Tuesday, February 22, 2011

More On Obama's Favorite Republican

I'm thinking Lugar will drop his re-election bid before this time rolls around next year.


  1. I was thinking the same thing. I think it's quite possible Lugar never goes to the post.

  2. I have been a supporter of Senator Lugar for about 20 years. He's done great work that will be remembered.

    I hope that he realizes when it is time to retire. That decision should be made when one is on top, and they will be remembered favorably. It is when one stays too long, that their work becomes clouded by mistakes at the end of their term...

    Thank you Senator Lugar for a job well done. I believe it is time to retire with memories of a job well done.

  3. Heaven forbid a politician work with people on the other side of the aisle. Lugar is respected bilaterally because he wants to get things done, not treat the other party as the enemy. Partisanship is killing this country; unilateral "all or nothing" attitudes get us nowhere. I'll vote for Lugar.

  4. I do not recall ever having voted for Richard Lugar in the past. 2012 is the year I anticipate changing my pattern.

  5. Lugar never met a bailout he didn't like, no matter how indebted the people became, nor how rich it made the bankers.

  6. I do not recall ever having voted for anyone other than Richard Lugar in the past for that seat. 2012 is the year I anticipate changing my pattern.
