Friday, May 01, 2015

Marion Co. GOP Swamps Scales' District With Negative, False Campaign Flyers

The word "ethical" isn't in the vocabulary of the Marion County Republican Party so nothing they do surprises me. The voters of District 3 in Indianapolis are blessed to have one of the hardest working and independent voices on the council in Christine Scales, who puts her constituents' interests ahead of the corrupt agenda of Mayor Greg Ballard and her colleagues, who sadly too often vote in lockstep with the mayor regardless of the poison he repeatedly asks them to swallow. The caucus retaliated against her for putting her constituents first by booting her from the caucus, a punishment not meted out to Lincoln Plowman when he was indicted for taking a bribe from an undercover FBI aent. The party slated Tim Craft to run against her. Craft didn't live in District 3 so he had to buy a home and move into the district just last year so he would be eligible to oppose Scales. He works for CBRE, which has been the beneficiary of lucrative no-bid contracts courtesy of the Ballard administration. The party failed to do any due diligence on Craft, who was forced to admit recently he had been practicing as a commercial real estate broker for nine months without a license, a matter now under investigation by state regulators.

The Republican leadership doesn't care whether they win or lose District 3. They only know they don't want Christine Scales serving on the council. God forbid the party have an elected official in the county with integrity who is true to Republican Party principles unlike many of the tax and spend, pay to play characters that best describes candidates preferred by the party with which I'm ashamed to identify these days. There's an old saying about getting into a fight with a skunk. The Marion Co. GOP knows it reeks something awful so the only way it can beat Scales is to simply make up lies about her and hope the voters of her district are too stupid to think for themselves. At least three negative campaign flyers chocked full of lies and distortions began hitting mail boxes in Scales' District today. The small-minded minority leader, Mike McQuillen, piled on with his own letter to voters in which he falsely accuses Scales of voting in lock-step with the Democrats. In actuality, McQuillen and many of his fellow Republicans have a perfect voting record of casting votes for taxes increases and reckless spending measures with their Democratic counterparts. McQuillen tries to claim the mantle of being a watchdog for the taxpayers when no other member of the council has been more vigilant in guarding our tax dollars than Scales. McQuillen even accuses Scales of colluding with "seedy" blogs. Words of a feeble leader with his panties all in a bunch. Let's hope District 3 Republican primary voters are wiser than McQuillen and the GOP's leadership.


  1. Anonymous6:14 PM GMT-5

    The GOP leadership is very, very concerned that Scales will be re-elected. She is a threat to their corruption and graft.

  2. Anonymous6:37 PM GMT-5

    That is just the wrong thing to do!

    I wonder what they sent out about Jocelyn Tandy, the perennial candidate of any and all political parties???

  3. Anonymous6:40 PM GMT-5

    I'm VOTING for Christine Scales!

    She is honest and has integrity and moral courage. She stood up to the corruption that is the Regional Operations Center and to Frank Straub! She has my vote!

  4. Anonymous6:50 PM GMT-5

    I'm ashamed to say I am a Republican.

    I am proud I donated to her campaign.

  5. Anonymous8:59 PM GMT-5

    Michael McQuillen is a TOOL. His main source of income is an ebay business selling political memorabilia aka junk. He's a wannabe career politician that is a puppet of the higher shadow leaders. He's the only councilman to vote against the public safety tax veto to go toward IMPD cars. He's probably using this gig to try to become another Kyle Walker. Guy is an absolute idiot and turning against people who actually listen to their constituents.

  6. Kyle Walker, Mike McQuillen and David Brooks - might as well call these numbnuts "Mos Eisley"

  7. Anonymous8:04 AM GMT-5

    Christine Scales is one of the most honorable, decent, and dedicated Republican City Councilors Indianapolis is blessed with. The low road trash postcard is despicable but not a surprise; it's classic David Brooks/Kyle Walker/Tom John type of behavior. "The Party" is constantly complaining it has no money and there is hearsay the MCRCC is sometimes behind on its rent to The Turk.... so Kyle Walker throws away money on filth like this? These creeps do it because it works on some people (sad to say) and they always send out this crap just before voting day making rebuttal of any kind impossible.

    DB and TJ sent out a similar smear postcard against Jocelyn Tandy Adande several years ago. They don't want to win some of these races/seats... they want to stop honest persons from being a part of the system.

  8. Anonymous8:28 AM GMT-5

    Is the Marion County Republican Party really just an organized crime outfit?

  9. Anonymous8:56 AM GMT-5

    They're spending more on mailers to get rid of
    Scales than they spent on the most recent county election campaigns of all three African American candidates.

  10. Anonymous8:59 AM GMT-5

    The root of all evil, it seems, is party organizations. (Aided and abetted, quite naturally by money of course from rent-seekers.)

  11. I've been a Republican for 50 years and a former elected office holder. This will be my first primary election where I will not vote for any GOP slated candidate.

  12. Anonymous1:15 PM GMT-5

    Anon 10:15- My CV is very similar to yours. And this vicious, deceptive, and vengeful
    establishment Marion County GOP campaign to smear Christine Scales is "deja vu all over again." I will not vote for ANY slated Marion County RINO GOP candidates on May 5th; and for those Marion County GOP slated candidates who do happen to win their Primaries opposed by non-slated or not... I plan to withhold my November vote. I will decline to vote for any RINO and leave it at that as I learned long ago to vote for a Democrat as a method of blocking the corruption amounts to almost as poor a choice for me as to vote for an establishment "RINO" Republican.

    After I saw up close and personal the lengths, activities, and words employed by David Brooks and Samantha DeWester in their personal vendetta to stop Bart McAtee from being slated a few years back, I know how evil the MCRCC is when it comes to a preference of losing a race than to allow an honest Republican into office.

    The old RINO establishment crony GOP guard needs to go and I am talking from STATE level down to Municipal. If we continue to vote for persons like Christine Scales we move toward defeating the corruption systemic to both RINO Republicans and crony Democrats.

  13. Recall in 2007 when Councilor Scales was elected the first time around - the Star and its liberal ed board headed by Dennis Milz at that time completely skipped Ms. Scales in endorsing a big spending Dem public transportation advocate for the council seat. Then after myself and Gary called out the Star on this, the Ed Board backtracked and withdrew endorsement of anyone for that seat.

  14. In both her first and second election, Christine defeated candidates backed by the downtown mafia. They really don't like it when someone gets elected to any office in this city who hasn't been given their blessings, which means they control them. The Democrats are doing the same thing to Angela Mansfield. They can't control her so they want her off the council.

  15. Anonymous6:41 PM GMT-5

    Vote Christine Scales for City-County Council!

  16. Incredibly stupid and immature letter that was sent out. Christine was very helpful to us when the Allisonville Road Bridge project was being built. Projecting their character defects onto Christine is what I would expect from teenagers not grown adults.

  17. Derrick Filkins10:24 PM GMT-5

    Proud to vote for a person who is mature and wise. Appears Mr McQuillen is quite short in both of those traits as demonstrated by the letter. Secondly, it was mean which demonstrates lack of respect for a woman who values honesty and integrity.
