Saturday, February 26, 2011

Indiana Equality Proves Again Why They Don't Represent LGBT Interests

Indiana Equality purports to represent the interests of Indiana's LGBT community. It's past track record of helpful support has been spotty at best and downright harmful at times, such as when its paid lobbyist urged former House Speaker Pat Bauer a few years ago to go ahead and let the marriage discrimination amendment pass the House and be sent to voters for consideration at a public referendum in order not to hurt the Democrats' chances of holding control of the House by blocking it. In the video above, IE's President Rick Sutton stands with organized labor at a State House rally this week and equates the fight for LGBT civil rights equality to the fight organized labor has against Gov. Mitch Daniels and the Republican-controlled legislature over collective bargaining issues. By dragging IE into a fight that is not that of the LGBT organization, the group has only further alienated those who might otherwise want to help with their agenda, particularly members of its own community who do not share big labor's agenda on these matters in any way, shape or form. The organization's is essentially a closed organization. Its board and officers are all self-appointed; members of the community at-large are denied membership in the organization due to the fear of these handful of self-appointed persons that they will lose control of what is a very ineffective and poorly-funded and staffed organization. Some LGBT folks have aptly dubbed the organization Indiana Inequality because of its closed shop and its questionable advocacy on behalf of its community. Hat tip to Wilson Allen for posting the video clip on YouTube to expose how IE once again took an action against the interests of the very people it claims to represent.

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of when Eric Miller of Advance America put on a rally against property tax gay marriage at the State House back in 2007.

    Miller alienated many people.

    Speaking of that devil, he's been very quiet lately.
