Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Council Files Lawsuit To Compel City's Compliance With ROC Subpoena

The Indianapolis City-County Council's clerk has acted upon a council resolution approved by the full council and filed a lawsuit in the Marion County Circuit Court seeking enforcement of a subpoena it issued to the City's corporation counsel's office seeking the production of dozens of documents related to the controversial, 25-year, $20 million lease of the former East Gate Mall property from the politically-connected landlord, Alex Carroll, for the Regional Operations Center. The lawsuit asks Circuit Court Judge Louis Rosenberg to compel the City's corporation counsel to produce the documents identified in the subpoena within five (5) days of the court's order, and to produce within fifteen (15) days of the court's order, the balance of documents it first requested from city last November. The Ballard administration has been stonewalling for months now the requests of the ROC Investigating Committee established last year by the council to learn the circumstances under which the City entered into the one-sided, costly, long-term lease for property that was ill-suited for housing the Regional Operations Center. You can view a copy of the complaint filed by the council's clerk by clicking here.


  1. Anonymous5:31 AM GMT-5

    The fact that the City County Council is filing a lawsuit to obtain public records is a reflection that there is corruption at the top level of our city government. An honest leader would have a transparent administration, and obey the law.

    It seems like this Administration is always stone-walling, or making up a false excuse that the public record request is "too vague."

    I think it's time to call in the DOJ Public Integrity Section from Washington!!!

  2. Anonymous3:56 PM GMT-5

    The costs of this law suit should come from The Mayor's salary! There is no valid reason he has not ordered the public documents to be produced.

  3. Anonymous8:12 PM GMT-5

    Mayor Duffas, knows this case isn't going anywhere, otherwise he'd produce the documents in question.
    Hognutts also knows this case isn't going anywhere, too many big wigs from both political parties involved.
    Hognutts, just goes after low level squirrels from Mayor Duffas's office.
    So with that said, just move along nothing to see here!
