Thursday, September 27, 2012

Obama's White House Spending Cost Taxpayers $1.4 billion

Author Robert Keith Gray has written a new book, "Presidential Perks Gone Royal," that details how the expense of taking care of the President and his family under Barack Obama has skyrocketed to $1.4 billion compared to the $57.8 million the British spent on the royal family. From the Daily Caller:

Author Robert Keith Gray writes in “Presidential Perks Gone Royal” that Obama isn’t the only president to have taken advantage of the expensive trappings of his office. But the amount of money spent on the first family, he argues, has risen tremendously under the Obama administration and needs to be reined in.
Gray told The Daily Caller that the $1.4 billion spent on the Obama family last year is the “total cost of the presidency,” factoring the cost of the “biggest staff in history at the highest wages ever,” a 50 percent increase in the numbers of appointed czars and an Air Force One “running with the frequency of a scheduled air line.”
“The most concerning thing, I think, is the use of taxpayer funds to actually abet his re-election,” Gray, who worked in the Eisenhower administration and for other Republican presidents, said in an interview with TheDC on Wednesday.
“The press has been so slow in picking up on this extraordinary increase in the president’s expenses,” Gray told TheDC.
Specifically, Gray said taxpayer dollars are subsidizing Obama’s re-election effort when he uses Air Force One to jet across the country campaigning.
Even Bo, the Obamas' dog, is costing taxpayers a record amount of money. You're paying $102,000 a year for Bo's handler because the Obamas are not dog lovers and only accepted him as a gift from the late Sen. Ted Kennedy as a prop. It would be beneath them to actually take care of their dog so they make the taxpayers pay the highest wages earned in the country by a dog handler so they can give you the false appearance of being something they aren't. You paid for Michelle to vacation as much as 42 days in the course of a one-year span. If anyone other than Obama were in the White House spending like this while Americans' income has been declining for the past four years in the worst economic depression since the Great Depression, there would be non-stop news stories complaining about the wasteful spending. The lamestream media thinks of the Obamas as royalty who are entitled to live as high as they want at your expense whether the country can afford it or not.

1 comment:

  1. "The $1.4 billion spent on the Obama family last year is the “total cost of the presidency,” factoring the cost of the “biggest staff in history at the highest wages ever,”

    -That sounds like what Mayor Ballard let Frank G. Straub PhD. do to us!!!

    "...a 50 percent increase in the numbers of appointed czars"

    -That sounds like the increase in Frank G. Straub's personal staff! -Which is still on the taxpayer payroll!

    -"and an Air Force One “running with the frequency of a scheduled air line.” Which sounds like our Mayor's junkets with plenty of cronies-in-tow!

    Indianapolis, we've sent a tax-and-spend liberal Democrat into our Mayor's Office! (in disguise)
