Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Matt Drudge Sees The Light

The American people should be asking why President Barack Obama has been deliberately setting the stage for World War III. A bit ironic that the man awarded the Nobel Peace Prize before he stepped foot in the White House has turned out to be the most evil, cold-blooded man to occupy the presidency besides Andrew Jackson or Lyndon Johnson.


  1. Anonymous7:53 PM GMT-5

    Well, it looks like Matt Drudge is being a racist again and not giving the black President a chance to succeed.

    Well that's what the drive by's will say!

  2. Anonymous8:26 PM GMT-5

    Yes, Gary... of course. But you or I would be wasting out breath trying to get the robotic liberal Democrat drones to see what is at the tips of their noses when it comes to Barak Obama... or whoever the hell he really is. The brain dead liberal apostles of the Stupidest Guy In Any Room He Enters intentionally refuse to admit The Messiah's terms in the White House are disastrous, failed, and bringing the world the war already under way... World War III. It's here, folks. And that damned idiot from Kenya and his that old Hillary Rodham Clinton have helped create the fireballs in the Middle East. It is going to get much, much worse.

  3. Anonymous9:25 PM GMT-5

    And America isn't arming ISIS on it's own orders. America is funneling arms to ISIS because Israel wants to destabilize the region and gain power and land.

    When Russia defeats Turkey and ISIS, will Israel order America to fight Russia? Will Israel sends its own military to fight Russia?

    Turkey is the oil broker, selling agent and loading terminal for ISIS oil. That's Assad's oil that we told Turkey they could help steal.

  4. Anonymous6:58 AM GMT-5

    Anon 8:26. It's robotic Republicans as much as robotic liberal Democrats. Cons Rep vs. Lib Dem is a false dichotomy. Neocons are not conservatives. War is not a conservative value though it is very much a Republican value. See the difference yet? I used to think like you, then I grew. Hopefully you will too. Open your Hoosier mind Bro. Yeah, I know, it's a big scary world out there past the Midwest. It's not like they want you to believe it is. I have hope for you. You're here at the mouth of the rabbit hole. Move forward. Take the red pill. Lose the blue pill of your Hoosier existence. You'll be okay. I promise. Godspeed.

  5. Anonymous7:01 AM GMT-5

    Good analysis Anon 9:25. Spot on with one small exception. I'm not sure it's about Israel getting their hands on more sand dunes. They want something a little more valuable. Oil is a sunset industry. Israel thinks larger. Much larger.

  6. Anonymous7:27 AM GMT-5

    Good analysis Anon 9:25. Spot on with one small exception. I'm not sure it's about Israel getting their hands on more sand dunes. They want something a little more valuable. Oil is a sunset industry. Israel thinks larger. Much larger.

  7. Gary, only 1 objection: Andrew Jackson was probably one of the best -- though very flawed -- president we have had. True, Indian Removal was barbaric and inhumane. However, no other president has ever:
    * fought the nation's central bank...and WON
    * paid OFF the national debt
    * asked Congress as a whole to authorize military action before dispatching any troops to contain possible seceding states (though, thankfully, the Nullification Crisis ended w/o bloodshed)

    I'd replace his name with Woodrow Wilson, who:
    * took us into WW1 after running on a non-interventionist platform
    * pushed for the 16th Amendment, which instituted the income tax
    * signed the Federal Reserve Act
    * helped draw up the maps of the middle east & Balkans after WW1 that led to conflagrations in years to come
    * allowed the winning belligerants in WW1 to include opressive requirements in the Treaty of Versailles which eventually led to the rise of Hitler

    Jackson was no angel, but when compared with some of the presidents from the 20th century, his sins pale in comparison.

  8. Anonymous8:39 AM GMT-5

    Clinton, Kerry, Obama and the Democrat Party that supports these fools, their ISIS creation, their Benghazi cover up of the weapons source, their destablizing of the Middle East at the behest of Israel are all not well known because we have a controlled MSM with worn knee pads. The Democrat anti war crowd isn't getting any more soviet gold to fund them and the only opposition is now coming from a few Republicans who are conservatives but not neo cons (former marxists for the most part and subservient to making war mostly in behalf of their jew friends...who finance them). There are plenty of books one can get, The Transparent Cabal being one of the better ones. There is no conspiracy of any hidden nature but there is a long running conspiracy and a reason for Jewish donors and voters to be so heavily involved with just the one political party....sort of strange when you think of it but most don't think of it.

  9. Anonymous5:02 PM GMT-5

    Andrew Jackson was the one of the worst Presidents. Defied a Supreme Court order which led to the thousand of dead Native Americans.

    1. Anon502, I mentioned Indian Removal & agree that it was a travesty. Given the unique positives during the Jackson presidency that I mentioned above, though, I respectfully disagree with your conclusion about AJ being "one of the worst Presidents."

  10. Anonymous5:04 PM GMT-5

    Folks forget.. Who put US troops boots on the ground in Irag to begin with??? George Bush.

  11. Anonymous9:12 PM GMT-5

    No, the US is not funding ISIS. We only have to look to Saudi Arabia (remember where 14 of the 16 911 hijackers and Bin Laden were from) to find that, while the Saudi government denies aiding ISIS, it turns a blind eye when individuals of the Wahhabi faction provide financial assistance and send some 2,500 combatants to decimate the Middle East. Under the premise that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, they view ISIS as their Sunni brothers fighting their main rival, the Shiite Iranians. When 2/3 of the Iraq population are Shiites, the restoration of a Sunni or a Wahhabi styled government is a preferential outcome. After the first day of Saudi airstrikes little has been heard of any further contribution by what is considered one of the greatest military powerhouses in the area.
    Judging by our government's relationship with the Saudis, with longstanding Bush family involvement, it is questionable if enough pressure will ever be applied to reverse the aims of a country with clerics steeped in Sharia law. The Saudi's pact giving Israel flyover permission (on the way to Iran, of course) is just the tip of the iceberg as to what agreements have been made in an entangled Middle East. I guess the best we can give the Saudis is a free ticket home when we again suffer the consequences of their brand of theocracy.

  12. And since Congress refuses to impeach Obama, it too is in on his plotting WWIII.
