Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Obama's Latte Salute

This video says so much about who he is, or perhaps who he is not.


  1. Anonymous8:01 AM GMT-5

    Much ado about nothing.

  2. So what? Check out the salute by President Bush.;jsessionid=884D8E14914A2B4CD62E2D306DD9E85B.sfpweb204?displayContent=121416&page=66

  3. Tell that to the 3,000 troops he's sending into the Ebola hot zone in Africa, or the troops fighting his latest undeclared, illegal war in Syria for the sole purpose of toppling the government there so we can install another puppet regime to serve his military/industrial complex masters.

  4. Anonymous9:50 AM GMT-5

    Seriously, it must get to be a real pain the the asphalt having to salute these military guys 50 times a day.

    The guy is busy, and they catch him in the middle of something important with one of their pointless rituals.

    Do we really need two military guys in dress uniforms to open a helicopter door?

    This ceaseless military pageantry has worn thin.

  5. Anonymous9:55 AM GMT-5

    The troops are serving Israeli masters, Gary.

    The best solution is to have people stop joining the military to be used in immoral wars. An equally good solution is to have people stop saluting the troops or claiming that they're "protecting our freedom." No troop has protected any of my long lost freedom in Iraq, Afghanistan, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Somalia, Panama, Grenada, Syria.

    What was the last country besides the U.S. that really wanted to take away freedom from people in Indiana?

  6. C. Roger Csee10:09 AM GMT-5

    Veracity, if you are not dyslexic, you may notice that he is properly saluting with his right hand.
    Regulations do not require that the left hand be empty.
    Perhaps you might discern from the Obama photo that he just doesn't give a damn about the military. Especially in light of previous incidents where he did not salute, and where he did not salute because he was on his cell phone.
    You may also remember the numerous photos where Obama and/or his wife refused to honor our flag during ceremonies.


  8. Hillary will do a much better job, patience, grasshopper, have patience!

  9. Anonymous6:27 PM GMT-5

    What a crappy prez.

  10. Anonymous9:45 PM GMT-5

    At least a minical second of a shot and this is all you can talk about. Seriously. Glad the plane doesn't have Halliburton printed on the side and all the other defense contractors from 01-08....Dig deeper and go after the real culprits of all this drama, corruption, contracts and more.

  11. Anonymous8:45 AM GMT-5

    What about Bush's???

  12. Anonymous6:58 PM GMT-5

    I'll say it again. What a crappy prez
