throughout Europe. Scandinavia is straining under the weight of so many Arab immigrants already. And Norway's greatest mass murderer, Brevik, killed to raise awareness of a Norway that has let in so many Arabs that its culture and language are changing. Switzerland has had legal battles over whether to allow so many minarets. The locals don't want all these new buildings with Muslim spires on top and they have had to block it legally. These mosques that Arab populations put up change education, bring Sharia law, and often train a hostile element that has been quick to go back to Arab countries to fight. I don't know that I am against immigration per se. But there are countless Arab countries like Saudi Arabia that could take these populations. What is the point in bringing them here? Can't we just assist an international effort to resettle them somewhere safer in their own lands. I don't know why such a transmigration is necessary. We've done such a terrible job with out own Mexican immigrants. I don't know that we have the ability to do this resettlement any better. Perhaps these people should resettle in Jordan, Kurdish territory or Saudi.

  10. Poor Syria. Check out the Syrian Girl at you tube.

  11. On Line also is, "Syrian Girl, Why the Globalists Hate Syria - Radio3Fourteen." And yes, Gannett Indianapolis Star is CIA territory. Obama is a neocon.

  12. As caliph of isis and potus, 0bama might be in jeopardy of Treason against the United States, for levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

  13. " Anonymous Anonymous said...

    If paranoid Pence wants to screen people let him park his butt at the next 'gun show'. Here in Indianapolis gun violence, by our local terrorists, is just a way of life that we are getting used to.

    9:42 AM GMT-5"

    Criminals normaly don't buy their guns at gun shows or walmart, they steal them or trade drugs or stolen property for them, bartering with other criminals. Also, and I know this is hard for you to comprehend, gun laws don't effect criminals because criminals by definition do not obey law. Read that again. Chitcago, NYC and Detoilet have some of the strictest gun laws on the books and yet they lead in gun violence. Do you see a correlation here?
