Sunday, December 06, 2009

What About Durham's Contributions To Paul Ricketts?

While news media reports have focused on large contributions businessman Tim Durham made to some Republicans, including Gov. Mitch Daniels, Carl Brizzi, Tim Motsinger and House Republican Leader Brian Bosma, none of the media reports have mentioned the large sums Durham contributed to Lawrence Mayor Paul Ricketts. Campaign finance reports reveal that Durham has contributed at least $80,000 to Ricketts over the past several years.

Durham contributed $40,000 to Ricketts while he was the Lawrence Township Assessor. It is highly unusual for any township official to receive a contribution that large. I suspect it is the largest campaign contribution any township candidate received from a single individual in Indiana history. When Ricketts ran for Lawrence mayor against incumbent Democratic Mayor Deborah Cantwell in 2007, Durham once again was Ricketts' largest contributor. He gave him several contributions totalling $40,000. Durham made no similar contributions to Greg Ballard in his under-funded campaign for Indianapolis mayor.

The question is why would Durham give so much money to Paul Ricketts? Will the media ask Ricketts to explain his relationship with Durham like they are with Brizzi?

UPDATE: It turns out that former Mayor Bart Peterson was a recipient of Durham's campaign contributions in his losing re-election bid. Durham gave Peterson $2,000 and hosted a fundraiser for him with in-kind contributions for that event topping $4,000. Durham's ex-wife, Joan SerVaas Durham (yes, daughter of Beurt SerVaas) contributed $5,000 to Peterson. Isn't it interesting that the person in charge of fundraising for GIRFCO was helping raise money for Peterson's re-election? How does the Republican county chairman Tom John explain that?

UPDATE II: In case you were wondering, Fair Finance's offices in Ohio remained closed today as anxious investors continue to show up at the locked doors in hopes of withdrawing their funds.


  1. It was mentioned, initially. I think I only heard it on 59 news.

    But, yes it has been unmentioned since then, as far as I recall.

  2. I'm still waiting for the prosecutioin for the Lawrence water company deal that made certain political insiders fabulously wealth on a $1000 investment.

  3. Has anyone checked to see if there are donations to Democrats? Every entry seems to concern only Republicans.

  4. I'm aware of two contributions he made to Democrats. He contributed several thousand dollars to Baron Hill, who is from Seymour like Durham. And Durham made a contribution to the DNC. The total Dem contributions I've seen were no more than $10,000.

  5. I stand corrected. Durham also made substantial contributions to Peterson during his re-election bid. He hosted a fundraiser for him that included more than $4,000 in in-kind contributions. He also donated $2,000 to his re-election committee. Isn't it interesting that Brizzi's best buddy, who was also a substantial fundraiser for GIRFCO, was putting his money on Peterson's re-election?

  6. Don't forget Durham partnering with Democrat mayor hopeful, Brian Williams, in his creation and development of Obsidian Enterprizes.

  7. Now Brian says he lost money on that investment and later sued Tim Durham. It's too bad he didn't become a whistleblower.
