Thursday, December 11, 2014

Charlestown Council Defeats Mayor's Attempt To Bulldoze 354 Homes

It's a case that was making Indiana look more like a third world banana republic than a state governed by laws, but the Institute for Justice is now declaring victory after the Charlestown council voted to reject an effort by the city's mayor to condemn and bulldoze 354 homes in his community. “The mayor’s plan was not only unconstitutional, it was unconscionable,” said Institute for Justice Activism Manager Melinda Haring. “The mayor’s plan would have turned hundreds of seniors, veterans, and others out in the cold. Thankfully, the council came to its senses and rejected the plan unanimously.” For the past seven months, the city has attempted to use federal and state grant money to acquire the homes for private redevelopment purposes. Indiana Landmarks joined the Institute for Justice and a coalition of other groups in successfully blocking the illegal land grab.

1 comment:

  1. “The mayor’s plan was not only unconstitutional, it was unconscionable,” said Institute for Justice Activism Manager Melinda Haring.

    With that kind of description a plan like this would have had the our City-Council in Indianapolis voting to demolish the houses, throw the people out in the street, and give the property to some Crony-Capitalist.

    Any way it is nice to read about our Government some where in Indiana that actually functions.
