Friday, May 29, 2015

Scott Walker Wants Wisconsin Taxpayers To Build New Arena For Billionaire Owners of Milwaukee Bucks

It only took this one decision for me to decide I will never support Scott Walker for president under any circumstances. The Wisconsin governor has put his support behind a proposal that will require the state's taxpayers to build a costly new arena for the new owners of the Milwaukee Bucks. A pair of New York hedge fund billionaires purchased the NBA team from a fellow tribesman, billionaire Herb Kohl, for $550 million on the condition the team get a new taxpayer-financed arena to replace the BMO Harris Bradley Center built in 1988. Being extortionists like all of the billionaire owners of NBA teams, Milwaukee faced a threat of the team moving elsewhere if the greedy owners didn't get what they demanded.

Gov. Scott Walker, who by all appearances is already owned by the billionaire Koch brothers, has gladly capitulated to the extortionists' demands. Walker defended the move by claiming the state financing deal will not mean higher taxes because the state is only extending authority to continue levying a tax that was set to expire by law. Taxpayer contribution to the new arena will be at least $250 million, not counting interest that will accumulate on the arena's debt over the life of the debt issued to finance its construction. "Walker said getting a deal for the Bucks is essential because the team will leave if it doesn't have plans in place for a new arena by 2017," the Journal-Sentinel reported. "Whether you like, dislike or are undecided about the Bucks, the bottom line is that would create a significant hole in a future state budget and for the long term," Walker said.

A real conservative would see the hole that's being created in taxpayers' wallets, not the fat cat billionaires who own our nation's politicians. The countdown has started for billionaire Herb Simon to tell our Capital Improvement Board that Banker's Life Fieldhouse just doesn't measure up to newer, taxpayer-built arenas. The number one obligation of our elected officials in Indiana is to ensure that the billionaire sports team owners remain the wealthiest people in the state. And who honestly believes our government is any better than the Russian government?


  1. Anonymous9:27 AM GMT-5


    Glad to have you on board in recognizing the real string-pullers.

    The Russians are nowhere near as wasteful in blowing tax dollars on sports.

  2. I always found it interesting that Politicians who called themselves Fiscal Conservatives could manage to embrace Corporate Welfare for the Mega-Billionaire Owners of Sports Stadiums. The Mega-Media Press is all on board in cheer leading these schemes. We have had a parade of Mayors: Hudnut, Gold$mith, Peterson, and Ballard who have been enablers for the Parasites who own Professional Sports teams. I do not expect Hog$ett to be that much different. The so called Fiscal Conservative Governors and State Legislators are all on board the Professional Sports Corporate Welfare Program.

    There never seems to be any serious opposition in the our City-County Council or State Legislator to these Corporate Welfare Schemes. These stadiums are a gravy train for politicians and their fellow travelers: Lawyers, Architects, Construction Companies, and financial companies to name a few.

    The Democratic and Republican Parties are for the most part under the Corporate Party Umbrella. We may have rid our selves of titled aristocracy during the American Revolution, but we now have rule by the Plutocracy. For the Plutocracy the general welfare of America and it's citizens is a nonexistent concept. The Plutocracy has as it's fundamental goal to enrich themselves, and maintain control over the election process by determining with their wealth which political candidates best serve their needs.

  3. Eric Morris2:24 PM GMT-5

    Love the "tribesmen" reference. Three members in a row have run Federal Reserve with the Vice Chair currently former head of Israel central bank and working to decapitate fellow tribeswoman Chair Yellen over leaks to press. The Fed provides the means for all this funny money to be floated to the oligarchs through debt and inflation.
