Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Another Misleading Headline Intended To Give Indiana A Black Eye

The headline in the Northwest Indiana Times reads, "Legislature Rejects Civil Rights Protections For Gays." The story is in reference to an amendment offered by State Rep. Ed DeLaney (D-Indianapolis) to a public health measure regarding Medicaid coverage for prison inmates. DeLaney's amendment would have added "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" as protected classes under the state's civil rights law. The House of Representatives never took a vote on the substance of DeLaney's amendment. The Speaker of the House ruled the amendment out of order because it did not pertain to the subject matter of the underlying bill. The only vote taken by the House was a procedural vote on a motion made by Delaney to discard a long-standing House rule based on the Indiana Constitution's single subject requirement for legislation. The House sustained the Speaker's ruling on a party-line vote. You can't always believe the headlines.


  1. It's Christian tolerance that's being abused by the perverse code of statist sharia.

  2. Of course the GOP leaders in the legislature have refused to hold a hearing on extending civil rights to gays, which is the reason Delaney must resort to these tactics. Indiana gave itself a black eye, and one more article pointing out what everyone knows is hardly the kind of journalistic activism you suggest.

  3. Get your facts straight, Paul. No Democratic lawmaker introduced a bill this year, or for the past several years for that matter, to add sexual orientation or gender identity to the state's civil rights law. You can't deny a hearing for legislation that was never introduced. They only came rushing in at the tail end of session attempting to do something after all of the media hoopla over RFRA.

  4. Why should laws creating special classes of people be passed?

    Isn't everyone equal under the law?

  5. Anonymous3:52 PM GMT-5

    Congressional leaders will introduce a sweeping anti discrimination bill later this spring providing comprehensive protections to lgbt citizens across a broad spectrum. This is directly in response to Indiana and Arkansas religious freedom laws. It is being said in Washington that federal legislation is necessary to fix the gross discrimination being codified into State laws dominated by Christian fundamentalists for the purpose of providing a legal basis for their discriminatory practices. Indiana ought to be ashamed that our conduct here is so inappropriate to the sensibilities of most people that major legislation will be required in Congress to slap us down. This is not the fault of the oppressed, but of the Christian oppressors. You can twist and turn it however you like, but history will record Pence and his supermajority in the General Assembly as some of the most discriminatory legislators in the history of the United States. Congratulations bigots. You'll go down in history with those legislators who fought against giving women the vote and went to war to hold onto slavery and refused to integrate schools.

  6. Anonymous 3:52 PM GMT-5 said...""

    So you're for forcing others by law to participate in others sin?
    How very tolerant, open minded, and unbigoted of you.

  7. >>This is not the fault of the oppressed, but of the Christian oppressors<<

    How about the other states with identical or nearly identical laws?? Oh wait never let facts get in the way of ones talking point.

    Would 3:52PM call Muslims oppressors? I doubt it, considering the President is at minimum a Muslim sympathizer.

  8. PL & Anon 3:52: Your assertions are patently uninformed, unenlightened, phony & anti First Amendment; an easy read.

    Your manufactured, faux indignation, is a product of tyranny / statism; instrumentalizing LGBT folks or using them, to abuse those you hate; who merely disagree with you. It's vile & not about who loves who; but who hates people of faith & seek to deny their First Amendment rights & sovereignty.
