Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Ruth Holladay: Star's Daily Circulation Plunges Below 100,000

Former Indianapolis Star columnist Ruth Holladay has a stunning circulation figure for the Gannett-owned newspaper over at her blog. According to Holladay's source, the Star's daily circulation figure has plunged to just 97,000. "We used to run 200,000 daily, 400,000 Sunday," Holladay writes. "Those days are long gone," she adds. It probably doesn't help that the newspaper has abandoned hard news coverage and good old fashion investigative journalism in favor of sports and entertainment and a bunch of fluff with an insert from the USA Today tossed in to fill up a daily newspaper that is a fraction of what it once was.


  1. Anonymous9:38 AM GMT-5

    Oh please, they haven't seen 100,000 for ten years. Name one good ,in depth story they have run.Gary Welsh does much better reporting than the Star…The Star is no longer relevant, too many other media outlets.

  2. Anon 9:39 AM - What do you mean Tully and Erika Smith's infertorials are full of hard core, in-depth reporting??

  3. I am a former daily and Sunday Indianapolis Star subscriber who cancelled his subscription 9 years ago. Haven't missed it a bit; been glad to be spared the moronic crap spouted by Tully and his equally brain dead co-idiot Erika Smith. IndyStar is a POS paper.

    Want real truth and news? It's at

  4. I quit my subscription to The Star after the Gannett fingerprint of Liberalism became apparent. Gannett seems to have gutted the local reporting to just copying press releases instead of sending reporters out to get stories. The paper really isn't worth subscribing to due to the lack of news, liberal & out-of-touch with Central Indiana values slant.

  5. I've always wondered how newspapers figure their circulation figures. Is there any kind of outside audit of the figures claimed? It would seem publications would have a huge incentive to misrepresent circulation figures in order to solicit higher advertising revenue.

  6. I think if you read the rest of Ruth's entry you will see their effort now is all placed on monetizing the clicks on their website to make up for the revenues they are losing from print advertising and paid subscriptions.

  7. Anonymous5:01 PM GMT-5


    Have you considered adding staff and becoming an Indiana Breitbart?

    Get off that blogspot website, for starters.

  8. Anonymous5:46 PM GMT-5

    Erika Smith and Tully are both so OUT-OF-TOUCH with Central Indiana values that they need to just LiberalLand. They'd both be happier in San Francisco, Oakland, Detroit, or Cleveland (puke).

  9. Anonymous9:48 PM GMT-5

    The Scar: A parody of info-taint-ment

  10. Anonymous8:44 PM GMT-5

    Whoa Whoa Whoa....This coincides with the hires of Hoosier gonzo journalist Thing 1 (Tully) and Thing 2 (E. Smith). Sadly, there is zero journalism. Star is full of either opinions or rehashed stale articles. Also, the intellectual capacity of most Hoosiers is well below the reading level of the Star. Reflection of our education system in Indiana. Why read (or think for that matter) when you can scan a Twitter, Facebook or other social media headline and get all the news you need. Also, if the Star doesn't fit a certain ideology, then it is trash.
