Thursday, August 13, 2009

Do You Think Reggie Miller Will Get The Message?

It looks like some of Reggie Miller's Malibu neighbors are trying to send him a message. A plane toting this banner supposedly flew over several Southern California beaches this past weekend. Some people never change. I hear houses in Malibu are more susceptible to fires than they are on Geist.


  1. that's from the guy whose fianceee reggie was hitting on.

  2. Well at least he wasn't a thug on the court.

  3. Man, I wish I was Reggie's lawyer. It wouldn't take too long to find out who rented the plane so he could be sued for defamation of character.

    I have to ask...when do the people who respond to these type of overtures get held to account? A woman goes after a married man, and if something happens, she's the home-wrecking target. A guy hits on a fiancee, she responds, and the guy becomes the target.

    Guess what? If the person in the relationship shuts it down hard, the problem either disappears or it goes on and turns into a restraining order.

    Has the woman sought one against Reggie? No? That tells you all you need to know. Dude has a right to be miffed....but probably more at his fiancee (if Unigov is correct about who did this).

    To me this is like a coach throwing his/her hands up like he/she is powerless while letting a player stay in a game even though he's hurting "the team." Don't hate the player. Hate the coach who could send the player to the cold showers but doesn't (he says tongue firmly in cheek).

  4. Chris, Reggie Miller is a public figure. He would be unlikely to prevail on any defamation lawsuit, especially if the claims turned out to be true.

  5. The woman has, in fact, sought a restraining order.

  6. Chris, I agree both are at fault, but Reggie Miller is the one with money and fame. He has a lot more power in the relationship. The fact (assuming what is alleged is true) he has a willing target does not excuse the conduct.
