Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Brizzi's Non-Announcement For Congress

Marion County Prosecutor Carl Brizzi has announced his candidacy for the 5th congressional district seat currently held by his former boss, U.S. Rep. Dan Burton. There's one catch. He will not be a candidate if Burton runs for re-election. Burton has already stated his intention to run for re-election. I think this statement is intended to dissuade one or or more persons from entering the increasingly-crowded race for Burton's seat. The Star's Jon Murray writes:

“It’s not in my makeup to run against a former boss,” said Brizzi, who worked in the 1990s as an investigator for the U.S. House Government Reform and Oversight Committee, which Burton chaired. “It was definitely something I was thinking about as a possible option, and I wanted to see where Congressman Burton was on that.”

Brizzi, Marion County’s prosecutor since 2003, says he hasn’t yet decided whether to run for a third term in that office next year. He filed his Congressional candidacy in part so he could keep his options open and raise federal contributions, which he says can be spent in both federal and state races.

Citizens for Brizzi, his campaign committee, held a birthday fundraiser for him Tuesday night at St. Elmo Steak House.


  1. Don't you have to step down from the prosecutor's office to run for another soon as as he forms a committee???

  2. Did Steve Goldsmith step down as prosecutor when he ran for Lt. Governor?

  3. Art, there is no law like that.

  4. paul, you should know by now that Wilson, er, I mean, art, will make things up to fit his own agenda.

  5. 7th CD Guy, you never change. If you paid attention in third grade, you would recognize that I asked a question...I was not stating a fact or a law but seeking information....a question mark looks like this ?????? It means the write is asking a question.
