Saturday, December 20, 2014

Lawrenceburg Olympic Star Nick Goepper Admits Vandalizing Cars

An Olympic bronze medal winner from Lawrenceburg, Indiana confessed to local police his responsibility for causing more than $8,000 in damages to several cars during a vandalism spree this past August according to the Cincinnati Enquirer. Nick Goepper, who won a bronze medal in skiing at the 2014 winter Olympics, told Lawrenceburg officials he vandalized the cars during a return trip home this summer by throwing rocks at them after suffering an anxiety attack and a bout with depression.

Police say they attempted to stop and question the 19-year old Goepper last August on suspicion of committing the vandalism, but he fled into a wooded area and escaped before they could question him. Feeling remorse for his actions, Goeppler met with an attorney, who advised him to remain quiet about his actions and wait to see if police ask to question him. In October, Goepper met with local law enforcement officials against his attorney's advice and confessed his role in the crime spree. Goepper repaid the victims for the damage to their cars and agreed to plead guilty to criminal mischief charges under a diversion program commonly offered to first-time offenders. The charges will be dismissed if he completes one year of probation and stays out of trouble.

Goepper released the following statement following today's announcement:
"I apologize to my family, fans, sponsors and fellow athletes for my actions. Through this experience I have learned more about myself, including my responsibility as a role model athlete. I'm deeply appreciative of the support provided by those around me. I have had the opportunity to apologize to those affected by my actions in person, but please allow me this opportunity to apologize publicly to those affected by my actions. I assure you that what I did was completely out of character and will not happen again. Again, I am truly sorry for what I have done."


  1. and he should add to the end of his statement. "I am personally responsible for the damage and will pay for all the repairs".

    THAT is what he should have said. "I'm sorry" just isn't enough for the people who had to reach in their pocket or file a claim.

    What a punk.

  2. After doing the wrong thing it appears he did the right thing; including payment to the owners. If conscience drove him to confess & accept responsibility for his crime, he's better off than most.

  3. I agree, Pete. The article is clear he already repaid the victims for their property damage.
