Thursday, March 19, 2015

Yet Another Underground Explosion In Downtown Indy

Power is out in a large section of downtown Indianapolis, including the office building where I work, as a result of yet another underground explosion. The latest explosions were centered near Capitol and North Streets where at least four manhole covers were blown as a result of an explosion. This follows this past Monday's underground explosion in the 400 block of Massachusetts Avenue. Traffic is a mess downtown because of so many traffic signals being out. Hopefully, power will be restored later this morning.

UPDATE: It's quite curious that the entire 300 block of North Meridian Street more than 7 hours later is still without power except for the 300 N. Meridian Tower that houses the offices of Faegre Baker Daniels. Power to their building was quickly restored this morning while everyone else is put out of business for the day. They have a team of high-paid lobbyists working for the shadowy Turkish immigrant to round up the necessary votes from our crooked state legislature to pass the publicly-financed stadium for his worthless soccer team. The power company in this town can't even handle a power outage caused by their crumbling, neglected infrastructure without discriminating in favor of its favored downtown mafia. Let me guess if this had happened at Lucas Oil Stadium during the NCAA Final Four, IPL would have found a way to restore power within minutes. And to think IPL is seeking approval of a massive rate increase from the IURC as we speak.


  1. Anonymous8:59 AM GMT-5

    Are they blowing the support columns for the CCB to drop it WTC7 style so they can get their new building?

    Killing a few hundred people wouldn't bother these people in the least if it gets them millions in profits from a new "justice" center.

  2. The downtown mafia's long-term goal is to implode the CCB. How they achieve that remains to be seen. We should be cognizant of the entry onto the scene of Meridiam's Jane Garvey of 9/11 infamy.

  3. Anonymous5:29 PM GMT-5

    What a fine impression this will make for all the Final 4 out - of - towners. Yeah, we need an 80$ million dollar soccer stadium to finance while the city streets explode.

  4. Anonymous6:15 PM GMT-5

    Didn't the stadium co sponsor blow his man hoe cover?

  5. Anonymous8:10 PM GMT-5

    And back at the ranch, motorists are driving erratically in order to avoid falling into massive potholes. Place looks like the moon!

  6. In yesterday's Canada Free Press (search 3/19), there's an article by Robert Laurie about a recent translation of an Iranian military textbook; which details plans to attack the US grid at 20 sites.

    Then again, our legislature is busy with the "very important business" of funding yet more entertainment, in the Constitutioinally abusive form of a soccer stadium. Who's got time to protect citizens or fuss with hardening the grid, what "fun" is that?
