Monday, January 18, 2010

Indiana Task Force One Told Services Not Needed In Haiti

Indiana Task Force One Commander Bill Brown tells WRTV's Jennifer Carmack that his search and rescue team, which deployed from Indianapolis four days ago to Miami awaiting deployment to earthquake-stricken Haiti, has been told his team's services are not needed. Indiana's search and rescue team, along with three others from around the country, were told their services were not needed, even after a team from Ohio had already loaded its cargo on a military plane bound for Haiti. Brown blames the decision not to deploy the search and rescue teams on federal red tape. A disappointed Brown told Carmack that it doesn't appear we've learned many lessons from Hurricane Katrina.


  1. Are you really comparing George Bush's FEMA to the Haitian government, a 3rd world dysfunctional entity?

    No wonder "Katrina" is such a codeword for Republican incompetence!

  2. So they'll head home, get called up as soon as they return, then redeploy. Now, who picks up the tab for all that wasted manpower and fuel cost?

  3. Wilson, In case you hadn't noticed, the Haitian government was essentially wiped out by the earthquake. The problems Task Force One encountered are with our own federal response to assist Haiti. Yes, that's the Obama administration's responsibility.

  4. This outrageous decision by the Obama administration to refuse to allow Indiana Task Force One into Haiti to help the desperate trapped Haitians, is just one more example of why experienced disappointed independent journalists, are calling Obama's term in office, the third of George Bush's.

  5. My understanding is that France and other countries were standing in line for their turn in a logistical nightmare of offering various services. We did similiar things in WW II when we 'allowed' other allies first dibs into certain battlefields to claim their share of the credit, honor, or glory. These politics will always exist even in disasters.

  6. Patroit Paul, I didn't realize that the purpose of providing aid was to see who could receive the most praise. I was under the impression that it was to save lives.

  7. I agree Artfuggins. Apparently, politics trumps that. Remember Katrina aid trucks being held back? Sad.

  8. Curiously, there doesn't seem to be any reluctance/restriction to sending reporters down there. I almost get the feeling there are more of them than there are rescue workers.

  9. It is obvious that Obama is making it clear that treating Haitian victims of the earthquake is not a US priority, security is. The rescue efforts in Haiti are being held hostage by a US national security establishment. The Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network is pleading with us citizens to call the White House and Congress with our concerns about this policy. Its website is
