Thursday, December 03, 2009

Hostettler Announces Bid For Bayh Seat



    Let's put a real Conservative in the Senate.

    Go, John, go!

  2. I used to live in the bloody eighth. Usually it was soooo interesting. Burt it was nothing but frustrating to have him representing me in Congress. His conservatism was not the problem for me. He has some strange beliefs and they were the problem. Also the fact that he can't speak in public without a handler right next to him. I sure hope I don't have to experience his representation again.

  3. Gonna agree with AI on this one. I'm energized by Hostettler getting in the race.

    He's comes across as an odd bird from time to time but my impression always was that from a voting perspective he was one of the best we had in the House over several years from Indiana.

  4. I particularly like his candid views on the Iraq War, Sean, which don't sit well with a lot of people in his party.

  5. Correct, Gary. The reason that wars are popular in the Republican Party is because the conservatives have been thrown out, and the party has been overrun by Wilsonians, neocons and other liberals.

  6. No one points out that this "real Conservative" broke his 1994 promise to serve only six terms by running again in 2006.

    Don't be fooled. Career politicians come in many forms. Not every one comes in a Brooks Brothers suit and is hailed by the establishment.

    He served 12 years in DC and now wants to get back.

  7. Of the many Republicans who've run against Carson and Bayh over the years, this is one of the few I could see myself supporting. Even though I disagree with him on more than a few issues, I feel that I knwo where he stands and he seems fairly consistent. For example, he did not let his social conservative beliefs override his belief in small government when he voted against the Federal Marriage Amendment.

  8. If my choices are a would-be career politician wanting to spend less money we don't have than the incumbent career politician, with a proven track record of spending money we don't have - I'll take the former.
    Unless Bayh barters a "spending reduction commission" similar to the base closures commission in return for his health care vote- then my "strange belief" is that we have to elect whomever looks like they have the closest grip on fiscal reality - that initially appears to be Mr. Hostettler.
    Current reality has a way of raising or lowering the bar. Spending less money to assure a fiscal future for our children and old age sounds like a step-up to me - even if dressed in a chicken suit and barking at the moon.

  9. I wasn't aware that Hostetler voted against the proposed Federal Marriage Amendment. Good for him in that regard, but I suspect it may have been more of a federalism position than any sympathy for his gay and lesbian constituency. Any other thoughts concerning how he feels about equality issues for gays and lesbians?

  10. Anonymous7:07 PM GMT-5

    He's downright hostile to LGBT issues.

    He also has an annoying habit of tying every argument back to abortion. He once famously upset some breast cancer advocates who came to see him by asking them if they had abortions which might have led to their cancer.

  11. Conservative Hostettler could not be any worse than conservtive and traitor Evan Bayh.

  12. Advance Indiana - Could you edit your post to correct Marlin Stutzman's name so that it is "Stutzman" and not "Stutsman".

    Thank you. This will be a great race, given the conservative leaders we have to choose from. Exciting!
