Sunday, May 06, 2012

McIntosh's Residency Woes Follow Him Into Tuesday's Primary

The Anderson Herald-Bulletin has a lengthy story today under the headline, "David McIntosh: I did not break the law," discussing the residency problems plaguing the campaign of former U.S. Rep. David McIntosh.
“No, I didn’t break any law in Indiana or Virginia,” he said. ”We took reasonable steps to keep my intent (of being an Indiana resident).”  
McIntosh sat down with The Herald Bulletin on Friday at his rental house off Seventh Street to talk about the residency issues that have plagued him the past couple of months. He admits that he could have handled it better. Instead of directly answering reporters’ questions regarding his residency, his campaign had played up his conservative credentials and focused on his opponents’ perceived shortcomings.

Two of his five opponents — Susan Brooks and John McGoff — in Tuesday’s primary have been most active in portraying McIntosh as someone who dodged the law in order to run for Congress, by either lying to get a Virginia driver’s license or lying to vote in Indiana while living in Arlington.


  1. Well, yeah, there was that requirement that he swear to be a Virginia resident when he got that Virginia driver's license...

  2. If you live in Virginia, hold a Virginia driver's license, put your kids in Virginia schools and work in the Metropolitan Virginia area, then I think you are a RESIDENT of Virginia.

    Take it one more step: If any Hoosier thinks that McIntosh has the ability to represent this district, let them step forward and explain just how! How does someone who does not live here know our values?

  3. Anonymous5:45 PM GMT-5


    Did Mr. McIntosh file an Indiana income tax return in 2008 and 2010 when he voted in Indiana. Indiana regulations require residents to file an Indiana return if they file a Federal return even if they did not have revenue from Indiana.

  4. I'm not tried to be smart with you Greg, but how would I possibly know where McIntosh files his state income tax return?

  5. Greg Wright:

    Can you produce the return that you write about so that we all may see it? -The source of income would be MOST interesting!

    -I also dare say that it's not from Indiana employment. If McIntosh doesn't work here, lives in another state, sends his kids to another state's schools, then pray tell how does he claim to be a RESIDENT of Indiana????
