Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Cillizza's Picks For Best Political Reporters

Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post's "The Fix" has named who he thinks are the best state-based political reporters in each of the 50 states. His choices in Indiana are: the Star's Mary Beth Schneider, the Louisville Courier-Jounnal's Lesley Stedman Weidenbener and Brian Howey of Howey Political Reports. Congrats to all three. Eat your heart out, Jim Shella.


  1. I would have put Niki Kelly in there.

  2. Good point, Doug. Patrick Guinane has had some good reporting up in northwest Indiana as well.

  3. Personally, I would have put Ed Feigenbaum on the list before Howey, if you're extending the group beyond the traditional media.

  4. I think Howey has performed a great service covering Kernan-Shepard, but sat on his hands and drank the Kool-Aid with about everybody else during the last Presidential election. For me, he went from reporter to opinion guy. I disagree on immigration & other issues, but believe you cover both sides of the street more equitably, Mr. Welsh.

  5. In 2007 I learned from Niki Kelly that our property taxes are nothing more than collateral to the bond banks.

    She should have been named. She was most helpful to the people during the property tax revolts.
