Friday, March 20, 2009

Ice Miller Locks Down Local Political Power

The 7th District Democrats have chosen Ice Miller partner Lacy Johnson as its new chair, replacing Sherlonda Anderson. You know what that means. As the Indiana Legislative Insight's Ed Feigenbaum put its:

In case you're not doing the math, the recent major party county and congressional district chair elections mean that the CD 07 Democratic and Republican party chairs and the Marion County Republican Party chair all hail from the same law firm, Ice Miller LLP, and even the same (public affairs) practice group.

Yes, John Hammond, another Ice Miller partner, is the 7th District GOP Chair. He lobbies for the firm and reports to Lacy Johnson. Ice Miller partner Tom John is the Marion County GOP Chairman. He also reports to Johnson. And Lisa Dietrick, an Ice Miller lobbyist, is the Marion Co. GOP Treasurer. She, too, reports to Johnson. That's good news if you work for Ice Miller. It's bad news for the Republican Party. It's no secret that Ice Miller is tight with the Center Township Carson gang and has served as its chief enabler, warts and all, for years. It's also no secret that the firm has favored Democratic mayoral candidates over Republican mayoral candidates in recent elections. I can say it until I'm blue in the face, but if you want to bastardize the two-party political process, put attorneys and lobbyists from a big law firm in charge of the political parties. Decisions will never be based on ideology or party principle. Instead, decisions will be based on what is in the best interest of the law firm and its clients.


  1. Here's the perfect time for 3rd parties to battle this centralized corporate influence. But wait, because mainstream America refuses to listen to alternative political parties, or merely let them on the ballot, we're stuck choosing D or R, which in Marion County must mean choosing Ice Miller.

  2. Perhaps in the next election the ballots should just read:

    [ ] Ice Miller
    [ ] Barnes & Thornburg
    [ ] Libertarian Party

  3. I wish Sean was joking, but unfortunately he's not. It's sooo true.

  4. It's become a complete joke. This is why both parties are so completely corrupt. It doesn't matter anymore. They've totally sold our country down the river for their greedy, self-serving interests. Nobody running either party cares about the public good any more. It's all about how can I line the pockets of my clients and myself. Anyone who tries to get involved strictly as a matter of civic virtue is run out on a rail.

  5. Talk about appearance of impropriety! Watch hugh campaign donations flow to the Rs when they need it.
