Monday, September 27, 2010

SEIU Rep Illegally Registers More Than 23,000 Voters In Texas

The integrity of our representative form of government is completely under assault as people on the Left continue to thwart our electoral process in this year's elections just like they did during the 2008 elections through massive fraudulent voter registrations and absentee balloting. ACORN may have been sidelined temporarily by the numerous investigations stemming from their illegal activities during the 2008 elections, but it looks like their brethren at SEIU are picking up the slack. Thanks to the hard work of citizen tea party activists in Harris County, Texas, efforts by an SEIU thug to illegally register more than 23,000 voters have been unearthed and turned over to a prosecutor for investigation. Texas Insider reports on this disturbing news:

Service Employees International Union (SEIU) member Steve Caddle of Houston, Texas has been caught registering 23,207 fake voters in Harris County alone due to the hard detective work of Catherine Engelbrecht and her “True the Vote” project.

This is one of the best examples of what good citizen activism inspired by Tea Party principles can do for their community.

Catherine Engelbrecht was sick and tired of the vote fraud perpetrated by unions and Democrats and set out to expose it herself. Along with many friends who donated their time, computers, and sweat, they’ve uncovered thousands upon thousands of illegal Democrat “voters” in Texas.

“The integrity of the voting rolls in Harris County, Texas, appears to be under an organized and systematic attack by the group operating under the name Houston Votes,” the Harris voter registrar, Leo Vasquez, charged as he passed on the documentation to the district attorney. A spokesman for the DA’s office declined to discuss the case. And a spokesman for Vasquez said that the DA has asked them to refrain from commenting on the case.

The union thug behind this particular criminal enterprise admitted only that there “had been mistakes made.” Yeah, like not worrying about icebergs was just a “mistake” made by the Titanic’s crew! Of the 25,000 voter registrations turned in by Caddle only about 1,793 were legal.

“Vacant lots had several voters registered on them. An eight-bed halfway house had more than 40 voters registered at its address,” Engelbrecht said. “We then decided to look at who was registering the voters.”

….The other registrations included one of a woman who registered six times in the same day; registrations of non-citizens; so many applications from one Houston Voters collector in one day that it was deemed to be beyond human capability; and 1,597 registrations that named the same person multiple times, often with different signatures.

Does anyone have any doubt that this sort of crime has been perpetrated by Democrats the nation over? How many millions of fake, dead, nonexistent, and/or fraudulent voters have Democrats foisted upon the voter rolls in every corner of the nation?

Well, due to the excellent work of Catherine Engelbrecht we see exposed at least some of the criminal behavior of Texas Democrats and Union thugs.

So what was the outcome of Engelbrecht’s hard work? All of Harris County’s voting machines were torched in a three-alarm fire by person or persons unknown. Bet those shadowy firebugs hold SEIU membership cards, too!

This is precisely why I'm alarmed at Secretary of State Todd Rokita's efforts to relax voter registration safeguards to the point people can simply register online or over the phone. Indiana law has no protections to ensure that persons registering to vote are actually eligible citizens. Rokita has boasted nationally about his Voter ID law that has been upheld by both the state's and nation's highest courts, but it's completely meaningless if people can easily be registered to vote who aren't even eligible to become registered voters.
Interestingly, as Engelbrecht and the other citizen activists were gathering up evidence of the illegal voting registrations, a warehouse storing all of Harris County's voting machines caught fire and destroyed 10,000 electronic voting machines. Fire investigators have not ruled out arson as the cause of the three-alarm fire that broke out a month ago at 4:20 a.m. County election officials have scrambled to purchase E-Slate voting machines, borrow electronic voting equipment from other counties and use paper ballot back-ups to deal with the loss of all of its voting equipment.


  1. Then we have the Republican candidate for Secretary of State in Indiana being illegally registered and voted in the 2010 primary. Let's include them all.

  2. Why, just the other day I heard someone bemoaning the opposition to satellite voting and other measures in OUR state, citing lack of 'proof' that voter fraud exists.

    It's only proven once the investigative agencies bother to actually investigate. I'm fairly sure they just don't bother to investigate much in Indiana.

  3. From

    "The right wing blogs are all a twitter with a story on Fox "news" that "an SEIU (Service Employees International Union) employee, "Steve Caddle" (later corrected as "Sean Caddle") was behind an attempt at rampant voters fraud, attempting to register "23,207" fraudulent voter registrations through his organization "America Votes". The uncovering of the story is being heralded as a investigative victory by the Tea Party group "True the Vote, a citizen-based grassroots organization", according to Fox News. As you might expect, the story is spreading like wildfire on the Right. Also, as you might expect, the story is full of holes and unanswered questions. Since I live in Houston and hadn't heard a thing about this, naturally I felt compelled to investigate.

    First thing I noticed was just how little information I could find on this "huge" breaking story. The SEIU website has responded, reporting that Caddle was NOT "an employee" of SEIU but instead a former member of the Colorado SEIU from 2005-2007, and that Caddle's organization "America Votes" receives NO funding from the organization. (more at the link above)
