Monday, May 10, 2010

Wayne Township Trustee David Baird Is Fleecing Taxpayers

A WRTV investigation has learned that Wayne Township Trustee David Baird claimed two homestead exemptions in violation of Indiana law, he owes $21,000 in unpaid taxes and fees, he put his brother and girlfriend on the township payroll, spent more than $1,000 on meals and hotel rooms and he hired a legislative consultant for $42,000 to protect his job from elimination. It also appears Baird is a slumlord. The City of Indianapolis has taken over two of his properties on North Central Avenue in Center Township, and other properties he owns have been cited for unsightly weeds. Baird claims he inadvertently claimed the second homestead exemption and corrected it as soon as WRTV brought it to his attention. He's defending his expenditures though. "Wayne Township is the best township in the state," he said. "They deserve the best." Baird is seeking re-election, along with a number of other crooks the Democrats nominated in the various townships to run for trustee this year. Will the Indiana General Assembly please allow us to abolish these cesspools of corruption?


  1. The stories of David King Baird's fleecing of the public are lengendary. That might be why he put his 2006 Republican opponent on his payroll.

  2. Paul, Some people claimed he actually lived in Center Township when he first ran for trustee in Wayne Township. That might explain how he wound up with two homestead exemptions.

  3. David makes over $70,000 a year and drives a township car with free gas (that was originally purchased for firefighters) and he cannot afford to pay property taxes? This guy has to go people!
    Let me introduce myself. My name is Andy Harris and I am running against David King Baird on November 2, 2010. If you live in Wayne Township I ask you to please Save the Date and come out and vote this guy out of office, and finally put someone in with trust and integrity into the Trustee’s Office. My record in the Wayne Township Community stands on the merits of Trust and Integrity. To learn more about me visit or go to the About Andy Tab.
    I appreciate your post Advance and the other sad stories done last week on David King Baird.

  4. It really is sad. Marion Co. Democrats keep putting people like Baird back in office simply because they are black. If they are so determined to elect people based on race, it would be nice if they could find someone who is interested in serving the taxpayers and not seeing how much money they can stick in their own pockets from the job.

  5. I'd be shocked if the Republicans don't win the Wayne Township Trustee's race. That may be the easiest Republican pick up of a Democratic seat in the whole county.

  6. Andy, I hope you are nothing like the self-dealing trustee in Perry Township who traded the fire department merger deal with the city for a city job. We have our share of crooked Republican township officials in this county as well. Our party's track record isn't so hot.

  7. My current and my past involvement in the Wayne Township community stand on their own merits. If elected I will resign from the city, and serve the community of Wayne Township, and do what they feel is in their best interests of the township.
    I have been asked by many why I would run for an office that might be consolidated. My answer is that there comes a time in a person’s life that you have to take the risk when it is for the betterment of the people you care about. The non-service of the current self serving Trustee David King Baird has to be challenged by someone that is there for the right reason. Again, I will say I ask your audience to take a serious look at my leadership by example of my involvement in the Wayne Township Community that is posted in my website: and read the About Andy Tab.

  8. Thanks for sharing, Andy, and good luck.

  9. The salary/benefit package for David King Baird and his brother ("chief-of-staff") costs taxpayers a QUARTER OF A $MILLION DOLLARS a year.
    NOT counting the free car/free gas/credit cards, etc.

  10. If Ed Treacy really cared about the good of the public, and was not such a hypocrite, he would have called for David King Baird's resignation as soon as the local television networks recently s exposed his wasteful practices, and neglect, to put it mildly.

    For four years, while Marion County Surveyor, I served on the IMAGIS board with Andy Harris, and found him to be a great asset to our work, very punctual, knowledgable, and sincere. While he served in a township assessor's office, my administrator, and licensed surveyor had great interactions with him. Campaign hard, Andy.

  11. "Corruption is as corruption does."


  12. Alexis I. Skriloff James is no crook, sir. She's running for Decatur Township Trustee.

    Please also list who the other "crooks" the Democrats nominated for Trustee are and why you believe they are "crooks". I'm sure Jeff Bennett, Russell Brown, Lula Patton, Gene Akers, and Frank Short would like to know what makes them "crooks." specific on each one, Gary.

  13. Russ Brown is not a crook. You claim on your blog that you are objective. Why is it that it only attack Republicans and not Democrats? You never seem to see the bad in your own party. Sorry to see you finished near the bottom in your race for state convention delegate. Don't feel bad. Ryan Vaughn got slaughtered in a convention delegate race two years ago.

  14. Yo, Easter, I got something for you: Why is it that Akers cost more to administer his office than to provide welfare? Why does Center Twp have take-home cars? Why does Center Twp have a patronage payroll that far exceeds need? Why does Center Twp have a TAVERN in a GOVERNMENT BUILDING???? When did real estate management become a part of a Township government function....or is it part of the corruption that is THE DEMOCRAT MACHINE???

    And then you mention Frank Short!!! You do have guts to mention the Corrupt Machine in pair, Easter!

    Short gave away a huge amount of TAXPAYER money to represent the township in a frivilous matter on how much aide a welfare recipient should get. The patronage donation of tax money for "legal services" was a waste of OUR money and can only be called "payback" to a DEMOCRAT law firm....

    Easter, would you consider taking a class in ethics and personal responsibility?

  15. I consider the salaries that the state forces us to pay the Trustees to be a total waste.
    I think that you are being too hard on Perry Township Trustee Coons. The money is going to be wasted on some Trustee’s salary anyway, what difference does it make if Trustee Coons works for the city?

    The net effect of the Coons deal was a positive one. The township doesn’t operate the fire department anymore.

  16. As I recall, Mr. Baird ran as a reformer in 2006.
    What assurances do we have that Mr. Harris will continue to advocate reforms, once he assumes office?

  17. Indy Booster, please tell us what "reforms" David King Baird has made!
    I mean besides costing the taxpayers hundreds of thousands of hard-earned tax dollars.

  18. Baird didn't make reforms, he just promised them. Any politician can make promises. Thanks.
