Monday, May 21, 2012

Gregg To Name Vi Simpson As His Running Mate

Vi Simpson
John Gregg wasted no time in leaking to reporters his plan to name State Sen. Vi Simpson (D-Ellettsville) as his running mate after Mike Pence selected State Rep. Sue Ellspermann. Simpson's liberal views contrast sharply with the conservative views of Gregg. She's pro-choice and supports the right of same-sex couples to marry. Simpson, who briefly ran for governor in 2004, currently serves as the Senate Minority Leader. Simpson has been a member of the Senate since 1984. She is married to Bill McCarty, a former state senator from Anderson and former member of the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission.

Questions have been asked about her residency in the past because she represented a Bloomington area district, while her husband represented a district much further north in the Anderson area. Former Sen. Larry Borst used to joke when he was in the Senate that he represented both McCarty and Simpson because of a residence they had in Greenwood within his state senate district to accommodate the distance between their two districts. John Gregg has already attempted to make an issue of Mike Pence's residency because he and his family have primarily resided in their Washington home instead of their Columbus home since he has been serving in Congress.


  1. The Indiana Toll Road deal was a tax shelter for the wealthy investors who leased it. By leasing to private concerns, the road become depreciable, so the wealthy were able to deduct said depreciation on their taxes. IOW, the toll road deal was a billion dollar tax dodge for the wealthy.

    When it came time to vote on the lease legislation, Vi Simpson said she would vote in favor, even though she didn't fully understand the deal. Meaning she voted in favor of a tax dodge for the wealthy without even comprehending it. Meaning (a) Vi Simpson sold out her constituency and (b) Vi is too dumb to be in office.

  2. Huge disaster. Vi Simpson is the most F of the NRA's F-rated candidates.

    The NRA and gun owners cannot risk allowing this enemy of civil rights to come anywhere near the governor's office.

    Gregg just lost the election with this horrible selection.

    Gregg would be well advised to withdraw Simpson and choose just about anyone else in the state, except perhaps State Rep. Charlie Brown.
