Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Pence Take Down In High Gear: He's Being Schocked

Anyone who reads this blog regularly knows I've never been much of a fan of Mike Pence, but I have enough compassion for him to provide this dire warning to him. A take down of your political career is in high gear now. Some of the people in which you placed ill-advised faith are part of an organized attempt to completely discredit you at every turn. Their goal is not simply to dash your presidential ambitions or defeat your re-election bid in 2016 as governor. They intend to force your resignation as Indiana's governor.

The Gannett-owned Indianapolis Star and their man Mitch is behind those efforts. Consider yourself warned. If you thought your life has been a living hell this past week, you haven't seen nothing yet. Look across the border at former U.S. Rep. Aaron Schock at how quickly his political career was taken down when the powers that be decided he had to go if you want to see what they have in store for you. I don't pretend to know what you did to offend them, but you are now their bullseye. Star political columnist Matt Tully, returning from his latest circle jerk club meeting, serves up the latest proof of your pending doom:
Recent months have made one thing clear: You can put those Mike Pence for President campaign buttons, if there were any, back in the drawer.
Something else, meantime, is becoming more obvious with each new mistake: Pence was never meant to be a governor. A partisan and dysfunctional Congress that lives on bright line divisions was his home for 12 years, and that's where he belongs — in a place where a person can rise high by talking well and digging in and not really doing much. A place where, for the most part, you are not held accountable for results.
Being a governor is different. It's about being a leader who is forced every day to think pragmatically, who knows that doing no harm is high on the list of requirements, and who understands that the job is at its core about making sure your state's people have a better chance of earning a decent living or getting a great education tomorrow than they do today.
In recent days, Fortune magazine listed former Gov. Mitch Daniels among "the world's 50 greatest leaders." At the same time, Pence, the man who followed Daniels into office, has once again been exposed as a stunningly ineffective leader . . . 
For Indiana Republicans, it must be particularly hard to accept what has been lost in these past 27 months: The hard-earned mantle of the party of action and the party of ideas. Under Daniels, it was also a party that had made inroads with minority groups and college students. 
For Indiana Republicans, that mantle is lost. It was shattered by a governor who never should have given up his seat in Congress. It was shattered by a governor who is in the wrong job, and whose mistakes have cost Indiana dearly.
What can I say, Mike? You lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas. Remember former Arizona Gov. Evan Mecham, and the role the Star's sister newspaper, The Arizona Republic, had in his take down? Yeah, that ended ugly. Mecham was later acquitted of the charges The Republic trumped up against him, but by that point there was nothing left of his reputation.


  1. Anonymous7:45 AM GMT-5

    This attack is part of a Progressive effort to tear down every potential
    GOP 2016 candidate for President.

  2. Anonymous8:24 AM GMT-5

    Mitch did not comment or sign a Purdue letter re: RFRA. Mitch and his boys are not to be trusted. Neither is Bosma and the herd of men targeting any and all-even citizens with a voice. Where's the FBI when it received calls in 2005 re: corruption and more that came true and where's the DOJ? It's a sick world. Watch your back folks if you have a voice that counters and exposes the truth.

  3. Anonymous8:54 AM GMT-5

    Heck, when has the Indiana Legislature ever been trustworthy? Daniels' main claim to fame is that he mostly got them to avoid a lot of social engineering stuff. Pence let Eric Miller and the boys into the club again, with the expected results. Daniels was again smart to take a job where he could justify keeping his mouth shut about Indiana politics.

  4. Anonymous9:01 AM GMT-5

    Just read Ogden's page. If Angie's List is being acquired by Amazon, it might very well be true that Amazon is de facto running Angie's List, at the moment.

    If Amazon is driving the car, cancelling expansion because of RFRA might be the truth.

  5. Anonymous9:19 AM GMT-5

    Better start taking care of veterans or they are the next flea infested dog to strike.

  6. Anonymous9:52 AM GMT-5

    The moment Pence opened his mouth asking the RFRA be "explained" I knew he was in the weeds. That minute he went on the defense was when he lost his case even though he was correct. And to allow Stephanopoulos- a left liberal Democrat operative- interview him was a huge error in strategy; Pence opened himself to be ensnared in the classic left liberal Democrat trap. Truth does not matter to left liberal Democrats hell-bent on being the intolerant haters, bigots, and bullies they accuse others of being.

    Left of center liberal Democrats (more interested in Socialism than a Constitutional Republic) will spread any lie and take any action to defeat any legally enacted statute on which they lost. The ballot box matters to them only when they won the first voting go around.

    As an out, degreed, adult gay individual who can think for himself and who has personally experienced the vicious intolerance from members of his community upon voicing his views different from the liberal Democrat party line, I am sickened to my stomach that people like Katie Blair, Megan Robertson, Rick Sutton, and even Zach Adamson purport to represent all of us who are made repugnant by and repulsed at their politics of hate, bullying, and division.

  7. The voice of same sex sharia is an emotive & shrill intole-rant; tyrannical hate speech targeting people of faith.

  8. Wow... so I know this isn't very exciting - but is it possible that the more likely explanation is that Pence is simply a total fuckup?

    I thought Tully was spot on.

    This isn't how leaders behave -- it just isn't.

  9. Hmm. I've been wondering whether Pence is in bed with the globalists, and I think this tells me he may not be. I had been thinking it possible that the religious freedom law was a planned psy-op to further turn people against Christians. Maybe not. Maybe Pence isn't playing the globalists' game, and he will be taken down for it. Obviously, I am no fan of Pence (or any Democrat or Republican for that matter), but I really worry for those who are under globalist/establishment attack. Those of us speaking the truth will eventually feel the wrath. I guess I'll see everyone in the gulag.

  10. Capitulation on this issue is a mistake. Forced association or labor is a violation of not only the First Amendment; but the Thirteenth as well. Involuntary servitude is unConstittional.

    Governor Pence is better off slowing down & focusing on worship during this Holy Week. There's plenty of time for remedial media education. Don't rush, take a deep breath Governor & practice your faith this week; as is your Constitutioinal right.

  11. This isnt how a real leader behaves. He made some bad choices.... like not listening to actual Hoosiers (instead of listening to just a few friends). He's making laws that no one wants, except the people whispering in his ear. This isnt what a leader does. He isnt a bad governor because he makes bad decisions. He's bad, cause he doesnt listen or think for himself. Its now just too obvious he's a puppet for people. Isnt it odd that most Republicans in the State are against this as well? What message does this send to our children. And im not talking about RFRA. I'm talking about how our government system is ran by dim-witted self-promoting bigots.

  12. I'm not a fan of any politician who pushed through controversial laws without real discussion. It was obvious from the beginning that this law was a back door deal.

    There is ZERO conspiracy to end his career. He's doing that on his own. He lost the trust of the entire State. I don't think he has a chance to retain his governorship and no chance at a presidential run. This was his choice. He chose to be a bad leader.

  13. Eric Morris12:03 PM GMT-5

    Pete, I agree with your 1106 comment, but how does 13th Amendment to the CONstitution align with military conscription? El Supremos say it is okay. Join me as a full-fledged property rights respecting Anarcho-capitalist and quit putting your faith in democracy, the god that failed, and an ancient piece of parchment none of us ever signed.

  14. This is part of a world-wide attack on Christianity.

  15. I don't know if anyone else felt this way, but the 2012 Governor election really left a bad taste in my mouth. I am an independent so I vote for the candidate, but Mike Pence's step down from Congress to Governor gave the view of being incredibly self-serving and using the position as merely a platform for a presidential bid.

    Also, am I the only one who was completely irked that Pence created the Center for Education and Career Innovation (CECI, plowed millions of dollars just to fight Glenda Ritz, then dissolve it a few years later with an executive order ? You'd be hard pressed to find anyone who would agree that the money spent towards that quarrel was worthwhile.

    The roads in Indianapolis in particular are in very bad shape and they always have been to be honest despite very high fees for licence plates. That money could have been used to have repaired a lot of the damaged roads instead of his own personal education agenda.

  16. Eric Morris: Our military is a volunteer service. Mandatory service is a good idea & would moderate militarized policy at both extremes.

    We don't have a democracy, we're a republic & free will qua sovereignty leads me to faith; which you're likewise free to reject.

  17. Anonymous4:24 PM GMT-5

    To the LGBT community,
    Pride cometh before the fall.

  18. Anonymous8:04 PM GMT-5

    Look for a Reichstag Fire soon so someone can blame the LGBT movement

  19. If Matt Tully writes a column, does it still make a sound??

  20. Gannett is in full swing (pun not intended) across the country on the GLBT agenda ...

    Here in Springfield, MO there's a ballot question on repealing the City Council adopted form of an HRO which supposedly places GLBT in a separate class - no doubt the Bible Belt here in the Ozarks want this to go away.

    From the Gannett owned local snoozepaper:
