Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Daniels Joins Neocons For High-Level Confab On Their Treacherous New World Order Aims

Purdue University President Mitch Daniels once again broke his promise to keep his hands out of politics after joining the world of academia, but anyone who knows him knew that was a promise he could never keep. It seems Mitch took part in an elitist confab of some of the most treacherous of the neocons who carry the water of the New World Order that is determined to figure out new ways to start wars to keep the military industrial complex humming and plotting new policies to permanently end the middle class in America. The event sponsored by the American Enterprise Institute at The Cloister in Sea Island, Georgia, a five-star resort, included American politics' filthiest pig, Karl Rove, Dick "Haliburton First" Cheney, former CIA Director David Betrayus, Apple CEO Tim Cook and Scott Carpenter of Google Spy On Us. Prospective GOP presidential candidates including, Gov. Scott Walker, Gov. Chris Crispie Creme, Rep. Paul Ryan and Sen. Marco Rubio, were on hand to provide the obligatory hand jobs for their masters while interviewing for their future leadership roles in the New World Order. Daniels led a panel discussion on "How to fix the states ... by rewarding your political cronies, shifting more of the tax burden away from business to individuals and creating as many low-paying jobs as possible." Daniels insisted that there was nothing political about the meeting. It was just a coincidence that everyone in attendance is from the neocon wing of the Republican Party. "I went to this thing, as I have for three years, to learn," Daniels said. He also claimed that one of Purdue's biggest donors and another potential donor was in attendance at the event as well. No doubt they were donors tied to the defense industry.


  1. Anonymous5:04 AM GMT-5

    The next thing that Daniels will try to claim is that he was there to extend a personal invitation to
    some of the business and political leaders to speak at a future Purdue graduation ceremony or to teach a seminar/class at Purdue.

    Daniels is truly the "L" word and that word sure isn't "Liberal"

  2. The "fix the states" statement implies that there is something wrong with the states and that it is this federal's group intention to tell other states how to behave. Gee Mitch, do you think if Ohio or Kentucky or Illinois governments want to be "fixed", that they need you telling them how to do it? Everything is about politics and power to these arrogant,self-appointed rulers (this group is radical right-wing, these statements apply to the radical left groups as well).

  3. Anonymous6:10 AM GMT-5

    Why so many Indiana Republicans worship Daniels is a mystery to many!

  4. Anonymous7:19 AM GMT-5

    Federal funding for educations received by Purdue needs scrutinized by DOJ one feels and thinks...

  5. Scary news!! Were there any protesters, such as go to the Bilderberg meetings?

  6. Scrutiny by DOJ? Are you kidding? Mitch and Barry are batting for the same team.

  7. The Bravery of the NEO-CONs is proportionate to the distance they are away from the actual battlefield. Chicken-Hawks as they have been labeled.

    America has tried to market itself as this peace loving gentle giant. The Mega-Media plays along with this fiction. Nothing could be further from the truth. The USA has been involved in more Wars, Invasions, and Coups than any other country since World War 2. It is not enough to have access to Natural Resources, access must be controlled.

    Now our Mega-Media tries to label Putin as the New Hitler or Stalin. Military threats is the Soup of the Day for them. The NEO-CONs and the Mega-Media seem to forget Napoleon invaded Russia with 500,000 troops and Hitler with 3.5M. The result the Russians ended the Napoleonic Wars in Paris, and WW 2 ended with the Soviets in Berlin.

    No wonder Mitch wanted a book ban on Howard Zinn.

    IKE warned us about the influence of the Military-Industrial Complex. We now have a Wall Street-Security-Military-Industrial Complex totally embedded in our Political and Mega-Media.

    The event sponsored by the American Enterprise Institute was like a singing contest for the Republican Candidates. An Old German saying- Whose Bread I eat his song I sing.
