Friday, November 02, 2012

Will Hoosiers Cancel Out Their Vote?

Four years ago, Hoosiers narrowly voted to send Barack Obama to the White House despite overwhelming evidence that the man represented the opposite of everything Hoosiers hold sacred. Hoosiers learned their lesson and Obama is not even contesting Indiana this year, conceding it to Republican Mitt Romney months ago. If a Howey Politics/DePauw poll is to be believed, Hoosiers are going to reject Richard Mourdock for the U.S. Senate and, instead, send a tax and spend liberal congressman who has backed the Obama big government agenda the past four years. The poll claims Mourdock's support collapsed following a comment Mourdock made during the candidates' last debate in which he said that a pregnancy resulting from rape was something "God intended." It shows Joe Donnelly leading Mourdock by 11%, 47-36%, with Libertarian Andy Horning receiving the support of 6%. Never mind that Donnelly's position on abortion is essentially the same as Mourdock's and that he co-sponsored legislation that would deny abortions in cases of rape and incest.

If the poll is accurate, Donnelly will defeat Mourdock next Tuesday simply because of those few words spoken by Mourdock. This same poll shows Mike Pence leading John Gregg in the race for governor by only 7%, 47-40%, with 5% support for Libertarian Rupert Boneham, and it shows Tony Bennett with a small, 40-36% lead over his unknown Democratic opponent, Glenda Ritz. Giving one pause to the accuracy of this poll is the result in the presidential race compared to the governor's, where it shows Romney leading Obama by 10%, 51-41%. I don't see Romney carrying the state by a bigger margin than Pence, but I could be wrong. I can see where the third-party candidacy of Rupert Boneham could hold down Pence's winning percentage, but not his winning margin because Boneham will take at least as many votes from Gregg as he takes from Pence.

It would be truly unfortunate if Indiana voters would help elect Mitt Romney but vote to continue with a Democratic-controlled Senate, which under the leadership of Dirty Harry Reid will obstruct and block every major initiative Romney presents to the Congress. Make no mistake about it. Joe Donnelly is not a moderate. He is a committed liberal who will vote in lockstep with Democrats in the Senate just like he's done all these years as a member of the House of Representatives. His actions as a liberal member of Congress speak far more loudly than his words. If you want your vote to count, you have to elect a Republican senator to help Mitt Romney pass his legislative programs. Otherwise, you may as well just vote to re-elect Barack Obama and declare the end of America, which after all is the ultimate goal Obama is carrying out for his New World Order masters.


  1. Actually voters in Indiana have a long history of splitting their vote. Both Bayhs were elected in years when Hoosiers gave Republicans landslide wins at the presidential level, as was Frank O'Bannon. Democrats long had a majority of congressional districts in the state even as it would send Republicans to the senate and presidency.

    This shouldn't be a surprise. Mourdock has been an inferior candidate. Had you guys nominated Lugar, this seat would be untouchable.

    So... HA HA

  2. That's a load of crap. If Lugar had won the primary, there would have been non-stop ads paid by these SuperPACs running him into the ground for not maintaining an actual residence in this state all the years he's been in the Senate, and hammering him for being in Washington for 36 years. Donnelly would have argued that Lugar was part of the problem with Washington, not the solution.

  3. Mourdock is a decent man who believes that abortion is wrong, regardless of the circumstances of conception.

    Joe Donnelly is a man who is currently winning the Senate race (and most likely will) by perpetuating a lie about Richard Mourdock, that Mourdock said that rapes are the result of God's will. Donnelly also conveniently forgets to mention that he has consistently voted against government funding of abortions.

    Hoosiers are stupid if they elect Donnelly, and I think they will. After Joe is elected, he will become part of the democratic voting block which wants the federal government in charge of everything. Indiana will get what they deserve.

  4. Um...Rasmussen has the race as 45 to 42 with Donnelly leading. A bit more believable & within the MOE.

    Also note that the Howey poll had:
    * Tony Bennett at 40%
    * Mourdock losing the 8th CD (his home) 29% to 71%

