Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Justice Ted Boehm To Retire

Indiana Supreme Court Justice Theodore Boehm will be retiring from the court after fourteen years of service effective September 30, 2010 according to a press released issued by the court today. Former Gov. Evan Bayh appointed Boehm to the court during his second term. This will become the first vacancy on the high court that Gov. Mitch Daniels will fill. Any speculation on possible appointments? A seven-member judicial nominating commission will recommend three candidates to the governor from which he will make a final selection. The commission is chaired by Chief Justice Randall Shepard, who was appointed to the court by former governor Robert Orr, a Republican. Click here for a list of the commission members. Expect there to be pressure on the Governor to appoint a woman to the court. There are no women on the current 5-member court.


  1. I wonder if Carl Brizzi will apply....

  2. Justice Boehm has served honorably and, although a Democrat, has served without regard to political pressures or idelogy.

  3. Court appointments in this state always seem a bit convoluted (committee chosen-governor appointed). How do other states do it?

    If it wasn't for the politics behind confirmation hearings, I'd say the federal system of appointments is a good model.

  4. I hope Judge William Hughes of Hamilton County gets the nod. He was a finalist for the Appellate Court spot that Bradford got.

  5. Go back to the popular election of IN Supreme Court Justices. Screw this selection by a bunch of unaccountable schmucks.
