Monday, July 06, 2009

Brownsburg Choking Game

Fox59 News' Kimberly King reports on a problem in Brownsburg with teens playing a dangerous game of choking. At least two teen-age boys have been taken to the hospital while playing what they call "bare knuckle fighting." A 15-year-old boy was recently charged with battery after he caused a 13-year-old to pass out after putting him in a choke hold. King says a Hendricks County judge dismissed the charges against the teen. Parents complain that the 15-year-old has choked other boys as well. Vickey McKinley tells King that the boys are mimicking wrestlers doing ultimate fighting. You can find YouTube clips all over the Internet of young guys putting someone in the so-called sleeper hold until the person passes out.

Thanks to a new law sponsored by Sen. Dennis Kruse and Rep. Ed DeLaney, Indiana will soon become a venue for pay-for-view ultimate sports fighting events. The organization that promotes these blood sport events hired Ice Miller as their lobbyist and got Kruse and DeLaney to carry the legislation, which Gov. Daniels signed into law in May. The Simon-run Conseco Fieldhouse hopes to bring the gruesomely violent sport to Indianapolis next year. Sen. John McCain has called the sport "human cockfighting" and has fought to ban it. A New York Times' editorial earlier this year lamented the introduction of the same legislation there. "In New York, they have hired some of the oiliest lobbyists to start the legislative version of arm twisting." There was no arm twisting required to pass the law here. The blood sport got the blessing of every single member of the Indiana House and Senate.


  1. Wait...I don't understand. Aren't you a free-market conservative? Shouldn't people be able to see what they want to pay for? Help me understand!

  2. When is the last time you watched a UFC fight? Today, it bears little resemblance to the old days of no-holds-barred and the "There Are No Rules" tagline. That was when McCain campaigned against it, and he has since revised his opinion. If you have a problem with today's mixed-martial-arts, you should be equally opposed to boxing.

    Secondly, Fox 59 is better at creating stories than reporting them, and I'm surprised that you were taken in. That nonsense about a "choking game" is sensationalist BS. It's a trumped up story about teenagers fighting, and their parents looking for a third party to blame it on.

  3. I've seen plenty of ultimate sports fighting on TV lately. It is not unusual to see the fighters covered in blood. A common technique still utilized in the sport is to use your elbows to break the skin on the head of your opponent. Most of the fighters have cauliflower ears from all of the blows. How much longer is it before we start up Roman Coliseum-style entertainment. Let's put live men into the ring with wild animals and watch them get torn to pieces. People will pay to watch, and it will generate a lot of revenues.

  4. Can we make a list of people to participate? This could solve some of our problems.

  5. It was one of that genre of 'fighter', a 20-something femals, that pulled an 80-ish woman from her car and beat her nearly to death for 'cutting off' the younger one.

  6. MMA fighting is no worse than kickboxing or boxing anymore. The matches are well-officiated, and you are really overblowing this issue.
