Monday, July 30, 2012

Ballard's Top Staffers Received Up To 31% Pay Raises

Despite a large budget deficit the City of Indianapolis is facing, Mayor Greg Ballard handed out pay raises as high as 31% for top members of his staff. According to radio talk show host Amos Brown, Ballard gave $22,000 annual pay raises to his chief of staff and two deputy mayors, in addition to smaller pay raises handed out to other members of his staff. Chief of Staff Ryan Vaughn and Deputy Mayors Mike Huber and Olgen Williams saw their annual pay raised from $98,000 to $120,000 to match the pay Ballard gave to his new deputy mayor of education, Jason Kloth. Other members of Ballard's staff received raises ranging from $3,000 to $20,000 according to Brown. On an annualized basis, Brown estimates that the cost of paying Ballard's staff jumped 32.7%. The IBJ reported that the administration is expected to unveil its 2013 budget proposal with an anticipated $27 million budget deficit.


  1. SWEET! The smartest and hardest working people reap their hard earned rewards.

  2. Un-freaking-believable!
    Now watch the republicans sit on their hands.

  3. To attract and retain quality *cough* staff.

  4. Or to ensure they will never speak the truth to a federal grand jury about all the corruption taking place in this administration.

  5. IBJ is reporting that the Mayor is cutting the Public Safety Budget.

    Interesting, don't give police, fire, ambulance toilet paper for the bathrooms, bullets, taser batteries....allow a New York megalomaniac to spend extravagant amounts to redecorate his office with a private shower, and hire a bunch of cronies, pay cronies "consultant fees," and now raise the staff of political appointees.

    It seems we taxPAYERS are the losers.

  6. Ryan Vaughn's only been there a few months. Why the h*ll is he getting a $22,000 raise?
