Monday, August 06, 2012

If At First You Don't Succeed . . . .

After the staged Aurora, Colorado shooting at a screening of "Dark Knight Rising" failed to appreciably move public sentiment to scrap our Second Amendment rights, the men behind the curtain staged another shooting over the weekend at a Sikh church in Oak Creek, Wisconsin (coincidentally, another battleground state in this year's presidential race just like Colorado), which left at least six innocent victims dead and more than twenty others injured. Naturally, we're told the shootings were carried out by a lone, single white gunman despite initial reports from eyewitnesses that the shootings were carried out by several white men. Police first named another person of interest but the FBI quickly stepped in and assured us the shooter acted alone just like it did when it told us that there really was no John Doe #2 in the Oklahoma City bombing. Eyewitness accounts in the Aurora shooting similarly mentioned at least one other person who aided James Holmes, but those accounts were ignored by law enforcement. You can write the script before the story even unfolds. They're getting just a little too predictable for their own good.

Wade Michael Page, the alleged shooter, is an Army veteran (just like the Oklahoma City Bomber, Timothy McVeigh) who had been assigned to psychological operations (PsyOps) before he was less than honorably discharged from the Army after six years of service. Note the similarities with James Holmes, who received a federal grant from the National Institutes of Health and a tuition waiver to be a part of a group of six elite students chosen for a Phd. program studying neurobiology at the University of Colorado just miles from the site of the Columbine shootings. Holmes was also being treated by a psychiatrist, who was formerly a chief physician for the U.S. Air Force, at the time he supposedly went off the deep end, rigged his apartment with explosives and shot up a movie theater after dying his hair to look like the Joker. Like Holmes, who had lived in Colorado for less than a year, Page had moved to Wisconsin within the past year--from Colorado. Unabomber Ted Kaczynski was part of a PsyOps study at Harvard funded by the federal government before he went on his long bombing spree.

The men behind the curtain forgot to create a link to Neo-Nazis in the Aurora shooting, although the media tried its darnedest to connect Holmes to the Tea Party. That link wasn't omitted in the latest staged mass shooting. The Southern Poverty Law Center quickly claimed that it has been tracking Page for the past decade as a member of a white supremacist group, the National Alliance, which is all the government needs to attribute the shooting to domestic terrorism. As InfoWars reminds us, the National Alliance has been used by the FBI as a front to lure would-be domestic terrorists into white supremacist efforts. The National Alliance founder's writings were believed to be the inspiration for the Oklahoma City bombing. White supremacist Hal Turner was actually a paid informant for the FBI. The Southern Poverty Law Center, like the FBI, has been known to have informants working within the National Alliance on its behalf.

How low can they sink? How many more people will be senselessly murdered in their quest to end the Second Amendment? A totalitarian dictatorship cannot be fully realized until those who govern us no longer face opposition from a well-regulated militia. Dictators like Hitler, Stalin and Mao all understood the necessity of barring private ownership of guns to ensure governance by tyranny. As Abraham Lincoln famously said, "You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time." Will you be fooled?

The video below is an interview of filmmakers Chris Emery and James Lane by Alex Jones discussing how OKC bomber Timothy McVeigh was under the psychiatric care of physicians associated with the MKUltra government mind control program and how McVeigh had a number of accomplices in carrying out the bombing.


  1. You'll buy Aurora was staged, but you won't accept that WTC7 could not have fallen perfectly into its own footprint because of a few office fires?

  2. I really don't think anyone 'staged' these shootouts. While the folks in the Middle East seem to enjoy martyerdom, I don't see that being high on the list of anyone in the USA.

    It's pretty hard to convince me there are people willing to commit mass murders for any political party.

  3. And I guess the USS Maine, Lusitania, Gulf of Tonkin and Sadam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction weren't false flag operations.

    On the WTCs, I've never doubted that commercial airline planes (not secret military planes) were flown into the towers by terrorists. I think there is reasonable doubt as to what brought the towers and the WTC7 building down. Tesla invented the particle beam weapon and gave that technology to both the U.S. military and the Russians long before he died. A weapon with that type of power seems a plausible explanation of how so much steel could have been instantly dematerialized and turned to dust and why the debris piles for such tall towers were so small and very little damage was done to the lower levels of the WTC and subway line despite the massive weight that fell on them. A well-executed demolition job could not have been pulled off as well as those buildings came down for ease of removal.

  4. AI, this is the 1st post I've seen that puts together a conspiracy linkage. My eyes have been closed to thinking about this preposterous view, but given the recent government inspired gun-running episode hatched within the administration, it becomes easier to accept that our government does very bad things to further its agenda thru manipulation of events and media enablers. I'm genuinely very sad.

  5. Thanks for reminding us, Paul, of the Fast & Furious operation. It's the latest and greatest example of a false flag operation carried out by our own government with deadly consequences.

  6. General Sada, Saddam Hussein's second in command in the Iraqi air force, told US officials that WMD's were flown into Syria in commercial jetliners. Now, Syria HAS WMD's and NOBODY is even curious as to where they got them.

    You're starting to sound like Obama, Gary. He too believes the US is the source for all things evil.

  7. That's bull, Rico. Our own intelligence has conceded that the initial intelligence reports of WMD were flat out wrong. The only WMD Hussein had were the chemical weapons the U.S. government gave him to use in his war against the Iranians, which he wound up using on his own people--the Kurds. Hussein had always been a CIA asset until it became convenient for other reasons to dispose of him just like George H.W. Bush did with his old CIA contracted asset/dictator in Panama, Manuel Noriega. Most of the problems our country faces in this world are of our own country's making. Hell, the CIA is the biggest drug trafficker in the world. From Time magazine:

    Perhaps the most infamous CIA asset of them all was the former dictator of Panama, now in jail in Miami for drug-trafficking, money-laundering and racketeering. He had agency connections going back to the 1950s, but the relationship solidified in the 1970s, when he was on the payroll. Upon taking power, he allowed the U.S. to set up listening posts in Panama and is believed to have served as a conduit for U.S. funds to Nicaraguan contra rebels fighting the leftist Sandinista government. The U.S. looked the other way as Noriega established what would be described as a "narco-kleptocracy," but the relationship eventually soured and the U.S. invasion of 1989 ended his rule.

    Read more:,28804,1933053_1933052_1933051,00.html #ixzz22pODqejK

  8. Gary,

    1. There is no doubt as to the cause of the collapse of the WTC. It was caused by Muhammad Atta and his less-than-merry men. If you do not believe that fire can melt steel, I suggest you visit the US Steel Gary Works.

    2. There were indeed WMDs in Saddam Hussein's Iraq. Report after report after report shows the teams finding bunkers full of pesticide. The ISD did not consider those to be WMDs but they could be turned into WMDs within hours. They also found the artillery equipment necessary for the in-flight mixing of chemical weapons, which Saddam would not have had if he did not have chemical weapons. The CIA did everything it could to discredit the Iraq War and should not be trusted on this issue. See, eg, Valerie Plame.

    3. Additionally, there is now the issue of Bashar Assad's chemical and biological weapons in Syria, which he has threatened to use against the population. While the Syrian Ba'ath were know to have a nuclear weapons program (using North Korean expertise) they were not known to have any chemical or biological weapons until now. No one seems curious as to where they got them except foreign affairs analysts, who believe these may be the long "lost" WMD of Saddam Hussein, transported across the Syeian border just as the US military claimed.

    4. James Holmes did not dye his hair the color of the Joker. He dyed his hair orange; the Joker's hair is green.

  9. I have toured the steel mills in Gary, Jeff. Of course fire can melt steel at the right temperature, and the heat from the plane's burning fuel was hot enough to melt steel. That doesn't explain how massive amounts of steel in the building that was unaffected by the burning fuel was simply reduced to ash. People on the scene were astonished at how little steel was found in the debris given the enormity of the size of those towers.

  10. Except all the vertical structural steel was affected. That's why the buildings collapsed. It was not just a question of melting the steel on the floors that were hit. The temperatures carried to the rest of the steel, softening it to the point where it could not support the weight of the building. Combine that with gravitational factors and the impacts from other debris, it's perfectly logical that much of the steel would have turned to slag and been unrecognizable.

  11. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this research, Gary (most won't). Sander Hicks did a great job discussing these government attacks on Americans, and his book, SLINGSHOT TO THE JUGGERNAUT, total resistance to the death machine means complete love of the truth, in Bloomington Sat. at Boxcar Bookstore before about 50 people, and videotaped for access tv. Alex Jones Show and Infowars News Hour yesterday and today has been doing a great job preventing evidence about this latest horror, with many military personnel calling in.
